Chapter 19 - Dreaming Again

Everyone was tried from the info dump. Claire still wanted to talk about the ranks of the monsters and mutated plants and animals, but it can wait for a later time.

"We have plenty of time for another family meeting to learn more. Right now, we should digest what we have learned right now." James spoke up as he knows what to do the next day.

Everyone got up and went to get ready for bed. Claire and Sam looked at each other, "I wonder if we will have the same dream or if it will change."

"I'd say it would of changed in some way. I don't know how big of a change it'll be, but we will notice it for sure," Sam nodded in agreement.

"Good night everyone," Claire called out.

"Night," Everyone else answered back.

Claire was ready for bed and was laying down. She was thinking about everything that happened today and the information that gave her some enlightenment on the current situation.

She kept thinking until she finally drifted off to sleep.

Not only her but her twin as well went to sleep in his room.

The only ones awake in the house was the two older brothers, they were watching the videos that the twins shared with them.

Their parents were already asleep.

Claire and Sam were standing next to each other.

In front of them was a city burning in the distance and zombies around them. The twins were talking to each other but no sound could be heard. They weren't alone as their family members were with them watching the glow of the fire.

Other than the city burning, they recognized where they were at. They were in the city before they arrived at the countryside house.

They were close to being surrounded by zombies, but they were all ready to fight. They all had different weapons in hand, from kitchen knives and bats to gardening tools.

Their father took the lead in the attack with the older brothers following right behind. All of them were also using a type of ability.

Their mother was next and she was more of a support in the middle of the formation as they fought through.

The twins held the rear. As they made there way forward heading towards the store on the left.

All of them were cutting, chopping, or beating the zombies out of the way, some died and others were pushed out of the way, until they made it to there destination.

Out of no where boards and tools appeared and they all got to work to secure the area around them.

Still no sounds could be heard as they talked to one another. Once the walls and doorways were reinforced they surveyed the store they were in. Killing any zombie in the room and taking all the items on the shelves whether it's usfull now to not.

Once the store was cleared out everyone met up and prepared to sleep.

The scene changed, they were now at the countryside house and they were all working in some way. There was no zombies or monsters around as they were making the house into a fortress to serve as the place they would stay from now on.

It wasn't just Claire's family that was there but her brother's friends and people they don't know.

For some reason there was still no sounds that could be heard, whether it was them talking or the zombies roaring.

The scene changed again, There was chaos. People were fighting others, zombies and monsters. Their family was still together but they were currently being pushed into the forest.

Even with the special abilities they were at a disadvantage and they could only flee.

The only thing that they could be thankful for is they were all together and weren't separated.

The next day, Claire woke up and was sitting on her bed. She was thinking about the dream she had.

The outcome of the dream was different from the first when they were being chased down. Looking at how they were surrounded heading to the country house and them fleeing from the house made her realize something.

"Our powers were weak," Claire whispered to herself. The reason they were forced to run was because their powers were very weak compared to the zombies.