Liam slowly opened his eyes, and pain shot through him like a brick to the face. He quickly sat up with sweat on his forehead, looking around scared before frowning. Where was he?
"Liam..?" A familiar voice echoed through the room, causing his head to jerk in that direction. Narcia was there, standing by the open window. The moonlight shined through the room. It made her skin look so pretty. He shook his head at the thought, looking at the blanket that covered his legs. He slowly lifted it up, his eyes widening as he saw a hand-made casting. It wasn't a dream.
"You fell pretty hard down the stairs..." She said calmly as she looked outside, her arms crossed nonchalantly.
"At school, you fell down the stairs. You don't remember?" She said while biting the inside of her lips. She hated lying to him.
"No... No, that's not right. That's... But..." He said as he put a hand on the back of his head. The memories were still very blurry in his head.
"It's okay, I know it must be confusing... You were pretty delirious." She said as Liam's eyes widened. Had he completely hallucinated everything!? He pulled his hand from behind his head, looking down at it with horror. Had his mind tormented him because of the words Matheo had told him?
"You also scraped yourself pretty bad on your fall... I took care of your bandage for it." She said as she played a bit with her hair, a blush coming on her cheek as Liam blushed a bit back. He slowly lay back down on the bed, putting his hand on his forehead.
Thank god it was just a dream...
He chuckled to himself a bit, closing his eyes. He could remember how soft the wolf he had layed on was. What color was its fur again?
"Liam..? Are you okay?" She asked, slowly walking to him as he shivered. He chuckled dryly.
"Yeah, I just nearly lost my mind after taking a quick trip down the stairs..." He said as she looked down with guilt, hating that she made him feel ridiculous when his feelings we're true and valid. She slowly sat on the bed, putting her hand on his that layed beside him.
"You had a severe fever, Liam... You weren't losing your mind. I promise." She said with a gentle smile before he ripped his hand away from her, looking at the wall on the other side. She sighed and stood up, walking towards the door to walk out.
"Did I break your set...?" He asked as she frowned, turning to look at him as he turned to face her.
"Your bowls... The set you brought me to eat... Did I break them when I fell?" He said as she turned towards the door, her face flushed red. That's why he had come to school that day. It had all been to bring her stuff back. She gripped her chest, placing a reminder in her head to go back to that house to collect her things.
"No... You didn't." Was all she said as she opened the door, walking out and shutting it behind herself. Liam sighed in relief as he looked at the ceiling, glad he had at least fulfilled his original mission.
"Did he buy it..?"
"Huh?" Narcia looked up confused at Matheo.
"Did he buy it? The whole story?" He asked as she sighed and looked at the door with sadness. She wasn't fully sure. Either way, she felt really bad for lying.
"I'm not really sure... But I think so." She said as Matheo sighed and nodded. It had already been 2 weeks since Liam was found. The school was told the same story as Liam, so for his safety, they had agreed that he stayed safely there until he recovered instead of the dormitory.
"I have to go back to school, I will bring you the homework tonight." He said as she nodded, sitting next to her bedroom door where Liam was resting.
She pulled her hair back from her face, shaking it a bit as she sighed. She wanted to go back inside and cuddle him, thank the heavens for keeping him alive for her. But she knew that she had no right to. He still was very much angry with her. She slowly stood up, walking to her kitchen. It was early morning, so most of the household was asleep. She slowly started to cook some eggs, boiling them so it wouldn't be too heavy for him. He hadn't eaten anything in 2 weeks since they had an IV on him. She cracked them, pouring salt and pepper on it as she placed them in boiled egg cups. She made him some fresh orange juice before putting ice in it.
"That should give him some energy..." She said to herself as she walked to her room, gently knocking on the door.
"You can come in, Narcia." Liam said from the inside.
She quickly walked in, closing the door before walking to her nightstand, where she turned on the soft lamp.
"Here, I made you soft boiled eggs... Please eat slowly. You might feel a bit nauseous at first. Drink some orange juice for energy, okay?" She said before turning around, her wrist getting pulled back. She turned a bit confused before seeing Liam's pale face.
