Chereads / pokemon: who needs strength when you have a brain / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 : If you dont have the knowledge just pretend you do

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 : If you dont have the knowledge just pretend you do

Math is one of the few(only) classes that i could pass without studying, Benefits of getting to 18 on the other life i guess, anyway during the period of math and the break before the next class i spent studying for next class a classmate sitting next to me started whispering

"Paul, you nervous about the test? its understandable after all pokemon care is one of the subjects that you want to pass if you wanna be a trainer "

my mind went blank and a few seconds later alarms started to sound in my head


i had less than 2 hours of study and a little over 20 minutes before the start of the class and i barely knew anything that is requiered, change of plans, i dont think the book is the more efficient way to pass right now perhaps for learning but now i need specifics and i can't know what i need to know from the book since i dont know where to look so the clock in my head started to tick and the countdown started and i have 20 minutes aprox till next class .

A smile started to form on my face and the game started again and the best way to start a mission is talking to the npc that started so he was the first on the list

"yeah i dont feel as ready as i should, any advice that you wanna give me?"

"well that was expected since you barley pass the exams in class so i will make you this favor, from what i heard from class 25 the test consisted in a multiple choice about basic care and a essay about how to take care about each type of pokemon you things like food , how to approach them you know."

'no, i dont, but i guess i know now so i still have about 18 minutes of study so i could pull this of'

i closed my book and opened my phone because if you want a resume you go to the wikipedia of your world 10 out of 10 times


"no problem man"

When the bell started to ring i was already on the classroom and the teacher started to hand the test as soon as the bell rang, so all that was left was to pray that this was enough .

the first questions were easy enough,they were about what items use to heal a pokemon health and status.

Now you might think that its as easy as say potions but this world is not the games exactly so things like poison you think of an antidote and although it works with normal poison the stronger ones only make the immune system stronger and win you time, it's recommended to make your pokemon vomit if possible to try to take as most of the poison of the system and let them inside a pokeball since they make the process slower or things like anti burn accelerates the process of closing the wound to stop any infection accelerating the use of white blood cells, but overall easy enough.

Now there was the real problem, the specifics about ceirtan pokemon and it was mostly how they act in nature and their diet and i can assure that i have no idea so here i have no option but to use my ace in the hole...


'i know that might seem like a bad plan but i ran out of options since the pokemon in my test are not the same as in the test next to me so try to copy and paste is out of the table but i think i know enough about the pokedex that it might work and the best way to bullshiting your way is by putting enough of the truth that they don't look to close to the lies and just assume you read it somewhere else but from what i know the pokemon aren't totally random, the list uses pokemon that apparently were used to the practical part of pokemon care so i could assume that no aerodactyl or dragonite were on the list since we dont have any pokemon to protect us if something goes wrong and from what i could see teachers only have 1 or 2 pokeballs so they probably cant fight dragonite either'

the first pokemon was bellsprout from what i remember bellsprout eats insects (if those are caterpies or ants its still not clear so insects will be the answer i will use) and about how i would take care of it seeing as it is a plant plenty of water and sun seems like a complete enough answer and an extra saying that not all plant pokemon eat another animal and some just eat leafs and berries like caterpies since he's one of the weakest in the food chain.

i know this method isn't perfect since you tell me what a ghost type eats or ice type but it seems to do the trick and the knowledge from earth works and when mentioning things like growlithe high lipids and protein meat seems like the best answer since most fire attacks should need oil to work otherwise ember would go out as soon as it lefts his mouth and putting your hand in front of him without eye contact and let him smell it so he knows you mean no harm is what you do with a normal dog, although this one spits flames but eh details, in the ones i didn't know the answer i just put pokechow as what give them to eat and the divided the attention at facts i know from the pokedex so they dont suspect too much about my vague answer

After i gave the test to the teacher and next class started i asked if there's another test in what's left of the year and they just said that unless a teacher suddenly decided to throw a surprise one we would just have to wait for the results of this last one and see if our notes are enough to pass.

