Days went by after that incident and it seemed like everything had returned back to normal. At least, that was the hope of everyone; the funerals of Scott and the others had already happened however, it just so happened to be done in a town away from Greenwood Springs. The families of Scott and the others had moved out of the town and were never seen again while all the blame for this, was being pinned on Sloane.
Although the families blamed what happened to their relatives on their stupidity, the town wanted to find a sacrificial lamb for what had happened and had done so using Sloane. However, the blames were put to an end when Alexa and Fernanda got involved; of course, these two hadn't done it alone as they had the support of their few friends.
With the help of Alexa and Fernanda, whom introduced Sloane to their friends, they had formed a group of friends that always had each others backs no matter what the problem was.
Sloane was in one of the restrooms at the university, seemingly puking her lunch out. The sounds were so audible, that even those that walked passed the door, could hear her.
"Is she gonna be fine?" A guy asked outside the door. He had golden brown hair, brown eyes, a chiseled jaw and average build. He was talking to a girl with short black hair, blue eyes and blush lips.
"How am I surposed to know, Christian?" The girl asked while giving him a death stare and he chuckled.
"You know, you're cute when you stare at me like that, Josey" Christian said and she sighed
"It seems like she's finally done" Josey said as she stopped resting on the restroom door but soon, she heard Sloane puking again so, she rested back on the door "Sloane, girl, are you sure you're alright?" She asked but only heard puking and she scrunched up her face
"What have you been eating?" Someone asked Sloane from inside the restroom. Josey already knew it was Alexa and had stopped resting on the door. Soon, the door opened and Alexa walked out of the restroom and shut the door.
"How is she?" Christian asked and Alexa sighed
"She's the first human friend I have ever made and seems like the world wants to take her from me" Alexa said before banging her head on the wall "What am I going to do?"
"What happened in there?" Christian asked
"Can't you smell it?" Alexa asked and Christian and Josey sniffed the air
"Is that blood?" Christian asked and Alexa nodded "She's puking blood?" He asked and Alexa nodded
"How long has it been.....since she started?" Josey asked
"Three weeks ago.....since...." As Alexa was saying this, an idea came to mind and her brows frowned ".....since that damn werewolf brought her back" she said before kicking the wall. Instead of her to be wincing in pain like a normal person, if one were to look at her foot, it was logged in the wall.
"Alexa, are you trying to tell the whole world we're not human?" Josey asked as she pulled Alexa away from the wall.
"I'm not afraid of the world finding out I'm a vampire" Alexa said "What I'm afraid Sloane finding out"
"Well, the rest of us are afraid of both theories" Josey said
"Not all of us" Christian said and they both looked at him "What? I'm not afraid of Sloane finding out I'm a vampire.....but I'm afraid of the world finding out" he said confidently "I bet you're just afraid of the other werewolves finding you. The werewolf with the strongest magic power, in the northern tribe" he stared into Josey's eyes and saw that the whites in them had turned black and one of her irises, were glowing a bright green.
"You two can't fight here. You'll destroy the building" a voice rang in their heads and they looked at the restroom door. It was clear to them that it was Fernanda. "I've already taken care of the problem with Sloane. But we'll probably need to find a way to completely heal her" Fernanda said in their heads
"Wait, do you mean the problem isn't solved?" She heard Alexa ask
"Something keeps blocking me from healing her completely" Fernanda said "I've tried everything I can.....but at this rate, Sloane will probably died" she broke the news out to everyone in the telepathy. There was silence for a while before she heard Alexa's voice
"I think it's about time we pay those werewolves a visit" she said and Fernanda's eyes widened
"Are you crazy?" She asked "In order to treat her we have to take her with us. Or what, do you really plan on taking her to the northern tribe? They'd kill her"
"I never meant the northern tribe. I mean we take her to the werewolf that brought that one's tribe" Alexa said "He didn't smell like a northerner. And he needs to explain to us as to why Sloane is in this current condition"
"Alexa has a point and we can gather the others before going if you want" she heard Josey say
"Well then we'll-" Fernanda was interrupted by a loud thud and when she turned around, she could see Sloane on the floor "Sloane" her voice rang out through the telepathy before cutting.
Immediately after hearing Fernanda call out, Alexa and the others barged into the restroom and saw Sloane on the floor.
"I swear....if that werewolf is responsible for this....I'm going to kill him" Alexa said while grinding her teeth
"We can settle that later" Christian said as he carried Sloane in his arms "Right now...the important thing is for our friend to survive. We'll find that werewolf..... cause he's our only ticket to finding out what happened to her" he said as he walked out the door "You need an invitation? Or are you guys coming?" He asked and they all walked out of the restroom and down the hallway.
"I'll contact the others" Fernanda said
"Good. Tell them to bring me one of my silver weapons under my bed" Alexa said and they all looked at her.
"That's... not gonna happen" Josey and Fernanda scolded.
Reaching the gates of the university, they could see a red truck parked there. At the driver's seat, was a wizard with brown hair, green eyes and a skinny frame and by his side, was a female werewolf with short black hair and blue eyes.
The wizard hit the horn of the truck a few times
"Ladies and gentlemen, board the vehicle now, before it departs" he said
"Shut it, Clark" Alexa shouted before all of them boarded the vehicle
"So, where are we going?" The werewolf asked
"South" Fernanda answered "The residue of mana I left on him three weeks ago is telling me to go south"
Clark shrugged before starting the truck and driving to the direction Fernanda gave him.
In the southern forest, Natasha and Cassandra were off training near the roadside while Nathan watched them. They weren't exactly playing but were fighting each other with swords; Natasha held two dual short blades while Cassandra held a claymore sword.
"Brother, what's the point to learning how to use these?" Cassandra asked as she stabbed her sword into the ground and stopped fighting.
"I don't think he'll answer. His mind's not here, again" Natasha said as she did the same before folding her arms. Nathan instantly looked at her with a frown
"I'm paying attention. But your training bores me" Nathan said and they puffed their cheeks. He got off the rock he was sitting on, and rubbed his sisters' heads. "Sorry about that"
He apologized
"Humph" his sisters let out
"Will you finally answer us?" Cassandra asked and he nodded.
"It's not all the time that our strength as werewolves would allow us to fight our opponents..." Nathan explained "....sometimes, we need the aid of other things. Magic, weapons..... There's a lot of them" he said as he picked up their swords and swung them around with great precision and skill "You'll get used to it....let's go home" he ended as he gave his sisters back their swords and they stared at him in surprise. "Stop standing there or else I'll leave you" he shouted and they ran after him.
"We're coming" they shouted as they chased after him.
It didn't take Nathan and his sisters long before they reached the werewolf town. His sisters had noticed that lots of the females were staring at Nathan.
"I wonder what girls see in him?" Natasha murmured
"I ask myself that question too" Cassandra said
"And I ask myself how my little sisters turned into gossips" Nathan said and the girls kept quiet. A wolf immediately ran up to Nathan before turning into a woman in black clothing.
Nathan instantly recognized her as one of the maids of the mansion.
"Your Majesties, the king asks that you return home immediately" the woman stated
"Did something happen?" Natasha asked
"There's a meeting between the three tribe elders. And the heirs of each tribe have been gathered.....all that remains is you three" the woman stated and a frown appeared on Nathan and his sisters faces
"Lead the way" Cassandra said and the woman nodded before turning back into a wolf and running off. Nathan and his sisters followed closely in their own wolf forms as they headed straight for the mansion.