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I got summoned to another world as the apostle of god

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kenji, a psychology student, never believed in existence of god. For him, Gods were merely ideas created by high society in past to keep commoners under their thumb. On one fateful day, his entire class was summoned to kingdom of Grumania. It was a theocracy, his worst nightmare. But to add salt to the wound, the gods these humans worshipped made him the apostle!?

Chapter 1 - Summoning

It was a usual day for me. I woke up, got ready and went to class.

As a college student, life had become tedious yet... somewhat boring. There was no excitement left in me. I don't know how and when it happened but I had lost my happiness to a degree. I think I've grown up and that is how grown ups are. Always worrying about tomorrow. I have whatever I wanted when I was young... I have a side job, a major that I find interesting, nice people in my class and professors who are willing to help me even after class. I think I've just come too far in life already.

I entered the class and took my usual seat. Soon other students came in and shook hands with me. Since I was a good student, no one had any problems with me and I was on talking terms with everyone. It made classes easier. I could talk to anyone in the entire class and they would be nice to me but even then, it felt so boring.

"Kenji, something on your mind?" Kyle asked as he looked at me. "You look even more depressed than other days."

"Yea, he barely even smile but today you look... too... off...?" Arjun chimed in.

"Just worried about assignments. Professor Ji Yong is great at teaching but he gives too much work." I lied a bit and sulked my shoulders.

"But you're the only one who has turned in every single assignment on time so missing one or two won't hurt you." Arjun responded half jokingly.

"Shut up." I sighed.

Suddenly, Jennie walked into the class and took the seat that was third from mine. We didn't have sitting arrangement but it was unconsciously decided who would sit where. She preferred sitting with James so second seat from mine and next to Kyle, was reserved for James. He wasn't her boyfriend but I don't know what their relationship was. I found her interesting but I never had any reason to strike a conversation with her.

I remember recently she asked for help but for some reason I ignored her. Maybe I'm not so much interested in her. Maybe I just found her attractive and nothing more. It doesn't matter. It's not like I want to date her but being friends with her would be nice.

Her clique consisted of some of the most extraverted people so I wanted to be their friends. It would make making friends easier for me too. Again, we were on speaking terms but I wouldn't call them 'friends' necessarily. Couple people from that clique have talked to me on messages and have asked me to hangout with them. I'm worried because they seem like they're from rich families while I don't. I don't think our friendship would never work out since I can't afford to eat at the places they eat.

But even then, I never felt any malice from them. They're all genuinely nice and hardworking people. Even professor Ji Yong never had issues with our class. I was happy to be in class with good students as it made learning a bit more manageable.

A bit about my professor … well I don't have much to say except he wants the best for us. He is knowledgeable and would joke around as well.

There was another student, Liam Evans. He was... interesting. A man who believed in god too much... to a degree where he became anti-Islam. He never attacked anyone over it but any mention of a Muslim did make him uncomfortable. I never understood that but I think that is just yet another extremist. I don't understand hating people for who they believe in or what they are... with exceptions of course. I will hate extreme kinds of criminals... haha.

Professor walked in and started the lecture. As we were writing notes, the ceiling started glowing with a weird circular design made on it and before I knew it, I was in a white room with four figure sitting in front of me. They were the most majestic figures I had ever laid eyes upon. All four of them were … perfect. I was in awe looking at the glow emitting from their bodies,

"Kenji, nice to meet you." One of the figures spoke. "I guess an introduction is in order. I am Jeyma, god of life and death." He had white cloth wrapped around him just like others. He looked slightly weak... underweight? But not enough. It gave him sharp facial features which looked attractive.

"I'm Kilmari, god of fate and destiny." A woman spoke. Her platinum hair stuck out to me. They complimented her blue eyes a lot.

"I'm Deoni, god of skills and talents." Another woman spoke. She had short black hair and round glasses. She was taller than your average woman so it kind of made her look sexy boss-type.

"And, I'm Viniga, god of knowledge and laws that governs the world." A man spoke who seemed quite old.

"Gods...? Of course this has to be a joke. I know there are cameras around here." I responded but then I was impaled suddenly by something. I was shocked but then it came out without me feeling any kind of pain. I quickly checked my body for any kind of wounds but I was alive...

"That should give you the answer." Deoni sighed. "We do know that you are suspicious of us and rightfully so. We were wrong about humans."

"Wrong? How so?"

"We gave them brains... a consciousness and knowledge. Yet what they've become is truly a nightmare. Don't cut your body hair because it's disrespectful to gods? Don't get tattoos? Don't eat meat? What a joke. If we didn't need something to happen then it wouldn't happen. Your body parts aren't meant to be chopped off and if they do get cut, you feel immense pain or even die in some situations but cutting hair? If you weren't meant to cut them, then we would've made you feel pain for doing that. Don't eat meat? Do these humans think every lion goes to hell? For us, every living being is equal but humans got greedy and overconfident." Jeyma sounded irritated.

