Chereads / I got summoned to another world as the apostle of god / Chapter 6 - First day at the academy

Chapter 6 - First day at the academy

I was sitting in the class and it was quite big. It reminded me of the usual college classes and soon students started flooding in. There were abut 50 students and I was too lazy to even care about them. I only knew James in the entire class and had become acquaintances with Barbara who was a maid till... an hour ago. She was sitting next to me because I was the only one she could trust for now. Well she trusted Rosaline as she was once a holy knight. It doesn't bother me much but I wonder if she could handle all the curriculum.

"Do you know how to read and write?" I asked and she nodded.

"I learned in my free time. I don't know how good I am but I can read normal everyday words." She answered.

I nodded and looked at the blackboard in front of us. It was almost as wide as the wall.

"Is it okay for a summoned one to get involved in some noble's business?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I did what I thought was right. You know that too... you agreed too quickly because I'm a summoned individual and Rosaline gave my statement credibility. You wanted to leave too, right?"

She didn't answer and just look away.

I shouldn't push her buttons too much so I decided not to say anything anymore. For now, my goal is to reach level 100 so I need to be on top on every single thing. I don't want people getting suspicious till I'm strong enough.

Our professor walked in. She looked... too... cute...? I was expecting a buff and bruised man. She was really feminine... almost like textbook definition of feminine with pink and white sundress, makeup and skinny body. I checked her stat and... HUH?!

Level: 40

Attack: 1,698

Defense: 945

Magic Mastery: 1,263

Stamina: 250

She is... overpowered. Magic mastery of such scale?! With my measly 66 magic mastery is strong enough to defeat someone 10 levels higher, so, exactly what can she do with magic mastery that's 20 times my own.

Is it what you call Moe gap in anime world?

I could hear whispers left and right. Is she like... really important?

"As you would not know, that woman is Alice Huffman. She is part of a now disbanded group, head hunters. During their prime, Alice was a support who profit off of others magic. A single reaction from her can instantly kill a few dozen platoons." Rosaline filled me in.

"Why did they disband?" I asked.

"After the last great war, out of seven members, four died. There was a kid who joined their ranks. According to rumors, this kid was too strong so head hunters wanted to protect him and while protecting him during the war, they died. Three who are alive are here in this academy right now. One is our teacher, other is the headmaster and last is currently head of academy security."

"What happened to the kid?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"I don't know. No one does. According to stories, this kid lost control when a member died and blew up. The destruction was so ridiculous that the other side got scared and took the lost."

I wonder how strong this kid would be right now but Alice is capped to maximum level.

"Hey, hey kids!" She had a really cute voice too.

She started explaining the basics about military and how different sections function and how they interact with each other. The introduction went on for an hour and thirty minutes. Then we were asked to go to the practice ground. Rosaline became the center of attention but then the attention soon shifted to me, since I technically defeated her and had her become my bodyguard.

While we were talking to other classmates, Matthew then challenged me to a duel. He was still livid from the humiliation he experienced earlier.

I have to pretend that I can't use magic so I can only do physical attacks. I picked up a random sword while he chose a claymore. He charged at me but I quickly blocked the attack. He was too weak compared to me. I smacked him as hard as I could with my sword making him faint.

I gained another level.

Level: 8

HP: 899

Attack: 235

Defense: 126

Stamina: 100

Magic mastery: 66

I'm getting close to level 10 now.

"You should've held back." Rosaline sighed.

"I don't care. I'm not okay with you thinking you own a person just because they are a servant." I answered.

"You shouldn't do this. What if his family attack you?" Barbara sounded guilty.

"I will report them to the king. Haha... I'm too strong politically." I answered.


The practice went on for a while. We were just asked to get used to holding weapons and nothing else but Barbara could only use a relic. Relics were a kind of weapons that resembled books. They contained spells and made it easier to spell them too but it didn't make you OP. Relics were slow and easy to interrupt.

I held a relic and got a new skill.

