As the van went downhill, it had gone at full speed ahead due to the group still being able to hear the wolves getting closer. And because of this, Elias, whom was driving the vehicle, had bashed into a couple of trees as he drove recklessly.
"How long until we get the hell outta here?" Sloane asked as she stared at Megan who was on her phone.
"No,no,no,no,no!" Megan screamed
"What's wrong?" Everyone asked
"There's no signal here. The GPS isn't responding. Even if we get out of the forest, we have no way of returning home" Megan said
"What?" Everyone shouted and panic consumed them
"Hey, guys, I think you need to calm down and see this" Bright said while looking out the glass windows. Everyone else had done the same as him and that was when they could see it.
They were surrounded on all sides by a pack of nine wolves. To top things all off, these wolves didn't seem normal; they were bigger than your average wolf by two and all of them had blue glowing eyes that could be visibly seen.
"What are those?" Sloane let out. She already knew that those weren't ordinary wolves.
Sloane soon saw one of the wolves do something strange; it seemed to have increased its speed and run ahead of the minivan. 'These things are faster than the car. We need to-' her thoughts had been interrupted by Elias' shout.
"What the hell?" Elias shouted and the van had hit something hard which had completely flipped the van over. The van began to tumble downhill and didn't stop until it had hit a tree trunk. The van was an absolute wreck but luckily, everyone was still alive only suffering minor injuries.
"Is everyone alright?" Elias asked and they began to cough
"We're fine" Sloane said
"Good" he said before kicking the door open and getting out. The others followed closely and got out of the car.
"Any signal yet?" Theo asked and Megan shook her head "Damn it" he let out under his breath
"I think what we need to do now, is stay calm" Bright said
"Yeah. Stay calm and get outta here" Elias said ironically "It seems like we weren't in the same car when just one of those wolves, became the cause of the current state of my damn minivan" he said in one breath.
"Guys, we need to run" Sloane said as she stared a bit uphill and could see the pack of wolves "Run and don't look back" she said and everyone turned to look at what she was staring at.
"Ohh, shit" Elias said
"EVERYBODY RUN!!!" Bright shouted and everyone turned around and started running downhill.
One of the wolves howls, "Kill them all" it suddenly said and the wolves by its side, ran alongside it as they chased the others downhill.
"Why did I come along on this trip?" Bright asked and everyone stared at him "We're about to get killed by super wolves....wouldn't you want to know why you came along on such a crazy journey?"
"You do realise that it was your fucked up idea that we head on this camping trip to this exact location, right?" Elias shouted and everywhere went silent as they continued running.
"Log!!!" Sloane shouted and then jumped which the others except Megan did.
Megan was unable to make the jump because at the last second, she sprained her ankle and tripped. Nobody noticed except Lizzy whom had stopped when she noticed her friend wasn't by her side
"Guys!!!Help me!!!" Megan shouted and the others stopped just like Lizzy but they already knew it was too late. "Aren't you guys going to help me? Please!! Help me!!!" Megan shouted as she saw they weren't moving and then she saw tears flowing down Lizzy's face. So, she had looked back and saw a wolf had jumped at her "Nooooo-" her sentence was cut short as her neck was continuously attacked by the wolf until she was dead.
"Megan!!!" Lizzy shouted at the top her lungs and Theo walked over and dragged her with him
"We've got to go now!!!" Theo shouted at her as he watched the others leave them behind
"I....want to stay here" Lizzy said "None of us will survive so, we might as well let our doom meet us without struggles"
"Lizzy" Theo called out before he sat on the floor together with Lizzy
"Thank you" Lizzy said with tears falling down her eyes. Two wolves jumped on them and bit at their necks until they both died.
When the others looked back, they could see neither Theo nor Lizzy. However, they could see the wolves still chasing after them.
They would be lying if they said they weren't tired. Especially Sloane who was only managing to keep up with the boys.
"What's wrong with those wolves?" Bright asked
"I know, right? Something's off" Scott said
"If by 'something' you mean how they're attacking us, then yes it IS weird" Elias said
"Just one or two of us would have been enough for them. Yet, they want to kill all seven of us" Sloane said.
Scott suddenly looked behind him and saw Sloane behind all of them and then, he saw a wolf jump. He instantly grabbed Sloane and pulled her out of the way. Elias immediately understood and pulled Sloane towards himself.
"Scott!!" Sloane shouted
"Take care of her" Scott said with a smile as the wolf landed on him and began to bite at his head
"Let's go. Don't let his sacrifice be in vain" Bright said as he took her other hand while Sloane cried over Scott's death. He wanted to synthetis with her but a large shadow could be seen above him so, he let go of Sloane's hand and allowed her to keep on running with Elias while his head was being bitten down by the wolf that landed on him.
Elias seeing that it was only him and Sloane left, he looked further downhill before looking at Sloane.
"Not now. We've got to reach the bottom and find help"
" at least, has got to live..."
"Elias....what are you talking about?" She asked as she heard the growling sounds getting closer
"....Report what happened here. It's not your fault" he said and three wolves had jumped at the same time. Elias used his remaining strength to grab Sloane and throw her in a way she would only roll downhill.
Sloane had seen it with her two eyes; when two of the wolves landed on Elias and instantly attacked him while one followed her downhill. She was sure of it now.....they were never attacked by an ordinary pack of wolves, but by a pack of supernatural beings.
Sloane rolled downhill for a while and had sustained multiple cuts and bruises. She continued rolling until, a tree stump had stopped her; she had finally reached levelled ground and she waste no time as she quickly got off the ground and started running due to the wolf not being that far behind.
'What is the meaning of this?' she asked herself as she ran 'First Megan, then Theo and Lizzy, then Scott, Bright and Elias. Why am I the only one left alive?' she had gotten so lost in thought, that she had tripped and fell.
As Sloane turned her body to the side, she saw the wolf coming straight for her head and had lifted up her arms to defend. The wolf bit down hard on her arm and she was in a lot of pain; but she refused to let it have her head. So, she had taken to her two feet and began to fight back when another wolf had grabbed her leg with its jaws. Sloane screamed really loud and tried to stop the two wolves from killing her.
When the wolves saw that she wasn't giving in, they had let go of her body parts and began to attack her. However, Sloane protected her head and as such, her forearm, shoulder, leg and side, had been seriously injured and she couldn't fight much again and her butt landed on the ground. She was close to passing out and had seen a wolf jump at her head to finish the job.
It had come as a surprise to her when she saw a huge black wolf jump on the one that was moments away from taking her life. The black wolf was three times the size of an ordinary wolf and it had wasted no time in dislocating the head of the wolf from it's body and spiting it on the floor. The black wolf then moved on to take care of the other wolf that attacked her before, it moved towards her.
Sloane couldn't help but get lost in the electric blue eyes of the wolf. She felt safer and felt like it would do her no harm.
"Beautiful.... Thank yo-" she tried to say before she passed out.
The black wolf sniffed the air before howling and several wolves that were smaller than it had gathered before bowing. It looked as though steam was being released from the wolf; and then, it turned into a tall, muscular young man with black hair, electric blue eyes and soft lips.
"The Northern tribe have involved humans in the affairs of the werewolves and have trespassed on our territory. I need some of you to report back to my father and we shall be taking the girl for treatment...." the man said before turning back into a wolf and carrying Sloane on his back "...she cannot die here" he said before dashing off with the other wolves.