"That is sad. Very sad." The guildmaster said. His face was gloom after listening to Gaia narrate her story.
"We'll have a befitting funeral in his honour. He was after all one of our best."
While they yet spoke, a small group of five sorcerers walked into the room. The master rose to his feet immediately but it was too late to act out his intentions. Two of these uninvited guests grabbed Gaia.
"Stand down, Julian!" The master commanded.
Gaia took a glance at their insignia, her face immediately spelled disbelief. "The council?" she thought.
Indeed, Julian getting involved with these people would only complicate their current issues. The Aepari of the Council of Mages were no joke.
"Don't worry, Gaia. I'll get you out of this mess!"
"It's good we have an understanding," one of them finally spoke as they left.