It was the Holy knight Guila, she was part of the New Generation. I have fought a few of them, I had to say it was pretty impressive that a low level demons blood can improve them by a decent margin.
I mean they were still weak compared to me and the Sins in the past, much less our future selves. Currently I can use my magic and destroy her to the point where she might as well have not existed.
Well I wouldn't do that as she plays an important part in the story but still I could if I wanted to. She was just standing their and talking with arrogant.
She then attacked Meliodas and he used his full counter, then fight goes on with Guila looking like she had the advantage.
This wasn't true, I mean we were just messing around and just using our fist with no magic. I would have joined but didn't want to ruin her fun.
Then she blows back Meliodas, then Diane. The she started to head to me. She even talked to me a little, so I decided to scar her a little.
"Well if it isn't the Knight of Destruction, Siegfried. I have heard plenty of rumors about you but I wonder if most of the are even true" she said
"Really, because I haven't heard of you and you seem to be the annoying kind"I said
"Hmm, interesting, you seem to have a child like personality"she said
"Well what can I say, I am always playing around"I said
"Well, it does matter as today you are going to die"she said
"Really? You don't seem to know your place"I said
"Oh I know my place and it ahead of you"she said
"Well this a place where I can release a little and show off a little with getting in trouble"I said
Then for the first time I release all my pressure from my pure strength, magic, and will.
The land just started to flatten. There was a massive earthquake and dust storm. I was still sealed but I was way stronger then 99% of this verse.
Guila at this point was just laying on the ground. She couldn't resist and was scared. She had met some powerful people but I was on a whole different level.
So I just walked up to her and used my sword. I didn't spilt her as she was in her soul state and that would probably destroy her soul. So I just made thousands of small cut.
None of them were life threatening and since she was a soul she couldn't bleed out. Then I suppressed my pressure as Guila was fading out.
The rest of the Sins, hawks, and Elizabeth returned. They were a little shocked as the surrounding were basically a waste land.
I mean all you can see is flatten land. There used to be crystals everywhere but now it was just gone.
"Yo, got everything finished?"I asked Ban and King
"Yeah"king and ban said
Then we started to fade out. I really need to get my power level measured as I don't know we're I stand currently. I know only like 30 or so character can with stand me.
Then we all returned and saw Guila in her death like state. We just tide her to a tree and drew on her face. Then we left since we didn't want to be caught, this soon.