Chereads / Vampire: Tales from the King / Chapter 45 - Task #2: Alfheim Kingdom

Chapter 45 - Task #2: Alfheim Kingdom

"What is wrong with you?" Melissa questioned as she was hurling behind the tree. 

"What the hell was that?" Kyle said as he was on a branch of another tree. 

Drey was laughing his head off at them as he stood over the creature whose head was crushed by a rock. 

"What are you-" Melissa was stopped by the oncoming splurge of vomit leaving her stomach. 

"Are you two serious?" Drey said between his laughs. "I had to crush his head anyway, he kept moving when I broke his neck." He said as dragged his shoe against the dirt. 

"Oh my" Melissa started gagging as she saw the creature's dead body after walking away from the tree. 

"Woah…. Is this moss?" Drey said as he rubbed his hand on the path. 

"…I don't think so, it's everywhere." Kyle said as he looked at the other trees. Kyle realized that there were four routes that led to the outside of the woods. 

*Step* *Step* A person/thing's footsteps approached them.

Thinking it was another creature like the one they encountered earlier, they were on guard immediately. 

"Please, I mean you no harm. I'm just a nomad." A man said as he walked the path that led him to them. 

The man was draped in a gray robe with shaded marks that went all over the edge of it. The robe covered his entire body, even his face. Showing nothing but darkness as you try to get a glimpse of , all you could see was his hands which were covered in thin white gloves.

"A nomad?" Kyle said under his breath in a confused tone as he dropped from the tree. 

"He's a traveler with no home." Drey said as he dropped his guard. 

"Correct me if I'm wrong but might you three come from Blutheim, I can't help but notice the striking features you share with them?" He asked almost as if his tone lightened. He got closer to them, very quickly. As if he only needed two steps even though he was about 25 ft away from them. 

"We are…" Kyle stood on his cues, not trusting The Nomad. 

He was incredibly fast and strong too."Silky hair and eyes that can shine as bright as the red river when the full moon has risen. Something only the royal family has. Must you be him? My heart fluttered minutes ago, was it you. Art thou thy lord, who came to bring balance?" The Nomad said as he lifted Kyle's chin and looked directly in his eyes. "Tell me-" Kyle pushed his hand before Drey pushed him back. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kyle said as he wiped his chin. 

"Please excuse my rudeness." The Nomad pushed Drey's hand away before suddenly kneeling down to Kyle. "Your resemblance is… uncanny." 

The Nomad jolted Kyle into dropping his guard. "Who are you?" Kyle said in a slightly awkward tone as he was a bit weirded out.

"I am Deiamos." He continued to hide his face. "Might I ask for your name?" Deiamos asked as he stood up.

"My name is Kyle, I'm not a nomad, I'm just traveling out of the nation. These two are my…. Cousins, Melissa and Drey." Kyle said as he pointed to them.

"So these two aren't your retainers. I see that was more of a misunderstanding on my end, very well than. I am still curious, there aren't many times I see Vampires outside of Blutheim let alone near the castle ruins." Deiamos said as he restrained himself from taking a step forward. 

"Not any that we know of, we just felt the need to explore. There are more beautiful things in the world. Wouldn't you agree?" Drey said as he grew a little curious of the man. 

"I would actually, the Terra Principum is the sacred land of the lords. Even in death." Deiamos said as he looked at the body of the dead creature laying in the bushes. "If you are headed to the Kingdom up ahead. I'm assuming since you're coming to the villages that you aren't aware of the fact that the guard won't let you through the gate unless you have a Entry pass'." 

"No we weren't aware… Then is there another way of getting in?" Drey asked. 


"Well there is one but they will label you as a tresspasser and an invader if you use that way. I don't mind helping you get in since that is my next destination as well." Deiamos explained. 

"Is that so? Then I don't see why not." Drey said as he looked back at Kyle and Melissa. 

 "I dont see a problem with it." Melissa said as she got closer to them. 

"…" Despite him not wanting to go with Deiamos, he weighed his options and realized what felt more logical. "Sure." He said. 

*Tap tap tap* He tapped his staff on top of the log three times. "I had my steed waiting back down while I inspected the woods. I suppose I don't have anything to worry about now." Deiamos said as the sounds of heavy trotting approached them. 


They didn't know what to expect, so they were feeling unsteady as Deiamos' steed got closer. 

It wasn't that far from them as it trotted through the bushes quickly. However it- just like the other creature. Looked similar to an animal from the lower realms. 

In this case the steed resembles a horse, only its features though as it was more than 3 times the size of a horse from the lower realms and its fur was puffy, giving it a trait similar to that of sheep's. The steed's head is the only part besides its 3 toed hoofs that is hairless. The steed's fur was pure white, however it wasn't as lustrous as the Vampire's white hair. 

"What the hell…." Kyle said as he watched the steed go and eat the body of the dead deer-like creature laying in the bushes. 

"I hope he doesn't get lazy after that meal." Deiamos said as the steed's chewing was loud. 

"What type of animal is that?" Melissa asked intriguingly. 

"His name is Graison and he is a Tulpar." Deiamos said as if he was a bit offended. 

"Okay…" Melissa said as she took a step back from him. 

"So we're going once, your…. Tulpar finishes eating." Kyle said as he almost forgot its name. 

"Yeah we'll be fine once GRAISON is done eating." Deiamos said, emphasizing his Tulpar's name. 

