I charged forth, my sword held on ready to the side of me.
Through glassy vision, marked by paralysis I saw it. A blip of darker green that I gambled on being my aggressor.
It wasn't only that that had assured me though, it was the fact that all of the daggers and knives that had been thrown at me were thrown from that direction.
It was why I was crouched down, my legs pushing themselves as hard as they could to grow closer and closer to the enemy.
Through blurred eyes I saw it, through the foliage and grass.
An ugly creature of short stature wearing nothing but a piece of cloth and a necklace.
On its cloth though we're dozens of weapons that seemed to be dripping with poison.
I could see drops of them dropping to the ground. I sighed in relief as I saw it.
The close range would allow for me to cut it down.
From what I had seen it was a ranged fighter. Further compounded in when I saw it try to gain distance from my rapidly growing pace.
It was too late though. With a swing upwards at an angle, its chest was cut into.
Green blood spurt from the wound. A gurgled cry coming from its mouth as it fell to the ground.
It was still alive though, I could tell. If I left it to be the wounds would heal. It was why I brought my sword into both hands and aimed it downwards.
A slight thrust, letting gravity do its work and the creature was dead.
Not even a cry to signal it, only a slight whine that was carried through the wind.
My body fell, the only thing holding me from the ground being the sword that was pierced into the ground through the corpse.
I touched it, remembering that I could gain runes from them.
[You have gained a
I sighed from where I sat, I was buried in the grass. I made sure that I wouldn't make any noise even when I was bandaging my wounds.
It hurt, it hurt like hell but it wasn't as much as in that dream of mine. It was only that dream that allowed me to escape the screams of pain that I would have to endure if the pain wasn't so familiar.
I watched as the bandages were tightened by my hands, blood pooling into the broken cloth.
It was all I had to bandaged the various wounds. All of my shirt and parts of my pants were destroyed in the pursuit of bandages.
Right now I felt so naked. My pants were ripped to shreds and I had nothing to cover up my chest. Nothing to save me from the slight tickling that the grass did whenever it brushed up against me.
I moved my arm, twirling it around and trying it out. I didn't want to move until my own small healing factor restored my strength.
It had been about an hour since the fight against that creature but the wounds had already started to heal.
I was still dizzy and my stomach was pained in hunger. However I was alive and I was thankful for that at the very least.
Again I tried my arm and deemed it well enough to leave my hiding place.
Slowly I snuck around in the grass and found the markings that I placed around the cave that I had exited from.
Slowly I slipped into the hole, my hands hanging off the ground while my fee found some footholds.
Once I had found those I lowered myself a bit more and had one hand hold onto the rocks.
Again this continued until I was all the way down into the cave.
"Kiak kiuk" I heard from behind me, my body jumping to the black of the wall with my sword into my hands within seconds.
When I looked at my oponnents and sighed in relief. It wasn't an enemy it was just the Kobolds.
Who looked disappointed and upset. Especially after they had taken a look at me.
One of them approached me and I put away my sword in relief. However soon my eyes opened wide as I was grabbed and place into the arms of two others who started to march towards our base.
I was… I was carried along with being confused. What were they doing.
Couldn't they see that I was fine walking in my own. A glare was leveled at me when I tried to get up.
Immediately I sat back down, not wanting to anger the ones treating me with such care.
I just sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today and let them take me back. My eyes closed I exhaustion sleep taking me again.
I woke up to the ringing of the forge, a hammer banging on metal as it shaped a piece of red hot iron into shape.
Though it noticed me, the woman stopping what she was doing to walk up to me.
Her hands grabbed mine and took them into her own. Slowly we reached the forge and her hands guided mine onto the hammer that she was using.
I tried to pick it up but it was too heavy for me. I couldn't even budge it.
A light echo of laughter found its way into my ears. A second later the hammer felt light in my hands, not that it was just that it was light enough that I could actually lift it.
Once I had done that I was again guided to strike down at the metal. A frown appeared on the woman's face. How I could know that despite not seeing her at all, I didn't know but I did know that she was disappointed. As if the hit was the worst thing she had ever seen.
This time when I hit the hammer down, I was guided much more slowly, instead of being fast paced I was guided to the exact spot I needed to hit.
Again and again this happened and eventually I gained this sense, it was faint but I could feel it. The optimal place to hit for the most effect.
Again I could feel the smile of the woman behind me, as if she was proud of me.
I turned to look back but saw nothing, only the cave that I was brought back to.
The disappointed looks of the kobolds greeted me.
I couldn't help but ignore them, the weight of the hammer, the feel of the metal pushing back against my strikes.
It all flashed over my eyes. However most important of all was the hands that guided me, the ones that felt so delicate yet experienced. I couldn't help but long for them again.