"Don't leave me alone again..." He said quietly, making her frown.
"Is something wrong?" She asked before he shook his head, sitting up and grabbing the tray.
"Just... I have memories of the hallucinations, and I'd rather not be alone with them." He said as she softened her look, nodding in understanding. She sat down next to his injured leg, pulling out her phone to look at some messages she had from Tammy.
(Tammy) : This boy sure takes his time, huh? Let me know when he wakes.
(Narcia) : You would too if you got banged around by that thing.
(Tammy) : Highly doubt it. So?
(Narcia) : So what?
(Tammy) : Has he awakened yet? I need my alpha to continue her studies. He isn't even yours. You can't ruin your studies just for a guy who might reject you. He doesn't love you, Narcy.
Narcia looked at the message in sadness. She knew Tammy was right. Liam probably would never forgive her. She couldn't fault him for it.
"Thank you, the food was very good..." Liam suddenly said, breaking her away from the phone. She looked at him confused, her eyes teary.
"Narcia?" He said a bit concerned at her expression before she smiled a bit and stood up, grabbing the tray.
"I'm glad you liked it." She said dryly, turning around as she walked off and slammed the door.
Liam jumped a bit at the sudden change in temper. Had he said something wrong? Why did she leave when he asked her to stay? He looked around the room, the wind smacking the window slightly against the outside of the house. Each clap caused him to jump. He closed his eyes as he lay on his back, gulping as he pulled the blanket up to his neck.
He sat up, eyes wide as he looked at the window, large red eyes staring back at him from the woods. His blood drained from his face as he opened his mouth, unable to scream. The lion slowly came from the woods, making its way past where Liam could see him. His eyes widened even more before the lion pounced inside the room.
Narcia put the dishes into the sink, sighing as she scrubbed them. She didn't understand why she was so frustrated. Was it because she knew Tammy was right? She slumped a bit as she poked at the water. She knew it was hopeless to pursue Liam. He was human. He probably would never feel the pull of the mate bond. She put the dishes to dry in the tray when she heard the loudest, blood curdling scream in her life.
"Liam..." She quickly rushed towards her room as she noticed the light in her parents' room turned on. She kicked the door open, only to see Liam pale as a sheet, trembling alone in the room.
"Liam..? What happened?" She said as she rushed to his side, gently grabbing his shoulder before he pulled her into a hug, his whole body shaking.
"He's here... The window... He's coming for me." He said as Narcia looked at the window, sitting next to him. Now, she really felt bad for him. He definitely was hallucinating things now.
"There's nothing there, Liam... Look." She said, lifting his chin to face the empty window. He blinked a few times, realizing that the story was all true... He had hallucinated the whole thing.
"Was... Was I like this the whole time..." Liam said after a few minutes had passed. Narcia gulped and nodded. She didn't want to lie more, but it was for his best.
"Is everything alright, darling?" Her father asked at the doorframe. He seemed to have run here. She nodded, gently petting Liam's hair. He didn't jerk away this time, not that he had the energy to be hateful with her to begin with. Not today, not now.
"Please get some rest too, alright? You've been forsaking yourself for days." Her father said as he kissed his Luna that stood next to him. They both waved at liam before walking to their room.
"They seem like such great parents..." He said as she chuckled and shook her head.
"They have many defaults."
"Don't we all..?" He said as she nodded in agreement. Her parents did always try to do what was best for her, even if it wasn't what made her the happiest.
"Get some rest, Liam. If you feel up for it, we can start going to university again tomorrow." She said with a soft smile, desperately trying to be as nice as she could with him.
Liam looked at her face for a moment. Something inside him was telling him not to trust it, to run away, and never look back. How could he trust that face he watched laugh at him and ridicule him for years? He sighed and looked into her eyes. A small smile appeared on his face.
"Yeah, that would be great." He said more relaxed as he lay down on the bed, Narcia now back on her phone. He could see the small smile she had and the light blush that crept on her cheeks.
Matheo was right, I think I am ready to try and forgive... She helped me a lot lately. I owe her to at least try and move on.