The sun had long since risen by the time they made it to shore, cresting over the islands to paint them in welcoming tones of gold and pink. Palm trees swayed in the breeze and brightly colored flowers lined bushes along the roads. Here people still strolled around in shorts and sandals with smiles on their faces without a care in the world. Seattle was friendly, but there was something about Hawaiian's and the way they greeted everyone as though they were family. Some would say hello broths or sista, and others would place a flower necklace on you for good fortune.
The boat had arrived in the wee hours of the morning, and the burnt color of the sun set the clear blue waters afire. From there they caught a taxi. Alaric explained they were supposed to arrive at a hotel so they could prepare her for Rafael's family, and that if they asked anything in particular she'd know what to say. But since the crash, they were behind time.