Chereads / the Young Avengers : All this and WWII / Chapter 9 - debunking the bunker

Chapter 9 - debunking the bunker

From the information in Crane's book, The Heroee were able to locate the bunker precisely. Captain America suggested that the members of his strike team: The Patriot, Hawkeye, Wiccan, Union Jack, Bucky, and Cap himsef, fly over the bunker in an allied forces plane under the cover of darkness, and then parachute into attack position with a squadron of soldiers. After the mission, they would have to reach an extraction point to meet with Brittish submarines.


The plane ride was uneventful. Below them were the sprawling forests of Eastern Prussia. At 9:30 PM they were almost over the bunker itself. A few moments later, Captain America noticed what must have been their objective; A small lighted structure located on the sea coast, just north of the fishing village Venstok.

After jumping and teleporting, the separated group landed a mile and a half away from the lighted structure they had spotted. Patriot had struggled to land and was ensnared in a tree near an encapment of American soldiers. He eavesdrops on their conversation and learns they are discussing the requisites for them to flee from battle. One soldier confessed that he would run from battle if his fellow soldiers fled. Then, this regiments first battle broke out against patrolling German soldiers. The Germans charged, but were repelled. The Germans quickly regrouped and attacked again, this time forcing some of the unprepared American soldiers to retreat. Fearing the battle and war was a lost cause, The Patriot's own grandfather attempted to desert his regiment. It was not until he was deep in the forest, and directly below his own future grandson that he overheard the announcement of victory in the skirmish. In his distress, he stumbles upon Patriot and assumes he is a wounded soldier and cuts him free. Shortly after, The patriot regroups with Cap, Bucky, Hawkeye, Union Jack, and a group of displaced American soldiers. Captain America gave a rousing speech of staunch words to inspire the morally conflicted grandpa of Patriot: "give that one man a group of soldiers with the same conviction, and you can change the world."


Eventually all of the members of Cap's team had regrouped and fought their way towards the lighted structure they believed was the bunker. Off in the distance, it could be seen that guards were everywhere. The structure itself sat on a small forested hill overlooking the coast. About a half-mile West of the structure was a harbour. From what they could see it appeared there were only 10 guards on each side of the bunker.

There was a quarter mile of forest between the team and the bunker, all uphill. Once the Nazi guards had been disposed of, they moved to the bunker. Not entirely trusting the young Avengers, The Invaders insisted that all of them infiltrate the bunker, and only the present U.S. soldiers stand guard outside the bunker.


Inside Hitler's bunker, they found a long corridor that trailed downward into semi-lit darkness. All of a sudden, they heard a loud thud behind them, and half a second later another thud in front of them in the darkness. Huge steel slabs had just sealed them off inside the corridor.

Suddenly, their newfound steel prison was filled with a horrible, raspy voice. A voice the present defenders instantly recognized as none other than The Red Skull. "Sleep tight, my friends, you still have a long evening ahead of you." A loud and sharp hiss began to cut out over the sound of Red Skull's unsettling laughter.