With a sigh i didn't know i was holding i started to relax, from what i heard this was the last year and this would decide if we were considered capable of being trainers and have our license and this was the last week of school and after that we have a month before the start of the season for those that want to collect badges(me) so i decided to look around the classroom and started seeing my classmates realizeing something important when looking at someones bag.
most of us dont have a pokemon but apparently even if you dont have a license people of 15 are considered capable enough to have one but there are those that either because of their parents , the nearest gym if their notes where high enough(AKA not me ) or if they were crazy enough caught a pokemon so they have an advantage over the rest in the bonding and training aspect since as long as you dont fight with your pokemon no one was gonna do anything about the fact that they got it a little early so when i got home i was already in another problem to occupy my mind, what i was gonna do about my future partner?

i started to look at the money i had saved let me tell you it wasnt much i had 1000 $ and unless the games were putting astronomically high prices in the pokeballs then this means that i barely have enough for 1 or 2 pokeballs and a tent ,food for a little over a week and i wasn't gonna ask for money to what i can say with a little more confidence is my mom since i found some photos with what i assume is a little me holding hands with her and a man that seems to be my dad which means he is either dead or missing as it seems to be the tradition so i started looking through my phone starting with a way to know where i was, i didnt really had any time to look before with the test and the class of battle theory which i have to say was pretty boring since we played a version of pokemon showdown against each other since actual battle was what the trainer license was for and being the last week of class there wasnt much to learn.

Anyways, i live in cerulean city so i have quite a few options about the pokemon i can choose except i really dont, nidoran are poisonus same with ekans so that is a no go, i dont wanna get the shit beaten out of me by a mankey so no thanks and most water pokemon need.. you know water to move and sometimes live so unless i wanted a magikarp that couldn't breathe fishing was a no too so this leaves me with some options:

'pidgey, rattata and spearow or how i like to call it the discount pidgey are the most common so they are always an option but since they are so common so are the ways to counter them , then there are geodudes since we are near mt moon no clefairy though apparently they are extramly rare and trying to catch an abra is next to impossible for me, there's also bellsprout and oddish but again poison and then there's the fact that i should be able to run to a near trainer in case something goes wrong so i guess looking near the nugget bridge is the best place with the least amount of danger'.

So with that decided i started to study my current timeline

'from what i could gather blue oak should start his journey this year i didn't bother to look for ash since his rival is gary so it probably means i will find blue and red? i hope his name is red it would suck a little that blues rival name was i dont know juan?

it would ruin the name gimmick and speaking of rivals and battles it seems to take inspiration in the anime since the conference is held every year and there dosent seem to be any category about how long since you started your journey meaning i could very well face someone with over 10 years of experience over me and there is nothing i can do about it so i should think on a way to win a match like that even if chances seem 0.0000001% after all that is what i like the most if there was no challenge where is the fun?

A season lasts a year and a month so every season is a little different than the last, this time it starts in January and the conference starts in February of next year .

i still have 5 days of school so it means i have 35 days before the start of the season and every second counts and we are on summer now so the afternoon and night aren't nearly as cold as they should, they are actually quite warm which is good since for Whatever reason this guy has only had a jacket and of course is also blue its like there wasn't other color for him which i can kinda understand but come on at least pick red, now that is a good color, so the next thing to do is compleatly skip school tomorrow and catch what would be my future partner so as soon as i finished my preparations and looked in the house to make sure i could perhaps save a little money and only finding a sleeping bag that i assume was either from my father or mother/guardian/aunt/probably mother but you can never be to careful, i went to the nearest market with my identificaion and went from the most important to the least important meaning spending a 100 in a tent 30 in a bag and no they dont have infinte space those cost a fortune and as you saw im quite poor at the moment a filter so i could take water from anywhere and 2 2 liters bottles damage and heat resistant for another 100 followed by a check on the price of canned food that would last me a little over a week for another 100

'i think my mother wouldnt mind if i take a spoon, fork and kife from the kitchen '

the berrys section was a little better since they are the cheapest version of everything you could find with his syntetic part like ether or potions and they are food so that is always a plus they are about 5 each so about 150 to cover most of the basic problems leaving me at 530 and i need at least 1 pokeball an they are 200 so 330 and i would need at least 100 for emergency leaving me at 230 so i end up buying a mini solar powerd generator for 120 and a plan of internet for the rest of the month in the wild is always usefull so that are another 50 leaving me 60 to spend how i would like if i actually manege to catch a pokemon in one try otherwise my emergency money and those 60 make 160 and i dont feel as bad to ask for 40 to buy a ball but i will try not to.

i go to the register and make my purchase and the guy in the register is looking at me with a smile and said

" already that time of the year eh?"

i smile back and dont say a word im not that sociable and this market is near my home so if there is chance that i should know this guy the least i say the better he asks me if i would like something else and i just shake my head he keeps smiling and gives me small box of bubble gum

"consider it a small gift for the start of your journey"

i smile and say good bye and struggle to carry everything and by when i get home i started sweeting

'that is not good if i cant even carry this for 30 minutes then i need to start training as soon as tomorrow '

so i start streaching so i dont feel like dying the next day and with that and a shower i go to sleep feeling how my body drifts into sleep