I handed off the spear to the nearest Kobold. I could see the reverence in his eyes as he took hold of the spear.
Slowly he started to swing it around, testing the weight, heft, and sharpness. I could feel the satisfaction that he gained from the actions and I couldn't help but join in on that.
Seeing the weapon that I had made, of my own efforts, being used so joyously by that Kobold. It was a sight that brought a smile to my face.
However I couldn't bask in that joy for long as I still had more spears to make. I looked down to the materials then back to the Kobolds.
I knew that I had enough but for how many would I need. A quick mental count told me that there were only 19.
There were the two spears that I had previously made but now that I took another look at them under the lens of experience, I found them lacking. Enough that it slightly ruined my mood with how shoddy I made them.
It was why I threw them to the side, well not thrown as I couldn't do that to something I had created. Maybe retired them would have been the better term as they weren't going to be used but were still treated with respect.
Once I had done that I focused back on the spears to be made, my mind slipping into a slight trance as I shattered the obsidian into the pieces I needed.
I blinked, then blinked again. Looking out from where my head had fallen in focus to the numerous spears that surrounded me. They were all in a pile of their own, neatly placed so that they weren't touching each other but still clearly part of each other.
If I looked closer I could see where I improved on the making of them. Not only in the shaft and connecting but in the spearhead itself.
With all of the practice that I had gotten from the numerous attempts there were clear improvements.
Though when I looked through the analysis of the system they still were all rank one however that didn't meant there weren't differences.
Take the first and last one that I made. The first one could only cut through stone with effort but this one… when I had tried to stab it through the ground below us it sank into the stone with little to no effort.
When I crouched down to compare the results I saw that the first one made a smooth cut but when I ran my finger over the cut I could feel rough bumps that told of the sharpness of the blade however when I ran my finger over the other one I could only feel maybe half the bumps of the other one.
The difference wasn't very much but it showed the improvement that I had made in my numerous attempts. At the very least the blade was twice as sharp as the other.
Not to mention that the first spear I had made chipped, not enough for actual damage but enough to show the fragility of it.
However the last one that I had made had no visible chips nor did it feel as if the sharpness had lessened at all.
I took a breath before standing back up and placing the spears back in the pile.
Though while I was doing that I finally noticed the Kobolds that watched me. Most of them were sleeping but there were still some that were awake, their gazes upon me.
I watched as one of them approached, timid looking. He had a flower in his hands, one that he reached out and gave to me.
It was a nice gesture, one that brought a smile to my face.
Gratefully I accepted it.
All around me were the Kobolds, however most of them were sleeping while one or two watched over me, food in hand.
It seemed as if they noticed that I was done as almost immediately after I had broken out of my trance they were upon me.
A flower was put into my hand, the stems already taken off to make it edible.
Idly I noted that a screen had popped into my view telling me that I had gained another 57 points.
It brought a smile to my face. Seeing my points tick up.
I popped the flower into my mouth, the taste was bland like always but it sated my hunger.
The Kobolds, who had seemed intent on just watching me, finally approached. Their hands asking for the spears at my side. I just reached into the pile and gave each and every one of them a spear.
I watched on as each and everyone of them grabbed a spear. They seemed happy with it, excited even.
It was only once they were gone that my east smile fell.
It had already been what should have been four days on this first floor. However I had barely grown, the only thing that progressed was the acquisition of two new skills and the progress of my first.
We were never told how long this first floor would last, for all k knew this could be the last full day or it could last a month or even longer.
It was a gamble but I wanted to start a war with those goblins. It would increase my strength severely if I were able to win but on the flip side I could lose every angle chip of advantage that I had scrounged up.
"No reward without risk… huh" I thought out loud. The slow chittering of the Kobolds quieting even further at my voice.
"Fuck it…" I finally said after some thought.
It was now or never. If I didn't go now I would never work up the nerve to do it.
It was why I immediately called the Kobolds to my side and had them follow me.
Through the dark caverns and even further up into the hill region of this place.
The grass tickled at my skin while the Kobolds were having trouble adjusting to the light.