"Mommy, wait for me!"
I cry to my mother.
But Mommy doesn't listen to me.
"Mommy, take me with you."
I plead, my tone desperate.
But she ignores me and gets in her car.
"Mommy, don't leave me."
I wail, at the top of my lungs.
But she keeps driving,
And driving,
And driving,
Going Further,
And further,
And further away.
Leaving me all alone.
I startle awake.
My forehead is covered in sweat.
My body is trembling violently.
10 Breathe in.
9. Hold you breath.
8. Breathe out.
7. Hold.
It was just a Nightmare.
6 Breathe in.
5. Hold.
Everything is alright.
4. Breathe Out.
3. Hold.
You are fine.
2. Breathe in.
1. Hold.
Go back to sleep.
0. Breath Out.
I close my eyes.
Seconds turn to minutes,
Minutes turn to an hour,
And an hour turns into hours,
But as always,
Sleep never returns.