Chapter 20 - Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Narrator Pov:

The nobles and 40 of the Knights had just left for the mountains. The other twenty decided to take this time as being unsupervised to rest in the hot-springs. But one week later when the other knight's were supposed to return, they didn't.

Getting scared at what had happened they sent ten men to report back to Samuel. But they never returned. The remaining ten knights got scared and ran off as a horde of monsters charged in. As it turns out, the Demons older brother had gotten mad at his brothers death.

After having felt his energy disappear this Demon went to the closest town. That was the Karainaya hot-springs sadly. He rounded up around 100 B-class wolves and three great wolves and sent them there. He knows that people like those springs so the animals will kill anyone who goes there. He also figured out that the one who killed his brother would be there. So that man and the others should get wiped out he thinks as he leaves it at that.

And that is how when they arrived they saw the wolves running around.

"What happened while we were away?!," A knight asks very scared.

"Hold your ground and protect the nobles! We are going to defeat those monsters and then we get word back to Sa—!," The Commander does not get to finish as Hunter dashes by in his Dark overcoat. "What the hell are y—!," The Commander try's to scold him but he stops as he is surprised by what hunter does.

Hunter having seen the situation came up with a plan. He also had to make sure that Jake did not get involved as that would impact his healing. So he told his sister, "Keep Jake strapped down." Before heading off.

He ran to the left of the Knight commander as everyone stared at him. "Homing missile, times 10!," Hunter chants as he casts his spell. The Homing missile spell shoots three projectiles that home in on targets. Depending on power it can take them out in a single strike. This is an upgraded version of the Magic missile that fires five shots, no homing.

The 30 shots go out attacking ten wolves since it is not powerful enough to one shot. After that test he figures it will take around two shots to take one out. "Sensory Max!," He casts another spell, it maxes out his senses so he can tell how many opponents he has. It also helps by giving other effects if wanted.

After he does that he figures out the number and see's that there are three anomalies. Those anomalies are the great wolves, but he doesn't know that. "Homing missile, times 60!," He chants but as the missiles go off, he falls unconscious.

He overused his mana dealing damage to him leaving him on deaths edge. But he ends up taking out all of the wolves and the knights are astonished. They head down and get him up to find him not moving but breathing. "Get him on another gurney!," The commander calls out.

The knights start making one as a voice shattering howl is heard, "*HOWL*!" They all tense up scared wondering what it was and stop moving for a second.

"What was that?," A knight asks, but before anyone can answer someone unexpected does.

"That was a Great wolf!," Emma calls out scaring everyone.

"What do you me—?," The knight asking cannot finish as three Great wolves appear from the village.

"Why in the world are there three great wolves here?! They are supposed to be rare!," The commander yells drawing the wolves attention.

"You imbecile! Hunter is down and he was the greatest warrior we had! An you just alerted the enemy to our presence! Now we have to fight it!," Theo yells at the Commander making him feel down.

The wolves charge and everyone gets scared when a blur goes by. Looking back they see a scared Emma and a missing Jake. Looking back to the front they see Jake running at the Wolves as Emma cries.

The knight watch on in wonder, thankfulness, fear, and Horror as they watch Jake fight. He runs up and charges straight into the first wolf catching it by the neck. He proceeds to put its snout in the ground and kicks it hard in the stomach. The second wolf goes in with a swipe and he dodges by bending down backwards. He goes towards its left and drops to take its legs out from under it with his left leg.

After it is down he takes a knife from his boot and jabs its neck, killing it, slowly. He takes the knife and throws it at the recovering wolf hitting it in the head killing it instantly. He turns around and looks with his white eyes from the state he is in at the final one which backs off and runs away towards the glacier. But as soon as that happens he falls down, still unconscious.

"Even after that Demon, just what is he?!," The Commander exclaims astonished, and frightened. Just then Hunter gets up to see what his brother did on the blood covered ground.

"Looks like it happened again, why does this always happen!," Hunter yells in frustration. He had recovered enough with his regeneration and Passive Survival skills. His title, Survivor of the forest of Monsters, also gives him a healing and MP recovery factor. But those being from a title are not listed in his status.

The knights get up from being frozen in horror and start cleaning up. Theo helped Hunter down to the mansion. The mansion belonged to the baron who watched over the town in the summer. He was not required to stay during winter when monsters were abundant. Theo took him to a guest room with two beds and set him down in one.

Reynold got Jake and put him back on his gurney and with Henrys help took him to the mansion. They set him in the other bed in the guest room and showed Emma hers. They took the pets and showed them to the back yard where they could sleep for the time being. They didn't want them inside as the Baron might get mad.

The other knights were grabbing the monster corpses and putting them in one place. One of the knights was a monster butcherer, so he got to cutting them up. He put meat in one pile and other stuff in another and so on. The great wolves were left as is for Jake to decide what he wanted to do with them when he awoke. Halfdan put them into storage for the time being so they wouldn't decay.

Hannah would be sharing Emma's room and Henry and Theo would also be in their own room. Now that everything was being done the Commander sent two men on fast horse to Samuel in Arbigagan. Hopefully they can get the medicine in time he thinks as they have to rest up before going there to hear the news.