We arrived near Vaizel, and set up the Boar Hat as we usually do when we arrive to a new place. I knew that we would be attacked soon but I couldn't stop it.
I mean I could kill them when they arrived but each of them help the characters grow, so I can only kill the cannon folder.
I mean Guila helps Gowther somewhat in the future, Jericho helps and travels with Ban for a bit, and that one knight is King best friend in disguise or something like that. It hard to remember all the details.
Man, it such a pain if you think about it. I mean I came here to get my name get cleared faster, not follow the plot.
But if I make a mistake, then they might not grow property. Like if king doesn't find out about his best friend then he might not be able to unlock his true power as a fairy king.
Or if Jericho doesn't go with Ban, the she won't be able to help Elaine and Ban during there escape and find Escanor.
"So annoying"I said
"What is annoying sir sieg" Elizabeth asked
"Oh, nothing just thinking about the further"I said
"Let's head into town and find Diane's hammer"Meliodas said
"Not fair! I want to go too!" Diane said
"Sorry but after a giant caused some problems a few years ago, they have all been ban"Meliodas said
Then Elizabeth just stayed with her out of pity. I just head in town with the rest of us. After a while we found the hammer. It was next and laying by a large rock.
"So looks like we found it"I said
"Yep, now all we got to do is win it"Meliodas said
"Or steal it"Ban said
"Only a thief would think like that"king said
"Let's just sign up all of us"I said
Every one agree except king as he didn't want to do it. After some convincing he finally agreed.
Then Ban went to sign us all up, dice Meliodas and King look like kids and I look like my wanted poster a little to much.
Then I saw a few interesting people. I saw Howzer, Griamore, and princess Veronica. They were important later but right now were a little useless.
Then I notice some one, it was Diane or Matrona if you counted her secret name. I noticed since giants have mostly earth Magic connection.
Then the festival was about to start, so I just entered the ring. Then this weird announcer came to be.
I immediately noticed who he was, but we were here to win Diane's weapon back, so I let him be for now.
Then the battle royal started. Now Ban sign up using fake names and apparently my name was Sighfried. I knew he was bad with names but really, they are basically identical.
Now all these people were weaklings, I made sure not to hurt them, then after a while just a few of use were left. Then it ended, and it seems I replaced Taizoo.
Then the next matches get set up, it seem I will be going against Howzer. Then the matches start, first off is Diane or Matrona vs Griamore.
Then she wins like in the anime. Next up is me, Howzer said that I should surrender. He said that I would be wiped by his magic.
I just laughed at him, then he activated his whirlwind. I was just firm on the ground laughing at him. Then he comes for some close range.
I just swing at him, and it breaks his whirlwinds. I mean I just lightly swung, I didn't mean to destroy his magic.
He was also knocked out of the area by my punch. This ended the match, and my next opponent was diane/Matrona.