"Alright. I'm going to chill right here for a little." Kyle said as he sat against a tree, and put his head down. 

"Don't fall asleep." Drey said as he saw his eyes slowly closing. 

"I….Won't." Kyle mumbled. 

Drey didn't bother to wake him up despite his warning, he figured it was best that he'd get whatever sleep he can before heading to the Alfheim Kingdom. Even if it was a little. 

They weren't sure how much time had past but it wasn't long until Graison had finally finished eating, all that was left of the deer-like creature was the bones. Even moving the mini boulder to get to the meat crushed beneath it. 

*Shove Shove* "Wake up." Drey said rocked him back and forth a few time aggressively so he could wake up. 

"…W-what?" Kyle mumbled angrily before he pulled his head up to look at everyone around him. *Sigh* he sighed disappointingly. "Everyone's ready?" Kyle asked as he stood up. 

"We're waiting for you." Melissa said as she held both of her hands out for him. 

"Alright than, let's go." Kyle said as he grabbed on to Melissa's hands so she can pull him up. 

"We can rest here a bit longer if you'd like. I'm in no rush." Deiamos said as he noticed Kyle's drowsiness. 

"I'm fine, let's go." Kyle said as he stretched his body to wake himself up. 

"If you say so." Deiamos shrugged his shoulders as he walked along the southern path. 

Kyle and his servants followed him and after what felt like miles, they made it out of the woods. "As we get closer the grass fades to white which means we're entering the 'The Empress' Plains.'" Deiamos explained as he walked alongside Graison. 

"Is that the Kingdom?" Kyle asked in awe as he saw the castle tower which was still miles away.

"Well, that's the border of Alfheim, the Kingdom is behind it." Deiamos said as he looked at the wall. 

"Oh really… I thought they were in the walls." Kyle said sarcastically as he looked away from the wall. 

"That's ridiculous." Deiamos said as he looked at Melissa and Drey. 

"He tends to have a crazy imagination. Don't mind him." Drey said.

"I see. Might be a disease you need to look into. Some of these plants here cause hallucinations if digested." Deiamos said as he looked at Kyle with a concerned look on his face. 

"He's lying." Kyle said as he turned to Deiamos with a serious look on his face. 

"Of course they are." Deiamos said as he looked away again. 

Drey nodded his head silently as they looked at each other. Melissa was able to get closer to the Tulpar as they continued on the path to the kingdom. They seem to be about half way there from the woods as the grass was slowly fading to white.

It seemed as if another few miles were needed until they got to their destination. So as time passed, the nomad shared a few of his stories to make it go faster. As they get closer, Kyle can't seem to get over the view of Alfheim. 

The magical essence it has as if it was from some fantasy world, he never thought he'd witnessed something like this. This was his first time seeing a castle in person and beauty of it is beyond his

expectations. He was excited to enter this kingdom but more excited to enter Blutheim. Yet he can't fight the feeling of getting to Queen Aria. 



"-That was a very dangerous group indeed, I hope to never run into them again." Deiamos said as he walked up to two guards standing in front of two large doors. They seemed to be over 30 meters tall, it seemed too heavy to be able to open whenever they'd like. So they kept it open with a few guards watching and surveying the area around them. While two other guards stood at the entrance. 

As they approached the Alfheim Kingdom's Door, One of the guards started heading towards them while putting his hand up so they could stop walking. 

"I am a Watchman of the Alfheim's gates, you must present a pass to continue any further." The Watchman said as he was draped in black armor, with gold bands going around his waist and shoulders. He carried a large battle axe with a silver blade but he made sure to keep it down. 

"Here is my Entry pass." Deimos said as he pulled a square piece of paper out of his robe. 

"I'll allow your entry into Alfheim." The Watchman said before he looked at Kyle and his servants. 

"They are -" Before he could finish the Watchman spoke up again. 

"They are allowed to enter. We were told of their arrival. I'll walk you through the gate." He signaled to the other guards as they made their way. 

Kyle and his servants were confused by what the Watchman meant and by their gear, Melissa and Drey immediately knew that they were more than prepared to fight them. They felt that these Elves were just as strong as them. It's gonna be completely different compared to fighting humans. 

Those thoughts aside, it was too late to turn back. They already made it through Alfheim's Gate and they couldn't just leave Kyle.

"I didn't know you were so important. You must be of royal lineage." Deiamos said as he stood in front of them. 

"They must be mistaken." Kyle said as if he was barely listening. 

"Thank you, Deiamos for getting us through the gate but I think it's best if we part ways now." Frey said as he noticed the Watchmem were still staring at them.

"I see… Well then I wouldn't like to poke my nose where it doesn't belong so I bid you all my farewells." Deiamos said as he noticed as well and started walking away. "Hopefully we'll meet again. 

"Bye…" Drey said as he waved to him.

"Are you gonna miss him?" Melissa said mockingly. 

"Don't do that." Drey said with a smirk. 

"Let's go… we're so close." Kyle said as he started walking away not paying any mind to the Watchmen or Deiamos. 

"To the castle?" Melissa said as she looked straight down the road. 

"Yes, that's where Queen Aria is locked up." Kyle said as he turned to them. Finally noticing the Watchmen. 

The Elven Castle couldn't be missed, it was at the very center of the Kingdom, through multiple black gates, standing with dignifying grace, gorgeously. They could feel the Queen's presence but only Kyle could feel the suffocating air that King Fusis greets him with.