Chapter 10 - Religion Studies

Leisha, Barbara and I had changed our subjects to religion studies. We were allowed to change whenever we wanted before the deadline which was start of summer vacations so there wasn't any trouble.

All four of us were in the class surrounded by extremists. I could tell by the way they talked about certain topics. I was kind of disgusted how they saw 'commoners' and how they talked about women. Of course, these are to be expected from such group but even then, I was up against people who thought that women were somehow lesser. I would not call myself the biggest feminist out there... I've never even participated in it but hearing some things would make anyone feel sick.

I had made it my agenda to not mingle with this class more than necessary. I wouldn't want myself to be associated with such despicable bunch. I did notice women in the class too agreeing with whatever these men were saying. I would call such behavior indoctrination. They had accepted that they were somehow inferior and would not question the beliefs. That's how religion has always thrived. Question anything and you would be ridiculed for it.

Don't question.

That's just how it is.

It all happens for a good reason.

These lies. I would never accept them. What good came out of what happened to me? I could never accept these teachings and no matter what the cost, I will change it.

As the class was about to start, our professor walked in. This was my first time seeing who the professor would be. As she walked in, I would not lie... it felt as if time had stopped. I couldn't help but stare at her. I quickly took a deep breathe and tried taking my mind off her but I can't. I had to keep reminding myself that beauty isn't everything when our beliefs don't match. I know she is indoctrinated too so I shouldn't even attempt at pursuing her.

I checked her stats and nothing stuck out. She seemed like your everyday person. But I think it was the way she handled herself so elegantly and properly. Her ginger hair were properly tied in a high pony tail and her uniform went perfectly with that hair color too. I have to stop thinking about her. She is not worth it.

"So, today we have three additions to the class. Please stand up and introduce yourself." She spoke in a calm voice. Oh my god, I will lose my mind.

Leisha was first to introduce herself followed by Barbara and lastly it was me.

I introduced myself as leader of the team, since, I was the technically not only the strongest but also have the highest authority in politics.

"I heard you don't possess magic then... why did these fine ladies join your team... never the less let you be their leader?" The professor asked.

"Because maybe... there's more than what meets the eye. I have enough worth that a holy knight left their temple to serve under me." I responded.

"I'm yet to hear any of your accomplishments though." She said.

"Maybe once you do hear of them, you would join my team too. Who knows, right?"

"Impossible. We all know the reason you don't have magic is because you've committed some sins in your previous life and Lord Jeyma is disappointed in you and has forsaken you. I have no reason to ever join your team. Even if you did have magic, I only serve Lord Jeyma and not some mere human... despite you being a summoned one."

"I was summoned none the less. I think this Lord of yours does pay attention to me."

"Delusions is what I would call it. Anyways... let us continue from where we left off." She said and started teaching us. I only knew her name 'Alice' but nothing more than that. I wouldn't lie but I liked her responses. She believes deeply in that skinny guy. It would be interesting to see her belief being shattered but how would I do that?

Something extreme has to happen for her to give up on being religious. I can't just reveal my title and get her under me. It could become risky if she were to betray me. So, first, I have to make it seem like she was forsaken. What if I learn some magic to seal her magic? I should visit academy's library after this.

The religious studies talked about how to behave in front of others. It was something I, to a degree, can get behind. You can call me more conservative in that regard but I do think there is a bit of decorum to fashion and some clothes only fit some situations. We often only think about our comfort but I think in public spaces or public events, we should consider comfort of others too.

Today's class wasn't exactly controversial for me and I relayed it to my team too.

"I think you were staring at the professor too much." Rosaline said with a bit of sass in her tone.

"She is pretty and I don't have a girlfriend so I think it's okay for me to admire her beauty." I responded.

"Well you have two ladies right here and you are still looking at others? Men..." I couldn't understand why Leisha would say that.

