The ride back to the American Command Post was short and uneventful. As they arrived, they were caught in a throng of American soldiers that were coming and going. It was still difficult for them to adjust to the idea that they were actually back in 1943. The Patriot remembered from stories that his grandfather had once been stationed at this base, during that very war.
As Dozier drove into the base, everyone seemed to snap into instant attention. Before Dozier could even get out of the Jeep, a young non-com had already rushed to greet him: "General, You have visitors inside--It's Urgent!" With a stern grimace on his face, Dozier moved towards the tent and gestured for the Young Avengers to follow him.
As they moved into Dozier's command tent office, they were suddenly face-to-face with The Invaders, the Legendary Allied Super-Heroes of World War 2! Without skipping a beat, their leader, Captain America spoke: "General, we haven't got much time! Our sources were correct--The Nazis have some kind of super-weapon. So far we have learned that three of the Nazis best commandos had been sent on some kind of secret mission, and the Super-weapon was the missions end result. The Nazis are almost certain to unveil the weapon for the surprise attack that was scheduled for 1400 tomorrow afternoon. We also believe the weapon is being stored in one of two undisclosed locations: a Castle Vladistopol, or Hitler's Bunker. If only we knew where either were."
Captain America barely acknowledged the Young Avengers as he made his speech. When he paused, he introduced his colleagues: his young Side-kick Bucky, The Sub-Mariner Namor, Union Jack, The Human Torch, and his sidekick Toro. At first Captain America seemed suspicious of the Young Avengers, but once Holland related how the Young Avengers helped him and Dozier escape the German encirclement, the suspicion quickly subsided.
The Original Human Torch was an Android invented by Professor Phineas T. Horton in Brooklyn, New york in 1930. He was designed with dynamic pyrokinesis, allowing him to project and control, as well as the ambient energy of his immediate environment. He could and did use his control over fire to propel himself through the air. His technology even allowed him to adjust and control the radioactivity of his flames with his pyrokinesis. He had been made with the same components that would eventually be used by Ultron to create Vision.
Immediately after physically meeting each other; the two visions began to experience temporal malfunctions, resulting from two versions of the same physical body from different timelines existing simultaneously in one. The two Visions confronted each other in private; Jim Hammond (The Human Torch) revealed his memory storage to Vision. At First after his creation, Jim had been kept in an oxygen-free glass tube for containment. On one occasion when Professor Horton displayed his design for the world in a science fair, people applauded, but also feared the Android. However, disaster struck when Jim Hammons was released from his glass tube, bursting into flame causing fear. Unable to control his programmed Pyrokinesis, he flew away and unintentionally caused chaos across Manhattan, burning everything he touched. He fled and took refuge in abandoned farmhouse until he learned to control his pyrokinesis and slowly reintegrated into society posing as a police officer. Then came the war, and for a while Jim Hammond and his adopted sidekick had been fighting Nazi spies on the homeland. After the attacks on Pearl Harbor, they saw the advantage of taking the fight to the enemy and joined forces with the forming Invaders.
The Vision used his data files to inform The Human Torch of his future demise. Some time in the 50s, The Human Torch had his powers accidentally enhanced and once again became unable to control them, resulting in a tragic loss of life.
The Vision then relates that after his own creation he had also wanted to learn more about the human race and what made them human, but above all wanted to learn the difference between right and wrong. Human Morality.
In an effort to alter history for the better, Vision downloaded the fate of Jim Hammond into his robot mind. Although he could be upgraded, it was only to a limited extent, and the android's eventual demise was inevitable. Vision then uploaded The Human Torches memories and mental engrams, vowing to bring him back in his own timeline if he is to ever to return to it.
After scouring Crane's history book in private, Wiccan was able to discover knowledge regarding the two mysterious locations that might be housing the super-weapon. Castle Vladistopol was the name that local inhabitants had given to Castle Grachtt, a medieval fortification that lied just outside of the village of Stromberg in Romania. During the war it was used as a scientific research facility. He also learned of a private bunker for Hitler located in Eastern Prussia (What was the future Northern Poland), in the forests north of the town of Venstock. According to the records, this bunker went unused after the Fall of 43.
The only problem was that none of the present heroes knew which of the two locations the super-weapon would be located in, and that both locations were so far away and so far apart, there was no way they could cover both in time to prevent an attack. It was 4 PM German time, and the scheduled offensive was for 2PM the following afternoon--22 hours from then.
The Young Avengers went forward with what they knew, passing it off as knowledge obtained from their travels in those areas, which the Invaders and American Military accepted at face value out of desperation. They were likely to believe anything.
Although they did not realize it right away, the Young Avengers had no choice but to include the invaders, despite potentially severe ramifications because of alteration to the timeline.
Once the Young Avengers had decided to work with the Invaders, Captain America suggested that all the Heroes present split into two groups, with one group heading to Romania and the other to Eastern Prussia. Captain America insisted the two groups have equal members of Young Avengers and Invaders, explicitly stating that it was because: "I have yet to learn how far I can trust you and your team."
After the briefing, General Dozier dismissed himself to his private lodgings in his command tent. Once he had slipped away, and securer his privacy he retrieved a discrete radio. In fluent German, General Dozier related the entirety of the Young Avengers and Invaders' plan to The Red Skull.
"Well then, I will see to it personally that both groups receive a rather nasty reception. For they are like Scorpions," The Red Skull replied over the radio. "Scorpions skitter and crawl on their abdomens across hot desert sand. They walk into the homes of the primitive tribals and attack with pincers, and inject poison. I will crush these scorpions underfoot. Before crushing the primitive tribals. "