The first few lectures before the break go smoothly. It's the first day of school so nothing much has been taught. Just basic information.
As the bell rings students begin to move to the cafeteria.
"You guys go ahead. I have something to fetch."
I inform my friends.
My friends simply nod and leave.
I head to my locker and grab the purple tiffin box and make my way to the cafe.
As I enter the cafeteria, I find Laura sitting in our regular spot with the boys in the furthest corner.
Waving enthusiastically at Amira who is a few steps ahead of me.
She and Laura are joined by the hip.Where did she go, alone? Why is she entering just now?
What she does is none of your business, Aslan.
I scold myself.
I shake my head to clear my thoughts and head towards them.
I place the tiffin in front of Amira and sit on the empty seat which happens to be opposite her.
"I am getting us some pizza. You want something else?"
Arden asks me as he proceeds to stand.
"Nah, pizza sounds good."
I reply
"What is that?"
Chides Laura, eyeing the tiffin box curiously.
"Mom made some cheesecake this morning, so she sent some for Amira,"
I declare.
That's all Amira says as she looks at the tiffin box.
Her tone lacks the usual excitement and joy. Unlike all the other times when she sounded full of enthusiasm and happiness whenever mom sent something for her and she gobbled it up like a hungry bear.
Especially whenever mom sent Chocolate cheesecake. Since it's her favourite.
"Girl, I am telling you, you are Aunt Delilah's favourite."
Laura voiced.
"It's not like that. See, she sent enough for all of us to eat."
Amira counters as she opens the box and shows Laura that the box contains as much as cheesecake it can fit.
Mom does love all my friends.
But she and I and everyone with two eyes can see that she is mom's favourite.
"But it is. Admit it. She loves you the most. But then again you are one cute little cupcake that deserves all the love in the world."
Laura lets out.
Amira chokes out, a rare emotion flashes in her eyes but it's gone the next moment, before I can guess what is and I wonder if I am seeing things.
"Here, have some."
she continues while pushing the tiffin box to the centre of the table as she urges everyone to eat.
Laura happily obliges.
Arden returns with pizzas in his hand and a tiny package which he hands to Amira saying,
"Here you go, my lady."
"Thank you."
she says gratefully, giving a big smile to him. And proceeds to open the package which contains a small sandwich in it.
So he gets a thanks for bringing her a small sandwich from the cafeteria itself.
But I get none for delivering a pathetic purple tiffin box from all the way home?
What a double standard, girl!
"Where did the cheesecake come from?" Arden questions.
"Yummmm, Aslan's mum sent it for Amira."
Laura groans in delight,
"Arden, you should taste this. It tastes amazing."
"Aunt Delilah sent it for Amira."
Arnold reminds her twin, because in a span of a few minutes she has eaten almost half the cheesecake.
"Let her eat. I have eaten it a hundred times before. She makes the best cheesecake ever. You can't blame Laura."
Amira says while taking a bite of her sandwich.
"But still she has finished half of it while you haven't eaten a bite and are eating a tiny sandwich that doesn't even pass for lunch."
Arnold states matter-of-factly.
"It's alright," mutters Amira
"There is a lot of cheesecake left. Besides, I am still kinda full from all the breakfast I consumed and it may be a tiny sandwich for you big man but it's big enough for me to pass as my lunch. Still, thank you for your concern."
she reaches out and places her hand on top of his and squeezes it in appreciation.
She is wrong. The sandwich is tiny and surely doesn't pass as lunch.
"If you say so, Girlfriend."
He replies flipping his hand and holding her small hands in his huge ones and squeezing it back just like she did mere seconds ago, all while giving her his million-dollar smile.
She smiles back.
"Stop with your romance and let me eat my pizza."
Laura interrupts their conversation.
"Your jealousy is showing, Laura."
Her twin teases.
As Amira takes her hand back and laughs.
Everyone continues eating the food while joking and talking about random things when Laura questions me,
"How's your work going, Mr CEO."
Mr. CEO is what she calls me ever since I took over the CEO's position at my father's company the next day I turned 18.
Mom was opposed to the idea because she wanted me to focus on my studies but I have always had an interest in our business and wanted nothing more than to work to expand our business more than it already is.
Fortunately, Dad was supportive and eventually convinced mom too with the condition that I attend college. Which I planned on doing anyway.
"Everything is good at work."
I answer, smiling at her.
The conversation flows easily and a few minutes pass before the bell rings, indicating that 5 minutes is left before break time is up
Amira stands up while saying,
"I am going to the washroom. You guys continue eating."
"I'll come with you."
says Laura.
"Nah, have your lunch peacefully. We'll meet in the class,"
Amira states.
"I can come if you want."
Laura insists.
A look of pani? Dare I say, passes across Amira's face but it's gone the next second.
"No, you don't have to. It's absolutely alright. Let's meet in the class."
Amira reassures with a smile.
And then she is out of the door.
The bell rings in a few minutes and students start getting back to their classes.
"What should I do with the tiffin? Should I give it to Amira or..."
Laura trails, while closing the lid of the now empty tiffin box.
"I'll take it with me."
I reply as I take the tiffin box.
I don't want mom breathing down my neck questioning whether I fulfilled my promise or not. I can simply show her the proof.
I exit the cafe and head toward my locker when another thought comes to my mind.
I did deliver the cheesecake as promised but the one that it was sent for didn't eat a single bite of it.