Chapter 2 - Division

While I was trying to put together my ideology in a more comprehensible manner, I heard some commotion outside my room. It was Liam's voice and an unfamiliar female voice. I checked and it was him lecturing her about his religion. Since we were in a different world, it was obvious that these people had different views than we did and someone as extremist as him could not handle the fact.

I wanted to confront him but I just couldn't but then the clique of Jennie and James showed up and confronted him about his behavior. Their group had total of six people and all of them had some unique quality to themselves. James could easy stay calm and collected while Jennie and Kristine were more outspoken, the kind of women that would put others in place. Varun was more of the 'leader' of the group according to our professor. He kept the group together and was usually their voice whenever our professor did something they didn't like. Juan and Trish were more logical one. Basically each of them covered for others' weakness. Trish was also the only one who did assignments on time as well other than me.

"You don't understand... if they keep thinking in whoever this God is, they will definitely go to hell! Also a woman wearing such clothes?!-" As he was saying those words he tried to grab the girl obviously against her will.


Kristine was the first to slap him. She felt disgusted by not only his words but his actions too. She, to a degree, endured his anti-Muslim behavior as they never translated into physical actions but he was slowly overstepping his boundaries here.

"You are simply wrong for doing that. If we see you do something like this again, we will just kick you out of the castle and academy." James finally said something. In this situation he seemed more like a leader than Varun. I think the position is interchangeable at times.

"Are you okay?" Kristine checked if the maid didn't have any brushes or anything on her. Well she is being taken care of so I don't need to involve myself at all. I went back into my room and kept thinking.


That is what I want. Gods gave us free will. They allowed things to happen. Then there must be a reason for things to happen. World is imperfect but... but I think that imperfection itself is perfection. It is imperfect for everyone. We often don't look past ourselves so we can't see the suffering of people who are not in our immediate environment but those suffering exists and Gods allow them to exist.

Take this for example, a lot of religion don't allow cutting hair due to varied reasons but we can cut them technically speaking. Gods allowed hair to be cut then. They didn't want our body parts to be chopped off so they made it so we feel pain long before we even make a slight cut in our body part but that is not the case with hair... or nails. Gods had the power to do the same if they didn't want us to alter our body but we can do it.

But that wouldn't answer different set of questions. Why do then people rape or kill? If Gods wanted that to not happen, they would've put something in place for those things to not happen.

But my conclusion from all of it is that restrictions put in this world are simply to keep us alive but what we do with that life is up to us. What we do in this world is tallied when we die. Our karma is what is counted and not how devoted we were to the said religion.

I often thought religion was pointless. To me, it must've been written by people in power long ago to stay in power. Back then people didn't have any internet to fact-check so they had to take things at face value... or else they could literally be executed for questioning the religion no matter the continent or nation.

I still think I'm correct... I have to be that's why I was chosen to be apostle of the Gods.

Someone knocked on my door so I walked up to open it. Jennie was on other side.

"Can I come in?" She asked and I obliged.

"Need anything?" I asked.

"Why did you not jump in to help her? You were seeing him harassing a woman, right? A helpless woman being harassed by a summoned person who anyone would put above her in hierarchy."

"I was already at the door but you guys showed up and I allowed you to handle it."

"Or did you just not care enough? It would be a bad reputation on us if one is an extremist and other is aloof. Do something about your personality." She said before leaving.


It's not like this was the first time I was called 'aloof' but it did hurt just the same. I wonder when I became like this. During high school days, I was bullied by this guy who too thought that I was aloof and wanted to teach me a lesson. We did resolve the misunderstandings so no bad blood there. But I don't know what to say to that comment because it seems like a fact on surface. Unlike her or her friends, I'm generally not a really bold person. I do know I have to work on that.

We were at the dinner table with all of us and the royalty with a few important aristocrats. Chats were of how people were being killed, mobbed and harassed all in the name of religion.

Now you might say, this is a simple problem. Just ban religion or put some restrictions. But it's not. Religion just like anything turns people ignorant. They will do anything in the name of religion including murdering others. If we try to directly attack religion, it might become a bigger problem if people rebel. We have to create something that is more attractive and much more concrete. I think that's where I come into play. I will become that something concrete.

Other problem I'm facing is my level. I'm at level 1 which is really bad as once I become apostle or well... come out as one, I will become target of assassination so I need to level up.

I checked my status and sighed. I need to fight some monsters soon.

Once we were done with the uneventful dinner, I immediately left for my room but was caught by Kristine.

"Always in a hurry. We won't hit you, y'know?" She said with a bit of sarcastic tone.

"I have nothing to say so I don't think being there is meaningful."

"I see. Well, I will keep you company." She said before taking me to the garden.

I always noticed her glancing at my direction multiple times a day everyday but never paid attention to it. I was not exactly an outstanding student or someone with noticeable personality but thankfully I was one of the more visible one due to my achievements in college. I wanted to believe that she was interested in me but she always stayed with Varun so I think they're dating. Could be wrong but it doesn't matter. She was always nice to others too so being to nice to me is not exactly out of the ordinary.

I don't want to make a fool of myself by misunderstanding things.

"So... you don't have access to magic like all of us. That would break us apart, right?" She sounded a bit heartbroken. I think she didn't want the class to break apart so quickly. We would obviously meet new people and make new connections but that happening only when we were solidifying our relationships.

"I guess." I responded because I honestly didn't have much to add to the conversation. You could say 'Try cheering her up' or something but it is much better if I don't. I'm horrible at cheering people up.

"You really don't say anything, do you? But I guess that's your charm." She laughed but I could still feel a bit of sadness.

Earlier we had decided what classes to take at the royal academy and the class is basically all split up. We all wanted to try out different things.

"We had known each other for a little over a year. I was kind of hoping that it would stay this way till our graduation but seems like things weren't meant to workout. Away from family, friends and now whatever friends I do have... they're always moving apart."

Why is she telling me this? Shouldn't this info go to Varun or someone?

"I, at least, don't want to lose you. I started noticing you that one time when the professor took a finals without telling us and you stood up for all of the class. I never expected you to take the lead in such a situation. You seemed cool and organized. Always being on time for others, always helping others... always being kind. I wanted you to fall for me too but it has become a desperate situation because I don't know if I would lose you too."

Oh so I was NOT a misunderstanding?! I have been confessed to a few times in past but I always rejected them but this time was different because I too wanted to date her. It wasn't like I was head over heels for her but I wanted to know more about her. So at the end, I excepted her feelings for me and decided to date and see how it goes.

We weren't going to be all lovey-dovey from the get-go. We both weren't comfortable with being physical already. I was happy with how things turned out. When I entered my room, I jumped on my bed and thought about the future.

Liam and Amir are going to take religion studies classes, Kyle and Arjun would participate in Art and history, James would be in military tactics as he is the Hero and others are basically all scattered around as well.

For me, I will be in military tactics too but that is not the main thing for today. It is the fact that I'm dating someone who is actually a decent person. I want this relationship to work out.