After resting inside the cave marqs decides to cautiously look outside for any signs of danger before exiting his cave and going into the forest. He looks around for any food he could atleast try as he is badly starving and after a while he finally found some.
"They kinda look like pears" he says to himself before picking them and deciding to eat them. "it's either I get poison or die of starvation, so I'll take my chances" he says before biting down on the fruit. they taste sweet and are very juicy, and after a while of picking and eating them, he is finally full. "man I am really lucky to have found such good fruits, I better take a few for the road, never know when ill find food again" he says as he packs a few in his pants pocket.
Luckily marqs loves cargo pants and therfore has alot of storage. he manages to pack 10 fruits as they are just a bit bigger than pears. after finding this source of food, marqs decides to explore the forest more. Of course the only thing he finds after searching for hours on end is nothing but more forest, which really made his mood a bit worse.
He decides to rest a bit before heading out in one direction. "I will walk straight until I find something!" he declares to himself before setting off in a random direction. he continues in this direction for another few hours and finally finding a road.
This road simply goes left and right for a long time but before marqs can even celebrate he hears a loud roar coming from his right. he turns and looks and to his horror a big, amored, sword wielding monster is running at him. This thing is atleast 8 feet tall and wield a greatsword with one hand and sprinting at him slowly as it is not very fast. Marqs trys to turn and run away but the thing suddenly arrives in front of him as though it had teleported.
This catches marqs off guard and he barely manages to avoid the swing of the monster in front of him. "HOLY SHIT! It teleported!?" he shouted and booked it down the road. Like last time though It manages to catch up instantly, despite its slow movement speed and huge body. This cycle continues a few time where marqs runs away, it catches up, he dodges the swing. This happens a few times until marqs understand he will never outrun this thing and he prepares to fight it.