|Little Red|
"Good girl." Two words. Both frightening, and alluring. The praise goes to my head, and my chest. Still, I wished to crawl into a ditch, close my eyes, and die.
The wolf didn't lie when he said he would walk me to the bathroom. After eating, and taking the necessary medication, he grabbed the leash from where he tied it. If I was tall enough, I could have gotten to it. But I'm….. who cares?
"Strip." His orders came in, snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes were glaring at the bath….tub? Stream? I don't know. I have no clue.
"Do I-"
"Strip. A third warning, will lead to me spanking you."
My mouth feel sour, and the image of me bent over his knees, his palms smacking my- the gods rebuke that. Nope. Strip I shall.
The speed I used to toss the night dress off could have won me an award. It felt like I blinked and my clothing was instantly discarded.
"Where did you get your scars?"
I winced, that's a question I don't want to answer. "Have you ever heard of dynasty prison?" But what choice do I have? Answer his question honestly, or have my dignity stripped away from me via my ass. The answer was too obvious.
"Get in the tub." He tossed what looked like a cherry fruit into the water, and I watched as it boiled. I tested the temperature with my feet, trying not to feel awkward about being naked in front of him. It's not like he hasn't seen me like this. He washed me on the first night here.
The water is warm, just like it was one last night. I dipped my whole body into the water. My body landed on the smooth gravelly bottom.
"Yes, I have heard about the Dynasty prison. Is that where you're from? Are you a criminal?"
I snorted, and his growl silenced me.
"Use your words, not sass."
I haven't even sassed him yet. I'm usually obedient and quiet. Well the obedient part is a lie, but I could keep my mouth shut when it was necessary. Something about him just irritates me.
It annoys me. Perhaps it's how my body reacts to him.
Thankfully I have a stronger self control.
"I'm not a criminal, but I'm not exactly a free person. I haven't been free since I was what… ten? Eleven? I can't recall."
He hums, tying the leash to something in the ceiling. Then he grabs a bucket, soap and sponge.
"You were being held captive? Is that how you got those?"
"Yeah. My people didn't exactly consent to being used as pawns for war." The way he had added emphasis to the word little, I did the same to the consent. Because I didn't agree to any of these.
He had no reaction to that, and I cursed him in my mind. What a jerk.
"I see. No wonder you can't use your ability. You have no clue."
"Do you?"
My jaw drops, and I waited for him to elaborate. But he doesn't.
"No. I'm not telling you that."
I would ask why, but I'm pretty sure the answer is staring me right in the face.
The bath was uncomfortable for me, but again I was thoroughly clean by the end. Then he stood too close to me. Toweling my body dry while I brushed my teeth.
"Starting tomorrow, you will begin your role of a wife. What I'm going to do to you, is called domestic discipline."
The perfect name to write on my tomb stone, I thought dryly.
"What does that mean?"
"It means I'm have a note waiting for you the very second you wake up. Take a good look at yourself." His fingers grabs my jaw, forced me to stare into the mirror hanging over the sink..
"This is the last time you're ever going to do something out of your own free will. Tomorrow night, I won't be bathing you. You'll be doing that for me. Like a good house bitch."
I take back what I said. This sentence right here, is the scariest thing I've ever heard. My heart sinks deep into the pit of my stomach. My breath elevates and he chuckles.
"Come now, let's get you into bed. Your medicine should be kicking in soon."
I tried to bring up what Angelica said. How I need to rest for my body to fully heal from the poison. Yet somehow, I knew it wouldn't change his mind.
All I did was run off. Why is he acting like I committed treason? If he were to be in my shoes wouldn't he do the same?
House bitch. Those words….
I allowed him to dress me in some shorts, and a large shirt. I didn't complain, even as he tucked me into the bed and sat on the floor watching me in the dark. His red eyes felt ominous.
I couldn't sleep for sometime. My mind raced, rewinding his words on replay. House bitch.
The last time I'll do something of my own free will. Even after I explained the situation with the dynasty prison. Okay, so I didn't go into the details. He didn't ask for them either.
What can I do? I have to get on his good side, then maybe we can talk it out. Maybe we can figure out how to…. I don't know…. Will he agree to letting me go? This curse is the problem. If I couldn't see him.
If I couldn't see any of them, then I wouldn't have an issue. What use would they have for me if I rid myself of this curse?
That sparrow has to come back at some point. And the wolf won't watch me every second right? He must have duties if he's a king. At some point he's going to slip up, and I will get away. After all, the warden probably didn't think I could get away either. But after years, it happened. That gives me hope.
Those thoughts eased the tension off my shoulders, allowing me to sleep.