Chereads / swordsmen retry / Chapter 2 - To be killed

Chapter 2 - To be killed

"PAIN. ohhhh. Can't I die already?" I mumble

The room starts to spin. The crowd cheered, some even laughed.

"What are you laughing at, can't you see I'm trying to die here."

It starts to feel like an engine is revving in my stomach sending unbearable burning pain through every little part of my body. Blood rushes up to my throat. I begin gasping for air, as if with overwhelming greed. The loud annoying voices turn to whispers, which quickly turns into silence. Light fades until a blinding stream of flowing light surrounds me. My eyes lucidly open. The cold hard street sits beneath me, and the market surrounds.

"Was, was that all a dream?" I ask myself.

The knight walks by.

I choke out the words." Where am I?"

He turns to look at me with the same disgusted face.

"You my friend are in the city of free-lords, under the rule of sir victor the great." He said in an oddly mockingly friendly tone.

And with the same well trained grace he turned and walked away.

Soon Rose walks by without saying a word.

The feelings of fear came up but I pushed it right back down.

"Hay Rose." I scream into her back.

She turned around giving me an annoyed look.

"Duel me" I say

"What?" she asks

"Duel me" I repeat.

"no, I heard what you said, I'm just confused. Why?"

"You're strong, do I need any other reason?"

She gave me an Accepting nod and said.

"Come with me."

We entered the same bar as last time. However by the time we got here the fight was over. She enters the arena and I follow her in. I take a step in causing the crowd to cheer. A man walked in from behind me.

Deja Vu.

"Well, isn't it good to see you again." He winked at the girl, and then turned to the crowd. " Okay okay, calm it on down. Because we have a good match tonight. A newcomer has gone and challenged Rose. Okay, now I guess it's time for the Introductions. On this side we have the undefeated sword of the lord of the city, ROSE! And on the other corner" He said

"Jack" I interrupted him

Ignoring me he says." Mister nobody who doesn't deserve to be named." There's a pause." May the fight begin."

Rose enters her low stance. I take a step back holding the dead man's sword at my waist. Quick draw is usually a useless technique meant more for looks than for fights. I take a fast step forward unleashing the sword like a loaded gun, sending it flying through the air. The blade moved like a lighting bolt shooting in a zigzag pattern making it hard to track.

Not even giving blocking a thought she jumped back falling to the floor, but not before she threw her sword like a javelin, sending it flying into my eye.


I awake upon the hard and cold ground. Placing my hand on my eye, a chill runs down my spine. TERRIFYING. That sword that seemed to freeze in the air, her annoyed filled face that looked like she didn't want to be there, like it was one big chore, just a task to get off the list. truly terrifying, but the sword did move, at an unforgiving speed, no chance to dodge, no last words, no scream, not even any pain, just BLACK.

I Lift my hand off my throbbing eye. It hurt bad like someone took a knife and stabbed constantly. Not just my eye but my whole head was throbbing. Nausea sweeps over me, causing me to puke.

Covered in my own vomit. I grab onto Rose's leg as she walks by. The way she looked down on me causes me to flinch.

"Pleace," I Stutter out. " duel me."

She kicks me off and says.


I follow her with rickety steps. We enter the same bar as before. The match is just ending. She enters the ring as I follow. There is no cheer from the crowd this time, just a visible look of disgust. The man enters the ring staring daggers at me.

"Well, isn't it good to see you again." He winked at the girl, and then turned to the crowd. " Here we go. We have a match tonight. Some drunk has gone and challenged Rose." Skipping the Introductions he says. "May the fight begin."

I pick up the sword, still somewhat nauseated.

Readying my stance, I enter my signature defensive Style. It's a style I worked countless hours to make, I call it Tortoise pose. Pointing the sword to the ground and gripping the long sword in a half sword stance. I put my feet unusually close together and ready myself. She again enters that annoying stance.

The Tortoise style goes against normal use of the sword. With it I use the sword to Protect my body with fluid guiding motions, almost like a sword bouncing off a tortoise shell.

She decides to do the first attack Most likely with the idea of getting this over with. She performs a sideways slash, which is easily blocked and guided to a safe location. I attempted to perform a counter attack, but she was too fast, forcing me to jump back. Taking advantage of this she lunges forward with a stab. Her movement is like a waterfall fast, deadly, and beautiful. She stabs cuts and slashes at me until she finds a crack in the shell, pushing through she lobs off my head.

I can see the room spin and the floor fast approaching. my brain is struggling to understand what just happened. My headless body leans back and forth until falling onto the ground. I hear a bang and the spinning stops, fading into BLACK.

I awake on the cold hard street.

Duel me, duel me, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel, duel. du.

I awake on the street.