I could put the two and two together. Yesterday she asked about my opinion on polyamory and now her this statement. Its all in accordance to Rosaline's behavior towards me as well. I should avoid it for now. I do understand that even if I accept them, polyamory is not something I'm used to. I do think it's okay to have as many lovers as you want if it's consensual but I wonder how it would work as I only ever had monogamous relationship in past... that with Kristine. I think they're intentionally leaving Barbara out of it because she respects me more as a leader of the group but for them... I can't understand Leisha. Rosaline and I have been in life and death situations on our missions and have spend A LOT of time together. When two people spend so much time together and go through so many missions together, it's inevitable for them to fall in love but Leisha joined only recently so I'm more suspicious of her.

I can totally see her only wanting for status while I do think Rosaline's feelings are real. I don't want to say anything because in case Leisha's feelings are true too, I would be disrespecting her and I don't want to do that.

Both are fine women... Leisha and Rosaline are on opposite end of the spectrum where Leisha is more laid back while Rosaline is more strict and disciplined since she was a knight after-all.

I hadn't paid attention to them because I'm not over what Kristine did and I'm somewhat scared but here is thing... I was always scared. I've been scared for as long as I remember... Scared of starting anew... scared of failing... scared of being too good... scared of not being good enough... Whatever past I had... I could call it meaningless but it had such an impact on me.

My past felt like burden. I could never move on from it since whatever happened happened over a span of decade. Even now I lack confidence but I'm doing better ever since I joined college. My classmates never made fun of me for being awkward or aloof but even then I was scared of standing out too much.

I kept myself a little over the average but I never went full out on my major. I never wanted to stand out because those who do are always targeted.

Relationships were yet another thing and what Kristine did was not my greatest fear but I want to consider it a one-off incident.

I want to accept their love too but that has to wait a little more.

"If you are in love with me, just say it." I laughed it off and walked away. I have to learn new skills so I can become stronger. Having a professor on my side would definitely be a great help to me.

"So what if we do say we are in love with you?' Leisha was more straightforward with it but I think she is one of those people who can't seem to read the room. I could see Rosaline holding back for my own sake while Leisha was more... aggressive...? I wonder if that's the right way to put it. I don't know her true motives so she has to wait for now.

"Well if you do say that then I would have to respond with: I'm flattered." I responded and made my way to temple. We had to spend a few hours at the temple to get familiar with the environment where we would 'work'. But here is a thing. Those without magic can't hold high positions. We are at the bottom of the tier as cleaners and whatnot.

I'm not looking down on cleaners since it is a very necessary job but that's not what others think. Cleaners are so important that an establishment can barely work without a whole team of janitors.

We arrived at the temple and it was similar to religious places from my own world. Too much gold, too many details and a massive building. The only thing that made sense was having a big building to accommodate for all the devotees but detailed walls and some parts made of gold seems like waste of resources.

As we entered the building, we were welcomed by a couple nuns...? I don't know what they call them here. They were covered from head to toe with not a single feature visible. It is something similar to just about every religion or culture from our world too. Forcing women to keep themselves covered is quite a way to oppress them. I do remember incidents where women were murdered and even burned alive for merely showing their faces.

It's a problem that needs to be talked about but I doubt people would change.

I then noticed a massive man walking down the hallway covered in jewelry and a white dress. I checked his status and nothing seemed out of ordinary for now.

He approached our group with a creepy smile as he scanned the group.

"Welcome to Temple of Lord Jeyma." He said before he started circling us to get a visual on every person and then he left. We were all creeped out rightfully so. I think this does warrant an investigation.

We were given last bit of information that after summer vacations, we would be living full time in the temple.

We were given the tour of the temple in which altar was our last stop. The depiction of Jeyma almost made me burst into laughter since his statue depicted him as a muscular tall man with massive beard and long hair when in reality he is only as tall as me and underweight with no beard.

We prayed there but as I opened my eyes, I was back in that white room with the four gods in front of me. I glanced to my right and Barbara, Leisha and Rosaline were there too.

"Welcome back, our apostle, Kenji." Viniga approached us.