Chereads / Diesel Goblin / Chapter 17 - Episode 3/Chapter 17: Banana Day Prank

Chapter 17 - Episode 3/Chapter 17: Banana Day Prank

Andrew rips the driver door open and jumps back in the truck, smellin' like an interesting combination of primate fecal matter and tropical banana scent. Jay was still sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, his head tilted forward and the plate of banana bread crumbs on his lap.

"Jay! They got the freight!" Andrew howls, jolting Jay awake.

"Who? Who got the freight?"

"A bunch of monkey's! They took off into the jungle with every single crate of bananas!" Andrew says, he was still out of breath and kind of in shock. Jay chuckles and scrapes the rest of the bread crumbs off the plate and into his mouth.

"I know yer pullin' ma leg." Jay says.

"I'm not joking! They beat me up, took my phone and everything!" Andrew wails, but Jay wasn't buying it.

"Come on, let's git rollin'. You took long enough out there, don't want to be late." Jay says.

"You gotta believe me, Jay! How can you believe in Bigfoot but not-"

"Hey! I ain't never been late on a load and I ain't startin' today! Now lets go!" Jay roars.

Andrew sighs and starts the truck.

"That monkey must've smacked you real good, huh?" Jay grumbles.

"No sense in being on time if we don't even have the freakin' load…" Andrew mumbles.

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that one before." Jay says as Andrew drove off, Jay completely unaware that they were driving off with broken trailer doors and an empty trailer…

Meanwhile, the swamp jungle was now booming with noise as the monkeys and their jungle king marched back home to their village with all their stolen booty of bananas. Monkey's drummed a jungle tune as others danced and celebrated, stuffing banana's into their mouths and stacked crates in an improvised refrigeration storage that only works in the jungle swamp and only for bananas.

A monkey emerges with a trumpet at his mouth, blowing a loud and obnoxious tune that laid over the rhythm of the bongo drums. Shortly after, an entire band of brass instrument playing monkeys erupted into song as the entire jungle swamp village celebrated this rare event the monkey's call, Banana Day. 

Back at the Doggonit Transport terminal….

While the rest of the DM's and other staff enjoyed their meals in the DM office, Jimmie was back in the break room trying to figure out if they had anything good to drink. That's when Sally Mally pops up, overhearing Jimmie cussing to himself.

"Doggonit, we gotta have somethin' good to drink around here somewhere…" Jimmie mumbles as Sally made her way to the fridge, retrieving her glass covered saucer. She then floats over to Jimmie who was opening all the cabinets one by one.

"Hey Jimmie", Sally squeaks, "I know it's DM day and safety managers aren't invited but-"

"Whadya talkin' about? Of course you're invited." Jimmie says, "it's called DM day but really its a celebration of all the staff at the company as a whole."

"Oh, well, I brought some of my own homemade banana nut bread. I made it myself at, you know, home…" Sally says awkwardly as Jimmie reached for a slice.

"Thanks Sally!" Jimmie takes a bite and forces a straight face. "Aye, this is pretty good. Kinda soggy, but…"

"Oh yeah, I think I let it soak in the batter for too long or something." Sally explains with a giggle. Jimmie cocks his head to the side as he notices something about Sally's hair.

"Hey uh, did you try to do something with your hair?" Jimmie asks.

"No, why?"

"There's like a part of your hair missing on the side of your head…"

Sally feels the side of her head and confirms the bald spot.

"Oh shit! What the fuck?!" Sally yells and breaks out of the break room faster than DM's spitting out Tyree's homemade grape dragon piss.

Jimmie spits the soggy piece of bread into the garbage can than wipes his mouth with his sleeve.

"Holy cow that was awful…goddammit." Jimmie mumbles as he takes out his phone and considered cheating DM day by ordering some beverages. "I hate to cheat DM day but we need some drinkable drinks up in here…"

Over in the safety office, Sally was freaking out.

"Shit, Shit! No, no, no! Where the fuck did you go!?" Sally rummages around her office looking for her missing strand of hair, but little did she know, her strand of hair was slithering around the DM office…