"Today, you will learn magic manipulation and magic control. But first of all, I'd like to explain the difference between the different classes of demons."
The rough-looking teacher said.
His entire body was scarred, and he had old burn marks all over. His hair was as black as soot, and his eyes were not any brighter.
Add this to his analyzing expression, and anyone could understand why his student had one disagreement between them.
Was he uglier than he was scary?
"For those who don't know. Here in Hell, there are around a billion two-hundred seventy-five million nine-hundred eighty-six thousand five-hundred and thirty-four demons from different classes. Among them are the higher demons, who are only approximately ten million demons. The class of a demon is decided based on their magic level."
The teacher explained, and many of the students didn't pay attention. He couldn't blame them. Except for the specific numbers, Most students should already know this.
"For the next part, I'll ask Daniel and Marcuse to come to the front of the class."
The teacher said, and the two youngsters were surprised.
"Yo, mister Hephaestus. Didn't think you missed me this much."
Danny said jokingly as he went to the front of the class.
Mr. Hephaestus Smiled a sinister smile and then said.
"Place your hand on this crystal."
Danny did as he was told and wasn't surprised as the entire class started laughing.
This was a magic measuring crystal. As the name suggests, this is a crystal used to measure the amount of magic someone has. As for Danny? Well...
"Three hundred?!"
Marcuse laughed as he approached the front of the class.
"Wait. Are you sure it's three hundred?"
Danny asked him as he went back to his seat, and Marcuse nodded.
This was a lower number than he remembered... Then that injury is still...
Marcuse placed his hand on the crystal, and the number that appeared above his head was countless times higher than Danny's.
"A hundred and eighty thousand! That's a record-breaker for the school. You probably have one of the highest magic levels in Hell."
Mr. Hephaestus congratulated the young prince.
He then resumed his explanation.
"You may ask yourselves why Daniel won't just work to increase his magic level until he reaches Marcuse's level, but the reason is rather simple. It is impossible to increase one's magic level after the age of twelve."
Some of the students in the class were evidently disappointed to learn this news.
"Here, in S.S.S, we have demons from all three classes, though the majority are high-level demons. You may ask yourselves why such a prestigious school accepts low-level and medium-level demons, but I'm not allowed to tell you."
Mr. Hephaestus looked at his class.
Unlike when he started the lesson, now, everyone was paying close attention to his words.
"Well, I don't get paid that much anyway, so I don't have a reason to keep this secret from you. The reason why we have demons from different levels attend the same school is that it is the easiest way to create bullying between the students."
Mr. Hephaestus said, and everyone was dumbfounded.
Clearly, the teaching body in this school was full of genius teachers who exemplified one of the demonic virtues. It is the strive for whatever gives you enjoyment regardless of its morality.
"Now, back to the main subject. Magic manipulation and magic control... Daniel! Return to the front of the class."
He hated stroking this brat's ego but couldn't deny the truth. Daniel was a genius even among the upper-level demons.
"Daniel, here, may have a very low magic level, but I'm sure that even he can help me with this demonstration. Daniel, I will shoot a spell in your direction. You deflect it back to me. Will you be able to do that?"
Mr. Hephaestus asked Daniel a very pointless question.
"Of course. I will."
Daniel said, and his purple eyes glowed with excitement.
"Lux Radiosa!"
The rough-looking teacher pointed his hand at Dany's face, and a beam of light burst from his palm.
'Isn't it an extremely high-level spell?'
most of the students thought simultaneously.
High-level spells required a massive amount of magic energy to use and were hard to control.
"Imperium Magicae!"
Danny called, and the beam of light stopped mid-air.
Mr. Hephaestus looked at him with confusion. His eyes expressed the words he wanted to utter.
"Why aren't you repelling it back to me?"
But Danny had other plans.
Quickly, the beam of light turned at a ninety-degree angle toward the other students in the class and passed dangerously close to each of them. Danny made sure not to miss anyone, and only then he brought the spell back to Mr. Hephaestus.
"This was a great example of magic manipulation on Daniel's part. Magic manipulation is something we do to mess with mortals and freak them out. It is a very complicated art, and Daniel is the only low demon from the dawn of time to be able to use such a skill."
Mr. Hephaestus praised his white-haired student.
