Immediately the church clock struck 12, the music started playing as the Orchestra delved into their repertoire of golden twenties. Diana tried to still the erratic pounding of her heart as the church doors opened and she walked hand in her Father's arm towards the altar to the man that she will spend the rest of her life with. She kept taking deep breaths as she looked ahead of her to the wonderful, well-created godly and amazing specie standing, more like waiting for her at the altar her heart couldn't help but waver a little.

Unwittingly her eyes darted to her left, there her family stood. Her Mom and Sister Phoebe kept grinning at her. In her mind, she felt they must have been convinced by her Husband-to-be for them to grin at her like that.

Her brothers both kept a stone cold face while her elder sister Rebecca kept a stony face as usual. She smiled inwardly because she knew they all wanted the best for her.

The day before today, her brothers had kept trying to convince her to change her mind on the wedding that they could steal their Father's money and help her run away with them. Diana had laughed. This was their own way of looking out for her. Even her sister Rebecca had come to tell her that she could kidnap her and pretend not to know anything about it that way she wouldn't have to marry an old hag as she didn't know his face yet. Diana smiled but her answer was the same she was sure her sister will be regretting her decision by now, even her secretary stood smiling at her.

She looked towards her right and saw her In-laws, they were quite few compared to her family she didn't know anyone there yet so she couldn't tell but she saw they were all smiling at her. With the smiles from everyone whether fake or real, Diana gained a little confidence. She stared straight ahead as they got to her groom.

James stepped down from the altar and walked towards Raymond Pierce where he had stopped. Pierce took his daughter's hand and placed it in the palms of James's waiting hands.

Immediately their both hands came in contact, James squeezed her hands gently, offering a silent comfort.. Diana felt her already calm heart beating loudly against her chest. Just why did he have to do that she thought.

''Please take care of my daughter'' Pierce said staring directly at him.

James only nodded and led her towards the altar. The music stopped as everyone resumed their seat. The ring was brought as each of them held one in their hands and repeated one after the other the vow said by the Minister.

After the vow and the rings were exchanged, the marriage certificate was brought and the both of them signed on it without any hesitation the certificate was taken away and the Minister continued, "By the authority entrusted to me by the elders of the church and through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I now pronounce James Deniro Alfred and Diana Margaret Alfred as husband and wife. James, you may now kiss your bride."

Diana felt a wave of tension surge through her, this was going to be her first kiss. She looked at the man standing before her and thought, what if he was going to be disgusted with her, what would she do then?

Before Diana could complete her thought, James leaned in and gave her a simple and short kiss that left her eyes flaming and cheeks burning. The little crowd erupted in an applause as Confetti began to pop up from different corners in the Church. Diana looked up and smiled then she looked back at her husband amidst the Confetti and gave him a shy smile.

Yes this man in all his male godliness and glory was her frigging husband. James smiled back as he held her hand and led her out of the church. The group in the church followed them to the church entrance.

As they walked out of the church, Diana vaguely noticed her mother and sister wiping off the corners of their eyes. There was a black limo that stood at the entrance of the church beautifully decorated with ribbons and balloons. She did not think of him as the type to go far ahead decorating a car because of a small wedding. While she was thinking that she heard the man's deep voice beside her,

''hope you like the decorations on the car, they were done because of you."

'Of course' Diana said under her breath and turned to him with a smile

''I love them. They are beautiful."

They both got into the limo as Antonio opened and shut the door behind them. Diana waved to her family that had already come out of the church as the limo drove off to where she had no idea of.

The limo came to a stop at Holland Gardens. James personal place. He got out of the car and Diana didn't wait for someone to come get her door before she came down too.

James looked across the car at her as she came down and blinked but did not say anything.

Diana hurriedly closed the door and turned to see that he had walked up to her. He held her hand as the butler an average balded man walked up to them and greeted bowing slightly "welcome young Sir and Madam".

James nodded his head and led her up the small fleet of stairs towards the house. Diana kept looking at her surroundings as they walked up and couldn't help but admit the beauty of her new place to herself.

Just the front yard alone was big enough to fit in 10 cars with a little space left, by the far end of the building was a heli pad with a helicopter resting peacefully on it. Well trimmed flowers adorned the sides and center of the land with a big-like water fountain decorated beautifully with lightings and different writings and paintings to add more colour. The house itself looked to her like a mansion, directly out of a painting so dreamy with beautiful colors. At least it was bigger than her house in truth and was more like a wide, huge and tall 3 storey with a ground floor. Just at the entrance to the door, she noticed like 8 more helpers on uniforms too they all greeted them in unison as they walked past and the helpers were also well trained, how nice she thought inwardly.

Inside the house, the sitting room and dining room were a little to the right, both furnished with richly upholstered chairs and handsome settees and a beautiful fireplace adorned with shimmering lights and beautiful shaped rocks. They entered a narrow hallway that led them to the first wing of the house.

The first wing of the house was where he occupied. He explained to her the house as they walked upstairs speaking for the first time since the wedding.

"You have the kitchen, sitting room and dining on the ground floor. The first wing is where we will be staying and you have everything you will be needing here. Indoor pool, a mini rest room with bar and every complete stuffs a living room should have. The only thing not here is a dining and kitchen but you can be served in the rest room here if you don't want to go downstairs and to the south side of the first wing, i made a little something for you".

He led her there and opened the door. Inside was a room not too big, about the size of her living room at home well decorated like an office area with some decorations materials and different kinds of equipments that she could use to practice and rehearse for any event.

Diana blinked once, twice and thrice to be sure she was not dreaming. James smiled as he took in all her reactions. Diana turned to look at her husband and asked

''Did you do all of this for me?" James nodded and gave her a small smile.

"Take it as one of many other wedding presents to come".

Diana smiled and took a step inside the room he followed in after her. She looked around and touched what she could, it was all so overwhelming she suddenly felt a little bad because she did not give him a gift yet but she promised herself to get him one immediately she stepped outside.

''Look diana," James started. Diana turned to stare at him

"I know we did not fall in love before we got married James continued, and i might never fall in love with you". Diana didn't know why but she felt like a fire had gone off inside her at that particular statement. ''The least i can do is try to at least make you live well''.

Diana nodded and replied i understand she did not want to ask too many questions afterall she was always known for bottling up her emotions.

"Well come on then lets finish the tour, there is one more important place to note" James said.

"Where is that?" Diana asked.

James walked slowly towards her as if tormenting her with every step he took and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

''Why, of course our bedroom wife that's the most important place". His voice sounded to her reeling senses like the purr of a lion who had just realized victory over its prey.

Diana felt her nerves quiver as she sucked in air. James stood back up and gave her a mischevious wink that sent her quivering nerves into another spasm.