Jones was waiting patiently for Anna as she wasted so much time getting dressed and finally she came out looking like the damsel she had always been. She was beautiful. "You look.....beautiful" he couldn't help but say "Really?" she asked smiling because she was still trying to like her already increasing belly "Of course, now shall we" he said taking her hand in his and escorting her to his car. "Valerie send me the bill and account number. I will send you the money" He drove them to a nice restaurant and yet again, it was breathtaking. They already had a reservation so one of the staffs directed them to their seats. She was surprised that they had the seats that were on the terrace. So they were able to view the beautiful city and since it was night, the city was painted with different colours of street lights. "You really never fail to surprise me " she said still in awe. Obviously Jones was busy taking in the shocked expression on Anna's face internally praising himself for a job well done. "That is my speciality" he said grinning widely. Their food came in a matter of seconds. It was a buffet It had everything, their appetizers, main course and dessert. The staff was about to serve the food before Anna spoke. "Don't worry we will help ourselves, thank you" she said smiling as the staff bowed and left "Why did you stop her from serving it" "Because I want to so serve it what would you like to have first?",
"The fruit salad" he said, then she served it and served hers. She didn't even know what she was doing. Her pregnancy hormones were having the best of her. She plated a vegetable salad along side fried rice with ketchup and mustard. She didn't forget to add some red beans to her food. What threw Jones off completely was when she happily mixed everything together. Now it was looking like a big bowl of garbage. But Anna didn't care and went straight into it. She then noticed that Jones hadn't touched his food and now she understood why. Obviously because of her weird choice of food. Then she paused and used a paper towel to clean her lips and cleared her throat "I- I am sorry" she said starting to feeling flushed "Its fine, so what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked looking at her intently. Now she was in a big mess..she totally forgot that she was supposed to tell him about her pregnancy. "Uhmmm..." "Its okay. You can talk to me" "I- I think we should stop seeing each other...just to be on the safer side" "And can't I be safe with you" "No!, it's not that simple, I am going through a lot right now and I don't want you to get all stuck in my own mess" "I will not get stuck in fact I will help you clean the mess" he said still trying to convince her that he would be with her through thick and thin "Jones for God's sake it is not as easy as you put it....i- I am pregnant" Anna said raising her voice slightly before it came down to a whisper at her last word. And she was not expecting what he said next, "I know" "Yes you kn- wait know! How, I made sure to keep it in the low" "You clearly didn't succeed in doing that, you eating says it all, your belly bump is much more visible and even your moods change more often and to top it all off. I am the owner of Belvery hotel so I have to always know what is going on in my company" wow, so he knew all this time and he didn't say anything?. This made Anna feel more worse because he also noticed her bump "Is my belly really that fat" she asked now tearing up "No no, you look beautiful" he said then he laughed "You don't mean it, if you do then why are you laughing" Anna said squeezing her face as tears rolled down her eyes "Because speaking of fluctuating moods, you are crying...okay fine I am sorry" he said then stretched his handkerchief to wipe the tears off her face "Don't mind me, I am sorry. What I want you to know is, the fact that you are pregnant doesn't change how I feel about you" he said and then continued, "Now please eat" With that Annabelle cleaned the remaining droplets of tears in her eyes. She was really surprised and impressed at the same time. She never expected him to reply her the way he did. They finished their food and talked the rest of the night, getting to know way more about themselves. For once in her life, she actually thought she made the right choice about giving this man a chance....she was blinded by love. Ohh poor Anna, if only she knew that, 'A good lie can conjure the illusion of a thriving relationship but in the end it is still an illusion, not reality'...