A lone brown octopus shifted from rock to rock across the seafloor of a massive kelp forest.
From an onlookers perspective, one might notice that it was humming a strange tune as it continued on its journey.
Occasionally the octopus would stop by some rocks and stick its tentacles into gaps between them, however it would simply shack its head and progress onward.
I seriously never knew how hard it was to find a home!
One thought that I realized was that I need 2 things right now.
First of all, I need food obviously. I need it so that I won't starve, and I also need it so that I can kill stuff to level up and become stronger.
The other thing I need is shelter! I need some base or home ground, or something that I can at least sleep in because I am seriously getting tired.
As a human I know that I need food, water, and shelter, but I mean... I don't really need water here.
I've got plenty to go around.
However the shelter situation really sucks!
I could of course just activate [Camouflage] and hide wherever, but I'm scared that something will see me as I'm sleeping and best case scenario make only a few of my limbs into octopus cake pops!
When I first left the site of my battle after I finished eating and upgrading myself, I originally wanted to hunt more.
On the search I realized that I should probably have or even make a base because at this point I just wanna sleep!
The good news is that my search has been fairly fast with my new mutation!
Of course my main form of movement are still the funnels on the side of my head which I use to propel myself, but I can now also launch myself from rocks and the ground for some additional speed!
What I'm mainly looking for in a nest is a place that is hard to find, obviously, and something that is hard to access for something that isn't an octopus.
What I mean by this is that as an octopus, since I don't really have an bones or rather anything hard in my body I can pass through most gaps or holes pretty easily.
I think I remember reading a fact somewhere that octopi can fit into any hole that is larger than their eyeballs, meaning that I wanna try and find some place like that which I can't be followed into.
Wait a minute... maybe I shouldn't be so picky.
I mean, since we can evolve in this world doesn't that mean that I'm most likely going to become bigger and bigger?
If that's the case then any home that I find here I would eventually be required to move out of because I couldn't fit!
Well screw this then! I'm just going to find a place to sleep for now!
The good news is that there are plenty of rocks near the seabed which I can use as cover during my sleep.
As a pretty small octopus I can still manage to fit under most of the rocks which aren't classified as pebbles or smaller which certainly helps the selection process.
After a little bit of searching I decided to use 3 rocks which had conveniently stacked together making a slight entrance between them from the hole on top of them.
After slipping through the small hole atop the three I originally wanted to rest my head somewhere so that it wasn't uncomfortable, but I realized that I'm probably just going to sleep upright.
Since were underwater we don't really need a bed to rest, or rather I could even say that we are already completely enveloped in a waterbed.
It's whatever though I just wanna sleep, its been a long few days for me after all...
Looking up all I see is a little bit of light as I can feel myself being surrounded from all sides by something hard.
Oh! Right. I died, and was now reincarnated as an octopus.
To be fair I'm not that used to this life yet, after all, I've only really been alive like this for 2-3 days at most. I kinda still thought that this was a dream but I guess it really wasn't.
Ah. I suppose I should be going about now. I can't stay looking like a turd forever now can I?
I squeezed through the top of the rocks with newfound energy as I thought about what I could hunt today.
First of all, I can't really hunt most of the grown stuff. At least the things like are way bigger than me like a decent bit of the crabs.
I think the only reason why I was able to take down that crab yesterday was because it was still a child like myself meaning that it didn't have the pure mass and muscles as some of the other crabs that I've seen around here.
I was pretty lucky in that sense but rather than trying to keep on trying that luck with baby crabs I think I should go for something a little more common.
My main thought are a small group of fish which I sometimes find nibbling on the lower parts of some of the kelp strands near my base.
So I think I'll try and find one of those groups to see if I can take some of them down.
After a little bit of searching I found one of such groups that I had seen previously surrounding the lower parts of a particularly unlucky kelp plant.
At least these fishes aren't very big.
Individually speaking they're probably only 1-2 inches, so about a quarter of my size.
Wait am I even only a few inches big? I don't have any references here for how big something is so what if I'm actually only a few centimeters long? Or even worse, what If I'm actually bigger than a foot?!
Would that mean that python that raided my cave earlier was actually a ginormous monster??
No, no. Now is not the time to be thinking about this.
What really matters is that these guys are smaller than me and that they're also probably herbivore's meaning that they probably won't try to fight back but most likely just escape.
Ooooooooh! I think I was right!
These guys are definitely weaker than me and especially in the strength department. This means that I've just got to actually catch them!
Of course I won't just be brazenly approaching them.
Not only is there speed stat higher than mine, but they also have the innate swimming instincts of a truly marine born creature.
But I won't be bested by this alone. I mean, I've got my status as an octopus after all.
[You have activated Camouflage]