. This chapter is rated 18 so it is advised that younger viewers should skip this chapter.
Anna and Tyler arrived at school right on time when the party was about to begin. It was supposed to begin by 6pm and they arrived at 5:45 pm. Tyler wore a beige suit with a black silhouette shoe while Anna wore a long red gown that showed most of her back and her curves which complemented her hazel brown eyes really well. Her wavy black hair fell back long and almost reaching her waist. What people always failed to notice about Anna was that she was beautiful. They probably never noticed because she had eye problems so she had to use glasses most of the time and she always dressed simply. But today, she went all out even to the extent of wearing clear contacts to make sure she didn't have to wear glasses especially because that was her last day in senior school. Her family wasn't poor neither were they rich, they were average, that is why she could afford a dress like that.
Tyler already went to have his dance with Nancy. Of course Anna was surprised when she learned that the two of them had chemistry,who would have thought a shadow like Nancy would be with a talkative like Tyler. She supported their relationship all the way, even if she knew that Nancy was a year older than Tyler. She still loved them both and she cared all about their happiness.
Since Anna didn't have a date, she decided to take a look around the decor. Her school had really done a good job,thought Annabelle to herself. On getting tired, she made her way to the bar to get a drink. Since it was the first time she tasted alcohol, she gave an awful look as if she had just drank a whole bottle of lime juice. It was bitter. But she later got used to the taste as she continued taking more and more and more. She felt a little tipsy and since she didn't have any experience with drinking,she just thought it was a mild head ache. She was about to take another shot of the vodka given to her when a hand stopped her.
"Heyy.. who are you to hold my hand" Anna said acting a little off because she was already drunk.
"Annabelle that's enough okay,you have taken enough, you are already drunk" Drey was standing few feets away from Anna with his eyes fixated on her throughout the whole time and he could see that she had drank too much and was already acting funny so he had to go up to her and help her out so she didn't do anything stupid.
" made me cry a lot did you know that?and now you are acting like someone who my daddy, except I don't have a daddy"Anna said laughing hardly at her own joke that wasn't even funny, it only made Drey sadder than he already was.
"I am sorry....I didn't mean to" he said while holding her securely so she wouldn't fall because she was already wiggly and could barely sit up straight.
" I don't care I just love you and I want you so badly, i want you to kiss me" Drey already knew that it was the alcohol speaking so he didn't bother to react instead he took her to one of the sick bays that was just opposite the school hall so that she could lie down and have some rest. There was no one present there at that moment just the two of them and Drey couldn't just leave her there alone so he stayed with her.
"Why did you bring me here. I said I want to kiss you and you brought me here or do you want us to how our time alone" Anna said grinning widely . She had no idea what she was saying as she was deeply immersed with the alcohol.
"I said kiss me or I will kiss you" with that, Anna stood up from the bed with a little wiggle and went to were Drey was sitting then she sat on his lap and with a blink of an eye she placed her lips on his and started kissing him. He was totally caught off guard but he didn't fail to notice how soft her lips were on his, all that went on in his mind was that 'she is drunk,bro you have to stop this', he tried so hard to listen to his mind but his desires caught the best of him and tried to look at it in a better angle 'afterall she said she loves you so it wouldn't be that bad' his inner self told him. He snapped back to the present and started kissing her back. it began to get wild as his hand moved to her waist to lift her up as he stood up from the chair so that she was straddling him. He carried her to the bed that was there but before putting her on the bed,he loosened the small zip that was at the back of her dress and removing the dress half then placed her gently on the bed. He was about to pull away from her but then saw the desired in her eyes which only ignited the fire in him then he continued from where he had stop, kissing her as his lips made way down to her neck then to her stomach down to her private area which only caused Anna to moan with pleasure "give me moreee" Anna said unable to control herself as she was already over the moon. With that, he inserted himself into her and they went on and on with their love making.
When they were done with their third round of love making,Anna was already sound asleep. When Drey was back to his right senses, he realized what he had just done. His eyes widened with shock and constantly hitting his head to make sure he was not dreaming.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck,what the hell, what is wrong with you Drey" Drey said angry at himself for what he had done. He looked at the girl on the bed and then realised she was naked and she had some blood stains on her. It then dawned upon him that she was still a virgin until he popped her flower. He was so angry at himself and regretful at the same time that he did it to someone innocent and unworthy of him. He took some wipes from one of the drawers in the first aid box that was not too far from him and wiped her, he made sure to be gentle before he finally put on her clothings on for her. He completely dressed himself up. He wanted to take her home but he couldn't because it would have looked a little strange and besides he didn't have a car, so instead he took her back to where she was sitting and laid her head on the bar counter table making sure that no body saw him then he went to a corner In the vast room keeping his eyes on her and making sure she was alright and when her brother and Nancy walked up to her, he then left reassured that she was back in the hands of her brother.
"Anna!,Anna!"Tyler called her while tapping her
"She is fast asleep, I think you should take her home, don't worry I will be fine" Nancy gave him a reassuring look then he did the unexpected and kissed her before he carried his sister and went to the car straight back home, leaving Nancy all red.