Amira Sinclair.
It's Christmas!
And my birthday in 6 days!
I am going to get many, many presents.
I wonder what presents mommy going to give me this time. I wish my birthday comes fast. I can't wait.
I am sitting near the window, waiting for my best friends, Arnold, and Arden who is coming to my home to play.
Then, I and Laura will get ready together is matching gowns since we are having a huge Party at my house!
I see mommy getting out of the house. I run after her because I am tired of sitting near the window waiting for my friends.
I'll wait for them with mommy.
Why does mommy have a bag with her? Wow! Are those my presents? But why is mommy keeping it in her car?
Oh, mommy wants to surprise me!
I call for her, smiling from ear to ear.
Mommy turns around but she doesn't smile at me like she always does.
She doesn't open her arms for me to jump in it.
Instead mommy starts running towards her car.
Why is mommy running away from me?
"Mommy, where you going?"
I ask her.
Mommy doesn't answer but she puts the huge suitcase in the trunk and makes her way towards the driver's seat.
"Mommy, wait for me!"
I shout running faster, hoping she will hear me now.
"Get back in the house, cheesecake.
Don't come after me.
Mommy loves you so very much. I am sorry. "
Mommy says, sitting in the driver's seat as the car starts, her eyes are misty.
Why is mommy crying? What is she sorry?
Daddy is at work. Mommy gave the staff holiday for Christmas.
Where is mommy going?
Mommy never leave me at home alone.
"Mommy! Where are you going? Don't leave me!"
I scream as the car leaves the gate.
I run after the car but fall on the ground and get owiee on my knees still I get up and run again but the car is fast I can't keep up and then it's out of sight.
I cry crouching on the ground.
My feet are owie, I didn't wear my shoes.
My knees feel owie too.
I keep crying but then a black car like mommy's stops near me.
"Mommy, I knowed you won't leave me!"
I say, wiping my eyes, happy that mommy is back.
But it's not mommy that comes out of the car.
Aunt Delilah runs towards me just like how I was running after mommy.
"What are you doing here, Darling?"
Aunt Delilah asks me in her sweet soft voice.
"Mommy gone. Mommy leave me.
I called mommy's name so so many times but she leave me and gone."
I tell her in between my hiccups.
"No baby, mommy must have just went to buy something. How can someone leave such a pretty little girl like you?"
"No! Mommy leave me. She don't love me.
She said she sorry and she loves me so very much. I tell her to wait for me but she leave. "
I argue.
"Let's get home, okay? And then we will call mommy."
Aunt Patricia says.
I ask Aunt Delilah.
"Promise. Now stop crying, you beautiful girl."
She promises while wiping my tears.
She picks me up like mommy does and sits me in the backseat of the car and makes her way to the front seat.
"What's wrong, Princess?"
Says Aslan.
I don't like him at all.
He always points out my mistake when I talk and calls me "Princess" because he thinks I am spoiled.
Is all I say, and then look out of the window.
He always makes me feel like I am small than him so I don't talk with him too many.
"Mommy didn't get you your favourite toy for Christmas?"
He teases me.
"Don't eat my head.
My head hurts so does my knees."
"So do my knees"
He says.
"The correct sentence should be 'so do my knees and not does my knees' "
He informs me, smiling from ear to ear.
See, I told you.
I wait for him to laugh and make fun of my english but he looks at my scraped knees and then looks out the window.
I ignore him too and then my eyes close.
Where you go mommy? I miss you.