New skill: Heavenly Almanac.

I converted the relic and checked the stats.

Level: 1

HP: 563

Passive: Using healing magic will grant the recipients blessings that would heal 1,000 HP points per second for 10 seconds.

Rarity: 5/5

I was surprised that I could do that. I picked up a bow and got another skill.

New skill: Polaris

Level: 1

Attack: 56

Passive: Increase attack damage by 15% for every 0.5 seconds the arrow stays in air up to 5 seconds but decreases by 10% once the time crosses 5 seconds limit.

I was to a degree shocked. I knew I would have lots of skills but these are straight up overpowered.

Barbara was looking through relics wondering what she should choose, I approached her and gave her heavenly almanac. She checked and shrieked at the stats.

"I... I can't have this..." She tried giving it back to me but I shoved it forcefully.

"I gave it to you, right? I'm not giving it for free though. I want you to join my team." I wanted a dedicated healer in my team.

"You... You really want me on your team?"

"Yea... you would be keeping them alive so... you are kind of needed." I answered.

Now my team consists of Kristine, main damage dealer, Barbara, a healer, Rosaline and me who will fill support role.

Team joined.


Level: 1

HP: 900

Attack: 23

Defense: 34

Stamina: 100

Skills: Healing and ice magic.

I now need a bow user and that would be it. I may find them sooner than later.


I was sitting in my class staring outside. Kenji was with Rosaline and that Barbara girl we met earlier. Tch... Instantly making everyone fall for him. He is mine anyways. I'm glad Rosaline understands her place but that Barbara needs to know he is mine.

I heard some people talking about husbands and wives. We are all in our 20s so I guess I can expect people to be discussing about their future more seriously but what stuck out to me was polyamory and how okay they were with it.

"Hey... can you explain me what you're talking about? Are you okay with your husband being in relationship?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't we be? Men and women engage in affairs all the time. It's just more common for men to have multiple wives. See, family names are important and need to keep going. Having more wives means more kids and more kids means survival of family name." One of the women answered.

"What if you really really love that person?"

"That is secondary. Marriage is not to be selfish. Yes, it is good and all but every decision we make have to be careful. One wrong decision means putting two families' reputation on the line." Someone else answered.

"You're summoned one, right? I guess it is different in your world but here, it is not only common but encouraged."

"I have a boyfriend but I would never let another woman close to him." I said but they chuckled awkwardly.

"Who is your lover?"


"He is magicless so... technically no one would want him anyways." One of the women said from behind. She was not part of the group Kristine was talking to.

"HOW DARE YOU MOCK HIM?!" I took out my polearm and threw it at her with all my might. She couldn't dodge properly and it went straight through her shoulder like a hot knife on butter.

Everyone erupted into screams of fear and started rushing outside the class.

I walked up to her and kicked her in her wound and pressed my foot against the hole as roughly as I could making sure she feels as much pain as she could.

"My Kenji is perfect... You should be lucky that you even get to see his beauty." I was about the kill her but then I stopped.

Of course! Everyone deserves to experience his perfection! No wonder those women are all around him. What else can I even expect. His perfections...

I burst into maniacal laughter. He deserves all those women.

"M-monster." The woman murmured while shaking in fear. Maybe she stopped feeling pain?

I was about to end her life for insulting my Kenji but then everything went blank.


Talks about Kristine attacking an individual with murderous intent reached me. I was shook to core since it did in fact happen. I was just sitting in my room wondering what even happened and why she would go to such an extend.

I did notice her threatening Matthew with her weapon but now she went ahead and actually attacked someone. Is she getting corrupted from this instant power?

Can our relationship even continue? I was serious about what we had but what has happened?!

I would want to believe Kristine had a good reason to attack someone. What if it was in self-defense? I don't have all the details but I've known her for a few months, I can't not trust her.

I have to go and talk to her tomorrow and find out the truth for myself.


"Isn't this too much?" Deoni asked.

"Kristine is... an important piece." Jeyma answered.