I am not superstitious but I could have sworn I heard voices speaking as whispers especially when they were brushing against my ears.
This happened twice before and I said nothing to anyone but today I had more sensations as the edge of my vision I saw movement ,my curiosity was definitely peeking.
It was the morning after my ordeal that I finally found out what strange circumstances this freezing feeling actually is all about.
The five mothers- in- laws were using magic to freeze our population whenever they felt like doing so.
Everyone else was not aware except for me. I don't know when I become aware of my new abilities of detecting the freeze but it started making sense... Why was everyone always tired?..Why was I aware times did not match?..
Especially the time I woke up tied to a bucket...going downhill.
All of these things happened when Jason's family arrived. The suspicion is definitely on those five-mothers inlaws , yes they seem to be running their own plans for Jason's future, their way or no way.
After the mishap happened the five were extremely friendly but I was not buying it at all.
I knew something was wrong. I would never have thought magic was being used. I definitely did not find the answer an agreeable way to solve any problems I would have thought. I was frozen into a running position and lots,of other people coming and going were frozen.
It seems I am the only one except for Jason's father who knew what was,going on. The only conversation I could hear was that They were speaking openly saying "We have to prepare for the Grand vizier who is coming tomorrow...." This conversation was a betrayal of everything our country stood for.
Kalabash is openly standing for no slaves but the five moms decided they would work a devious plan that cooperated with the Grand vizier. "We have go get rid of Antineba soon as she is a threat to us...you know her mother had the gift and we had to silence her...," Definitely heard that part of their conversation...
I tried to hear more but I started thawing out and I fell to the ground with a thud.
I knew I had to worn Jason about the Grand vizier coming but how can I when I am one person and it seems Jason is cross with me...
Is his Mother and the others changing his mind through magic, I don't know but I have to come up with a plan. There was something else they said about the 'cave of whispers ' as I could see and hear snippets of information I gather that is where they froze my mother.
I wonder if she is still alive? I have to ask someone if they know where the 'cave of whispers ' is. That is my first mission, finding out more about the 'cave of whispers ."
I am fortunate enough to be close to the cook's tent when I heard someone speaking about the very thing I wanted answers for namely, 'the cave of whispers. '
The cook was discussing the background of the desert and by some strange coincidences my subject came up. He said he was a child when they went there as there was the very best wild garlic and other herbs growing. His assistant asked "Why don't we go there maybe we can find these herbs and vegetables."
The cook agreed it was a good idea. I was fortunate enough to be comming into the tent as the large pots were boiling and be a part of this interesting conversation. I asked if I could accompany them to the 'cave of whispers '. They said "Sure no problem,"
My mission was set and I went looking for Jason, he sat at the house office with a desk full of papyrus scrolls, writing out documents for his government things... I stood in the doorway and as he definitely wanted me out of the way he agreed with my request of a expedition for food gathering.
I was quite clever as I took over the arrangements and then I made sure everyone who was on the execution list was coming with me. We were going to stay at the cave and return in two days time. Messing-up the Grand vizier's plans was better than winning the battle for now. I have to come up with my own strategy but a reconnosence mission is a better plan anyway.
I don't think Jason would believe me in any case even if I happen to tell him the truth, things are so strange and circumstances with his mothers are out of control as the minute our group who is now packed up with camels and even my elephant was coming along...
I never knew old ladies could run and scream at the same time as we were leaving the five mothers came running out trying to stop us. They had no authority to tell us anything, anyway.. I felt elated as I trotted past them and when they tried their freezing trick this time it did not work as they just stood stunned and watched us go past them...
I would learn later on that I had the ability to stop their magic ,I hust did not know how I did it but I did it that day...
Our group was going to visit the 'cave of whispers ' on a food finding mission but in reality I was about to learn so much more about magic and the real tricks used by magicians in this cave I found people who were frozen and when I released them I found my mother as well.
A great moment of elation was in my heart at least I was able to do something for our people who now depended on Jason and myself to stand together and find a way. We need to build a kingdom even if it means we have to learn how to fight magic or I had to learn and be fast about it.