Chereads / 7DS: Wandering Slayer / Chapter 9 - Bernia Village

Chapter 9 - Bernia Village

It was weird traveling. I mean hawks mom is quick and stable, so it was a smooth travel but it still takes time to get use too.

Then we have arrived. She just dug a hole and went in there, this placing the Boar Hat on the ground.

Then we went to the village. They all seem really upset like the anime. It happen all the same, there was a sword in the village stopping the water.

The knights were demanding tax money, the people weee upset. Meliodas decided to help them, as he wanted some Bernia Ale.

So he pulled out the sword and scared the knights away. This little kid was interested as how he did that even though the whole village couldn't do it.

Then they all decided to celebrate at the Boar Hat, so I had a very busy first day as a cook. After a while, Meliodas head out leaving me all the work.

Elizabeth followed him, then like the anime there was a lightning spear that was tossed at the village. The Meliodas caught it then threw it back, making it confirmed that he was in the village.

The villagers were shocked, as they never seen such feats. Meliodas then told us that we are leaving.

Luckily, we hear the rumors of a giant being in the white forest, so that where we are heading. Well I already know where all the Sins are but it would be kinda weird to take them and bring them along without the others.

We take off and leave, Elizabeth seems very curious about our relationship with the Sins and each other as we have all separated.

So I just explain what happened on that day. I told her that on that day, me and the Sins went to visit Zaratras but when we got there he was killed.

Then all of a sudden we were surrounded by holy knights. We we're being framed for his death. Then all of a sudden Merlin teleported all of us.

She then asked we did for these years. Meliodas told her that he was just running this bar the whole time. I told her that I have traveled all of Britannia and stayed in the land of the druids after I visited the whole continent.

She was interested in my travels and asked me what I saw. I told her about the animals, plants, food, and stuff like that.

Then she asked me about the druids, I just told her that they have taught me some magic and things like that. Nothing about my relationship with them.

She was amazed when I showed her. Then she started to ask me about myself.

"Sir sieg, if I may asked. Why is your title Siegfried the knight of destruction" she asked

"Well that because my unique magic power called Destroyer Magic. It basically allows me to destroy anything" I said

"Wow, that amazing sir sieg!"she said

"Now that isn't only the reason. It also because of my pure power like strength and speed. I mean out of all the kingdom I am one of the strongest"I said

"He sure is, he even destroyed his house on multiple occasions" Meliodas said

Hawks and Elizabeth were impressed. They only heard about story's about me but coming from me it was believed.