"Your world is already headed towards doom if people keep using our names to hate and kill. We are sending you to a new world. Or well... we created a situation that warranted summoning magic. We want you to go and show them the right way to life. A life of freedom. Become an apostle of God and correct the wrong." Viniga said at last.

At first, I never believed in existence of Gods. I come from an extremely religious family but I never understood why we did anything. Why pray to Gods? For me, being kind to others was the only way for Gods to look down at you in favor, if they existed that is.

This is something I can get behind and even support. What I want is freedom for not only myself but also for others. Freedom to live your life how you want.

"Fine... but what is the situation that needed those people to summon us?" I asked.

"Corruption has gotten worse over the last few decades so the kingdom that you would be summoned to want to use Hero to put stop to it. We have placed some restrictions over summoning and how titles work. You can't be hero and apostle at the same time. So, hero will be that kid named James. My advice would be to start slow. Maybe join an academy and create a following there first. If you move steadily then things might become slow but more certain." Kilmari said.

I nodded and suddenly a screen opened in front of me.

Title: Apostle of the Gods

Lvl: 1 HP: 500

Skills: Fire magic, water magic, electro magic, geo magic, nature magic, ice magic, heal, attack boost, black shield, bow user, sword user, claymore user and hide stats.

Attack: 45

Defense: 56

Stamina: 100

Magic mastery: 0

"So... how am I suppose to increase these stats?"

"Defeat enemies. Use this book to find enemies that would help you level up faster. Just know that you can only kill one enemy per day. Average level of the new world you are going to is around 5 and strongest warriors are around level 50." Deoni answered,

"What is black shield?"

"The shield is based on your HP. The more HP you have the stronger the shield would be. Since it is purely based on HP, elements would not react either." Deoni again answered my question.

"And why are they maxed at lvl40?"

"Because that's the cap. To cross the barrier you would need to defeat a boss level enemy in your gaming terms. Such bosses have certain weakness that you can exploit if you want." Deoni then clapped her hands and I fell downwards in a never ending abyss before I landed in a room with people staring at me in awe.

"You're really lazy, huh? Took you ten extra minutes to get here." Arjun laughed a bit.

"U-ummm?" I had to act confused. I wanted to first gauge their reaction to summoned people. I don't want to end up in unnecessary trouble when I'm only level 1.

Someone who seemed like a priest checked my status and sighed.

"He doesn't have a status. He is not going to be able to fight." He said but my professor interrupted.

"He is a hardworking person. Maybe he can be of some help in other fields."

"I understand. Well then all twenty five of you would have a meeting with his majesty and then we would decide what needs to be done."

I'm guessing they're done explaining the situation to others while I was away.

I had hid my status since I didn't want them to freak out. If they find out I'm apostle of the Gods, they would've put me in the forefront of things. I can't do that at level 1.

"So... what is going on?" I asked.

"Apparently they needed help and the Gods summoned us." Jennie answered.

"Of course I was chosen! I pray to god ever single day multiple times a day." Liam laughed maniacally thinking he had received attention from gods.

"Only you don't have magic. Maybe because you're an atheist." James sighed. James was a great person too. He respected others including me. I was better at statistics than him so he often came to me for help. Again, I never felt any bad vibes from him.

"Could be." I responded,

"You should've accepted the Gods but now you're stuck as the weakest of us." Liam laughed even more trying to rub it in my face. "How the turn tables! We switched places in class dynamics. Now you are the most useless."

"Shut your bitchass mouth up." Arjun kicked him slightly.

"Le-lets go to k-k-ki-king." Amir said from behind. He had a bit of a stutter and so, preferred staying mostly in background.

"Yes. Let's go." Professor Ji Yong said and then the knights took us the the throne room.

We all entered the throne room and there was no one there.

The king looked weak and old and his voice was barely holding on as he greeted us.

"The Gods have decided that you twenty five people would be needed to cure this world of corruption. I had fallen sick a few years ago. It had made me too weak to pursue the corrupt nobles to change their ways... or even the temple. I'm merely 40 years old but I think it's right to say that I'm in my final days. I have to pass my kingdom to someone and as I don't have a son, it has to be one of you. You're still weak and unknowledgeable about this world and hence, you would be sent to academy of Grumania to study whatever topics you want. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive us for summoning you like this but we are in a predicament and people are being killed. It was a tough decision to make but I think it was the right one."

"Can we go back?" Professor asked to which the king shook his head.

"We know not of a magic that can send you back. Again, we apologize. As for an apology, you would never have to spend a single coin on anything. That's the least I can do."

So, he made everything free for us. That is relieving.

"In military magic class, you can find my only child, my beloved daughter, Marie Philip Louis. Please be kind to her." Those were his final words before he was helped out of the throne room by a couple people. I could hear mutters about how unfair it was and how they were scared. I on the other hand wondered if I can even do anything. I have to be careful. I think getting Marie on my side would be a good way to start things. I wonder if I can just show her my status or not. I'm not a fighter so if someone tried to kill me for their own benefit then I doubt I can defend myself.

I have to form a group of strong individuals that can protect me.