The next day came and Sloane slowly began to wake up. She groaned from the pain on her side, and her head felt like she was just recovering from a hangover. She looked at her surroundings and realised she was still in the room she had stayed in the day before. As she looked out the window, she could see a bit of light and could tell it was only daybreak. She wanted to move; she had lectures later today and she also had to find a place to live. But when she looked down, her face was met with Nathan's handsome sleeping face.
Sloane had no idea when she had reached out for his face and tried to touch him. But when it was only inches away, she suddenly felt a tight grip on her wrist which made her winch.
"What do you think you're doing?" Nathan asked as he opened his eyes and his electric blue eyes met her green ones
"I'm sorry" she said instantly "I don't know what came over-"
"It's fine" she heard Nathan say, he had loosened the grip on her wrist and was now staring at her overall features. He was sure of it now, she had gotten thinner. "Are you hungry?" He asked and she shook her head which was strange "You look horrible. And after taking that shot yesterday, you were meant to eat a lot but you fainted" he let out and Sloane's face went blank as she looked to the side.
"You're not going to ask me about yester-"
"About how you know I'm not human?" Nathan said and she nodded "It still surprises me as to how you found out. That I easily-"
"Your eyes" Sloane interrupted and her other hand had moved and caressed Nathan's cheek "Your eyes are really beautiful at night....they look almost like they're glowing but that's just you being able to see at night" her words had really stunned Nathan and he couldn't bring himself to take her hand off his cheek.
He also seemed to understand where her theory came from. Just that night alone, he had met Sloane more than once; the first, was him in his wolf form...and he had stood directly opposite her and was staring at her. While the other times were in this very bedroom and he always had close eye contact with her. It would be stupid of him to think she'd not notice him. He finally snapped out of his train of thought when he noticed she was one step away from closing her eyes so, he had grabbed the hand on his cheek and yanked on it. Sloane's body was immediately pulled towards him and her eyes jolted awake.
"You need to eat something and walk around a bit" he said while looking at her "If not, you'll lose the feeling of your limbs" he added and her eyes widened as she stared at her feet. She tried to move them however, she felt very weak and sweat began to drip down her forehead before it finally wiggled a bit. Nathan felt her hand shaking so, he let go of her hand, and she used it to cover her face but he could still see and hear her sobbing as tears flowed down her eyes.
"What did I ever be punished like this?" She mumbled while her hand shook a bit. There was a bit of silence after she said that
"Do you remember what you were told yesterday? About how long you'll be here?" He asked and she nodded "You should be able to recover within that time"
However, as soon as he said that, a knock was heard on the door and Cassandra walked into the room.
"Cassandra, did something happen?" Nathan asked
"Mum said to meet up with her and dad later today.....they want to decide on our punishment for what we did yesterday" Cassandra said and Nathan's neutral face instantly turned into a frown
"Is that so?" He asked and Cassandra nodded
"And there's something else too...." Cassandra said as she brought out something that was neatly wrapped and tossed it at Nathan who caught it "She visited this morning and said that this will help with her recovery so she can return today" she pointed at Sloane and Nathan looks at Sloane
"You should be returning back home today. So I'll drop you off" he said as he handed the package to Sloane and stood up from his seat "Stay away from these forests if not, I wouldn't be able to guarantee your safety" he left the room with Cassandra.
Sloane sat in silence as all her tears dried up and she stared at the package in her hands. She unwrapped it and saw it was just a sandwich which made her chuckle.
"How is this supposed to help me recover?" She asked before taking a large bite. After taking the first bite and swallowing, her body seemed to move on it's own as she stuffed the whole thing in her mouth and swallowed. Her eyes had a faint glow in them again and she felt as though she had been given an energy boost.
She slowly got out of bed as she felt this new rise in energy. And now, she stood on her two feet; she wasn't shaking but still felt pain from her injuries especially, her side and leg.
The door opened again and it had surprised her; which made her hit her injured leg on the nightstand. She winced and turned only to see Rebecca.
"Oh my. Did I startle you?" Rebecca asked and Sloane nodded. Rebecca looked down to see Sloane's injured foot slightly raised "Does it hurt?"
"I accidentally hit it on the nightstand but I'm fine" Sloane groaned through the pain. Rebecca walked towards her and dropped some clothes on the bed.
"Nathan's waiting to drop you off at the human town. And like he warned: Don't step foot into this forest again. You're currently surrounded by predators...." Rebecca said "It's for your own good to simply stay away...and for the safety of the wolves here. We can't have others finding out about us"
"I-I understand" Sloane said as she picked up the clothes and put them on.
Sloane stood outside the mansion and stared at it. She wondered how something so big was so unnoticed by the public. She looked behind her and several people were seen staring right back at her. There was a town of some sort made with modern materials just like the houses back in town; Glass windows, steel beams, bricks, concrete and lots more. The higher class werewolves were quite visible to Sloane; their houses were almost as big as the mansion but could never be compared to it.
'I wonder how this whole place was unnoticed by the townspeople' She thought as she sighed.
"Sloane" she heard someone call her name and as she turned around, she saw Nathan with a...motorcycle? Now her mind had gone to how he had gotten a motorcycle.
Nathan gave her a helmet and put his on before getting on the motorcycle. "Get on. I've got to get you home, don't I?" He said and she got on the back side and wore the helmet "Hold on tight" he added before starting the bike and she hugged him tightly with a blush on her face.
"Is this alright?" She asked
"It's good....enough" he said before he pressed down on the accelerator and the bike shot off at an amazing speed.
'What the hell?' Sloane wanted to shout out but she couldn't and her grip had increased on Nathan due to her fear of being thrown off the motorcycle. However, she felt a force go through her body before the bike began to slow down. She stopped gripping Nathan tightly and looked behind her to see ripples in the air from where they came from.
"What was that?" Sloane murmured
"That's the magic barrier that keeps you humans from finding us" Nathan said and Sloane's mind went blank "You really are ignorant. Are you trying to say you believe supernatural creatures exist but don't believe in magic?"
" forget it" Sloane said not really knowing what to say. Sometimes, she liked Nathan and other times she didn't. It was something she noticed about him; he was kind and thoughtful sometimes but other times....most of the time, he was arrogant and outright rude.
She sighed as she had a sad look on her face whenever she remembered what happened the day before. She lost everything that day and it brought tears to her eyes
"I might be returning home...but now.....there's nobody left....there's nobody left to return to" she cried under the helmet "I've lost everything. And nobody will welcome me with open arms.... I truly am alone" her grip on Nathan increased a bit as she let the last drops of tears fall and she finally felt clam. She looked to the sides and noticed she was already in the town.