He lowers his right arm
to grasp the outer lip
of the old clawfoot tub
his opposite arm
girdles his heft
gingerly into the sun soaked basin
After bracing himself in
he slowly arches his head back
and lets out a beleaguered sigh
There's a deep peace
that washes over him
the tranquil stream of the faucet
lowers his guard
as he eases
the beer can helmet
off his dome
then once again
fades into the night…
A Gus
A McHaliburton
Augustus McHaliburton
Botched Medical records
H’s to M’s
1950’s typewriters
A distant father
Shame, embarrassment
A Jack Daniels helmet
Innocent bystanders
An aloof obedient wife
Religious grief, undue reverence
A deacon
A Pastor
A McMaliburton
A Pastor McMaliburton
A beer can helmet
The stench of spilled beer
Stained sepia
Family Polaroids, memories
The good times, the bad times
All times
A beer can helmet
Capping the moments
The light, the dark
The lager, the stout
Flowing, spewing
In and out
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