"Magic manipulation is the ability to control the magic around you to do your bidding, while magic control is the ability to control your magic so others won't manipulate it. Though, you can use these terms interchangeably. It doesn't matter much."
He explained.
"Now, you will split into pairs and practice together. One will use low-level magic toward the other and try to control it, while the other will attempt to use magic manipulation on it. I'm sure that if Daniel can use it, then all of you can."
The entire class split into duos. The class consisted of thirty-one students. Today, it seemed Danny was that one, so he went to catch up with his old teacher.
"I'm happy seeing you are still my teacher, but why did you lie to them?"
Danny asked his teacher as he leaned on the board by Mr. Hephaestus's side.
Mr. Hephaestus has been his teacher for the three years of middle school, and they had much respect for each other.
"I'm happy to see you too, but I don't know what are you talking about."
Mr. Hephaestus retorted.
"Oh really?"
Danny questioned the validity of his teacher's claim.
"Yes, really."
Mr. Hephaestus didn't fold.
"Then what if I mention you said you believe any of them can use magic manipulation? I mean, we both know it's a lie."
Danny looked at his teacher with a daring expression.
"...You are correct as always. But one day, you'll need to understand everyone should get a chance to fail, even if they are not good enough. As you were already told, this year, the overlord will decide your future path and what your job will be. If kids won't even get an opportunity to fail, do you think their parents would let it slide?"
The old teacher caressed his messy beard as he answered his student's queries.
Danny smiled. He was clearly satisfied with his teacher's answer and left to speak with his friends.
When they split into pairs, Marcuse asked Mira to practice with him.
Generally, he would have preferred it to be Danny, but she is good enough.
"Marcuse, who is the girl by your side, and what is your relationship?!"
A black-haired girl with red eyes asked Marcuse rather aggressively.
"Hi, Naomi. This is Mira, and she is a new girl in the city, so I thought of showing her around."
Marcuse introduced the green-eyed, red-haired girl beside him.
"Don't get too attached to this guy 'cause he is mine!"
Naomi said to Mira.
"Don't be so sure about that. A royal prince shouldn't have to be with a medium-level demon."
A blue-eyed, blue-haired girl said as she grabbed quite tightly onto Marcuse's body, and he could feel things...
"And what makes you two losers think you are good enough for him? A girl like me will be a much better fit. Don't get the wrong idea, though. It's not that I like you or anything!"
A green-eyed, brown-haired girl said while becoming extremely red with embarrassment.
By the time the third girl came over, Danny's conversation with Mr. Hephaestus ended. He was quickly approaching the group.
"So I see you've met Marcuse's harem."
He spoke with a big laugh.
"I have no clue what you are talking about. Can't I have friends who are girls and don't want to date me? Or is it impossible by your beliefs?"
Marcuse questioned Danny.
"It is possible to have friends like Mira, though when we met her, you wanted to hit on her..."
Danny sighed.
"But those girls are not platonic. Jennie is the only one I can understand your confusion about her 'cause she's acting tsundere."
He pointed at the third girl, who became even redder.
"but the others are obvious. Look at Sara. She is practically sexually harassing you with how she touches you."
He pointed at the girl who grabbed rather tightly onto his rival's arm.
"And Naomi pushes away every girl who is close to you."
He pointed at the first girl to arrive. The one who, during practice, came running to bark as soon as she saw Marcuse was with Mira.
All three girls chanted simultaneously.
A huge fireball was conjured in the air in front of them, and it was clearly a high-level spell.
The fireball started moving toward Danny, but before it could hit him. He opened his mouth.
"Imperium Magicae."
Unlike during the demonstration, he put way less effort into the exclamation of his counterspell, but it wasn't any weaker.
Only then did the three girls, who knew him in the past but never fought him when he wasn't out of control, understand how much more powerful he was.
The fireball quickly changed direction, and the girls couldn't utter even a single word.
"Uh? If you want to hurt me, then at least control your magic enough for me to be unable to manipulate it."
Danny said with an annoyed expression.
The girls all freaked out because of that display of power, grabbed Marcuse, and ran away.
"So it's only us now?"
Mira asked.
"It seems so."
Danny answered.
Just then, the school bell rang.
"Don't forget to practice at home and don't be late for the next lesson!"
Mr. Hephaestus said while the students rushed out of the class.