Chereads / 7DS: Wandering Slayer / Chapter 12 - Gilthunder

Chapter 12 - Gilthunder

The scene basically goes like the anime. Lots of talking and Gilthunder said his code words, " I am now stronger than any of the 7 deadly sins".

Then we just break out of our lightning chains since this was basically Childs play for us, sins. Then Meliodas decides to battle Gilthunder, but I decided to talk to him before that.

"Yo, Gilthunder! It been a while" I said

"Who are you?"he said

"Haaah, just look at the sword"I said

"Siegfried? Is that you? Why do you look homeless?" he asked

"You know what? Meliodas, I am going to battle instead. I need to relief some stress"I said

"Alright, good luck" he said

"Won't need it, but thanks"I said

I mean first it was hawks, then Dina, now Gilthunder. They all called me homeless I mean I was still extremely handsome but now it was just getting to me.

So i decided to relief some stress but punching Gilthunder. Everyone was interested to see what I would do. I mean I was called "Knight of Destruction" and it wasn't for show.

I even taught Gilthunder a little. Meliodas was teaching him and I joined in. They were having a conversation about what would happen if he was in a situation.

Then Meliodas told him to say "that I am now stronger than any of the 7 deadly sin" to him or me, so that we could help him.

I already knew that he would get cursed in the future but I was traveling and being a wanted man didn't help.

Even though I felt bad, I was still going to rough him up for calling me homeless. He used his thunder and everything in the surrounding was burnt beside of me.

I didn't have a single scratch so I just pulled out my sword and swung it. The air pressure alone was way stronger than his magic. He was blown back and send hurdling into the ground. The surrounding also changed.

Everyone was surprised as I had gotten significantly stronger. I mean I didn't even use my magic and now the forest was clearly visible. I blew away the most and surrounded trees.

I didn't want to hurt Gilthunder anymore, so I walked up to him and threw him. He was sent all the way back to Liones. I mean I had a great toss.

"Over did it much?" Meliodas said

"Maybe, I was trying to get him back for calling me homeless" I said

"Well you do look homeless, just more good looking" he said

"Do you want to be next?" I said

"Nope"he said

Then we left the forest, luckily Gilthunder told us that it seem one of the sins have gotten captured and we are heading to the prison.

During our travels, it seem Elizabeth wanted to ask me something.

"Uhm, sir sieg?" Elizabeth called

"Yes"I said

"How exactly strong are you?"she said

"Don't know never went all out before"I said

"You have never when all out before? What do you mean sir sieg"she asked

"Well I guess it not public information and only the Sins and the King know, but I am currently sealed"I said

"What!!! You mean you don't have your full magic and powers"she said

"Yep"I said

"Who is strong enough to seal you, sir sieg"she asked

"Well, no one. I seal my self"I said

"Wait, now I am confused? Why did you do that sir Sieg?" She asked

"Well technically I sealed my self but I was born with the seal so I could release it anytime. I rather not since I don't know the affect it will have"I said

This was a lie, I knew it was similar to a demons mark. I didn't know the exact effects but it would probably give me a stronger body, boost my magic and release my true power.

"Why where you born with a seal?" She asked

"Well apparently I am a half human and half mysterious species. The seal was so I didn't harm anyone with my true power"I said

Then we just talked about it some more but after that we just called it a night. Then now we wait till we get to the prison.