Liam groaned as the alarm rang, slowly opening his eyes. He turned the wretched thing off and moved to his side, only to see Narcia laying there, sleeping peacefully. Liam frowned a bit, wondering why she was sleeping in the same bed as him. That was until the events came back to him, and he sighed. He was the one who didn't belong there since this was her bedroom.
"Narcia... Wake up." He said as he poked her cheek, his body shivered at the softness of them. He shook his head and gently grabbed her shoulder, shaking her lightly.
"You have school... Get up." He said as she growled and pulled him in. His eyes were wide as she snuggled against his chest. He was definitely uncomfortable now, blinking rapidly in disbelief.
"NARCIA!" He yelled, making her jump a bit, groaning as she pulled away and rubbed her eyes.
"Why are you so loud..?" She whined as he moved a bit back, trying to keep their distance as large as the bed allowed.
"Your alarm rang. You need to get up." He said as she sighed and slowly sat up, her hair all curly from the shuffling during the night. Liam couldn't help but watch them carefully, his eyes following the strands down her neck and to her shoulders.
"I didn't know you had curly hair..." He said as he gently picked a strand up, Narcia was now very awake as she shivered when his hand brushed against her bare shoulder.
"Y-Yeah... I straighten them every morning..." She said with a gulp as she looked away, blushing furiously.
"I think your hair looks better curly." Liam said as he let go of the strand and slowly turned to the side, groaning as he pressed his hand against his scrapes. He knew they were almost fully healed, but they still stung a bit from time to time.
"Do you want to try and go today? I did offer to bring you yesterday if you rested." Narcia said as Liam slowly stood up, grabbing the crutches her father had bought for him.
"I think it would be nice, yes." He said as she stood and walked to the bathroom. Liam didn't know why, but now that he was trying to see her with eyes that lacked hatred, Liam couldn't help but notice how much more of a woman Narcia now was. She had nice curves, plump breasts, a sharp yet cute jaw. He also could believe he was now thinking of her like this. Liam made his way to the dresser, grabbing his fresh clothes. He undressed and placed his boxers on before the door to the bathroom opened.
"Liam, do you need to... shower..." She said as she peaked her head out, her face flushing fully red before she slammed the door shut. Liam cursed under his breath, quickly finishing to dress up before making his way out of the room. He needed distance from her and from the embarrassment.
Narcia leaned against the bathroom door, her chest rising and falling quickly. How dare he undress like that without warning? She could have walked in on him naked if she had been any quicker! She leaned her head back, groaning as her wolf whined, wanting to see more of her mate.
"Be quiet, Mia. Now is not the time... Give him space." She said as her wolf huffed, annoyed that she had to be so patient. Narcia agreed heavily, but she had to be patient, even if that wasn't something she was good at.
"Sometimes I wish I was born a kitsune... They are the creature itself... And I wouldn't have to be bothered with you." She said as her wolf huffed and pouted. She shook her head and took off her clothes, quickly taking a shower. She dried her hair before dressing herself nicely. She wore an uncovered shoulder black turtle neck that stopped just over her belly button. Her pants were ripped dark blue jeans with a silver belt. She put a white old-fashioned minimalist beret hat. She smiled to herself as she brushed her hair before walking out to the kitchen, where most of her pack was seated to eat.
"Looking gorgeous, alpha. Like the curls!" One of the boys whistled, making her shake her head.
"Thanks, Julius." She said as she sat down, taking an egg sandwich that lay on a pick-up tray.
Narcia: All of you... He is just human. Be quiet about anything supernatural. He doesn't know anything about us, so call me Narcia until the coast is clear.
All: Yes, alpha.
"So, who is the new guy?" Julius asked as he nudged his companion, everyone turning towards Liam, who now wanted to disappear into thin air.
"This is Liam. He goes to my university, and he got really hurt a few days ago, so I helped him out." She said before one of the girls frowned at him.
"Liam..? As in... The Liam?" One of the girls asked, making Liam look up confused before she stood up and walked over to him, grabbing his shoulder.
"I definitely recognize this scent~" She said, leaning close to his neck and taking a deep inhale.
"Mary." Narcia growled. The girl stood back, hands up in defense as she chuckled.
"Alright! Alright... You grew up nicely, Lili." She said with a devilish wink, causing Liam to shiver and clench his fork.
"It's Liam, I don't go by Lili." He said in an annoyed tone, causing the girls to snicker.
"Anyway, it's getting late. Everyone should get ready to go to school." Narcia said in an angry tone, making everyone quickly leave.
Once she felt that everyone had shifted and parted to school, she stretched before walking to Liam. She crouched down and looked at him softly.
"Sorry about them... We all have grown up closely, so they all come eat here in the morning. I'm sorry if it brought back bad memories." She said before gently putting her hand on his thigh, Liam closing his eyes as if he actually appreciated the gesture.
"Thank you, Narcia. I'm okay, I just hate that nickname." He said as she chuckled, nodding in understanding.
"It used to be a fond name, if that makes it any better. I called you Lili because you reminded me of them, pretty but frail. I meant no harm into it. At least... Not at first." She said with a shrug, Liam nodding to her before he stood up.
"We don't want to be late either." He said as she laughed, quickly grabbing her keys before smiling at him.
"I have a car. Come on." She said as she gestured for him to follow her. He grabbed his crutches and followed along, looking at her red Nobble car. Liam blinked at it, remembering it from when he first arrived at the campus. He had seen it in the parking lot.
"Damn... I'd kill to drive a car that sexy." He said in a chuckle, Narcia laughing back wholeheartedly.
"Glad you like it, maybe once you heal, I can let you ride it." She said with a wink as she opened his door, closing it behind him before getting into her seat. She started the engine, making Liam smile at the beautiful sound. They rode quietly to the campus. It took them about 45 minutes since she drove slowly. She parked herself and helped Liam out before sighing.
"I think we missed our first period."
"Yeah, and we have gym following that. I can't even participate. " He said with a sad expression, making her soften before cupping his cheek. The action took Liam by surprise and instinctively flinched back.
"I'm sorry..." She said as he shook his head, smiling awkwardly.
"It's a habit... I didn't expect you to do that so gently. I'm not used to touch to begin with." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"That's okay... Sorry." She said as she put her hands behind her back, smiling a bit at him.
He smiled back before making his way towards the university. If this is how she could be with him, then he didn't regret trying to forgive her.