Chereads / pokemon: who needs strength when you have a brain / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 : You work with what you have

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 : You work with what you have

As soon as slowpoke woke up we went to the nearest river that was at 20 minutes from home

'why does everything seems to be so far from where i live?'

a little reserch and i discovered that cerulean is actually an expensive place to live so the further it is your home is from the center where there are stores, the gym of the city and the nugget bridge the cheapest it is so that explains the walks although that doesnt mean i like it, and while i was looking for that an advertisment for an mt appeared

'i didnt know they actually existed'

and that lead to a whole new search in which i discovered that the TM or Technical Machine started with the ability to take a pokemon and his muscle memory and digitalize it and transfer it to another pokemon at first they used the original pokemon but this caused that the original lose his muscle memory making him need to relearn the move. Then they moved to dittos which would transform in the pokemon that knew the move so that they could copy the move since ditto would forget the move anyways and could just transform again after going to his previous form .
But this had a flaw and it was that since the move was a copy of muscle memory it meant that if you copy the move from... let's say a charizard you could only transfer the move to another charizard makeing it not as profitable as it could be so after a few years they changed it after a few years of research they discovered that regardless of the pokemon they all created the same brain waves depending of the move and not species so they replicated that instead but now ditto would not work so they changed of pokemon to a smeargle, they have a move that allows them to copy every move they see in person(or pokemon in this case) and with that smeargles were breed to have the ones with higher speed of attack meaning faster meaning the new tms that copy his brain waves and transfers to another pokemon now have a change in quality depending of the smeargle that used the move makeing some cheaper than others because at the time of the transfer the amount of understanding is slightly different form tm to tm even if it is the same move ,now in what was i thinking?

Right! training, from what i could learn against that rattata, slowpoke might not be fast enough to turn and if the enemy is there's not much i can do and makeing slowpoke faster isnt really viable since he is slow by nature so i need to restrict movement but slowpoke learned yawn so i have that more or less covered so now comes the second part of the plan and that is stamina it dosent matter if i can restrict his movement if im K.O by then so i need to be able to resist as much as posible and i thought that amnesia or curse might work but neither cover both defense meaning i gotta go with rasing HP till i think of a better plan that dosent involve throwing rocks at my pokemon so cardio it was and let me tell you i was out of shape, after 30 minutes of jogging i was having trouble breathing and started seeing fuzzy while slowpoke was just slightly out of breath and was looking at me

'i guess when you live in the wild you are forced to stay in some level of shape'

so i just told him that we were gonna be walking for a bit till we recovered our breath and he didnt seem to mind.

While we were walking i found found some rocks and the thought from early came back to my mind

'i might not be able to throw rocks at Slowpoke but what about he being the one throwing the rocks?

after all he is capable of learning telekinesis and that seems like a better way to make an opponent stay still and slightly less painfull than just tank hits and wait for yawn to take effect and it would help in his overall control useing his psychic abillitys'

And with that thought in mind i searched for some rocks and told slowpoke to start trying to lift them. After a few hours he maneged to lift a single rock that had a weight of 200g and although it wasnt nearly close to battle ready it was a start.

And just like that for the next 10 days slowpoke tried to lift slightly heavyer rocks and i would just run around him and do common excercise to prepare for our journey, by the end of the tenth day he maneged to lift about 2 Kg so aprox so it was good progress but there was a problem, it took all his focus to lift the rock so it wasnt really usefull so it was time to change the strategy.

This time slowpoke would be getting hit by rocks (i swear i dont just wanna hit it with rocks although it did feel like a sweet revenge for being put to sleep by yawn) but the point of the excercise is that slowpoke would still be trying to lift a rock but i would throw some rocks at him and he would need to stop them while keeping the other rock in the air so he could start multitasking and we would go from there.

The next ten days where spend trying to make slowpoke capable of multitasking which got a moderate success since now he could actually stop the rocks but the speed at which he could lift heavyer rocks slowed down and after 10 days he was only able to lift about 3,6 Kg so i wasnt gonna lift an onix any time soon and using a little of math even if i decided to spend every single day using telekinesis at a rate of 160grams per day it would mean that in 300 days slowpoke would be able to lift about 480 Kg and im fairly sure that spending about all my time training a single move isnt as usefull even with the added effect to make the use of other psychic attacks easy so at best it would work to slow down opponents and i just spended 20 days of training in something that would not be as usefull as i thought and i have 10 days left before i left home so i decided that i needed to relax and went to the place i knew was gonna work beside the shower.

When we got to the river slowpoke decided that he didnt feel like swiming so he just put his tail and started fishing while i sat right beside him and stared at the water and pet slowpoke with my left hand and he closed his eyes seeming to like it.

'i have 10 days left before i start and what seemed like a good idea at the moment was meet with moderate success so i needed a new idea and fast because i now know 4 moves and only 2 of them do any damage and the other 2 compliment each other which in paper dosent sound bad but the nearest gym was misty's and unless im missing something staryu in this stage is just a better slowpoke with more movement so i was in need of something to give me an edge in battle and i was in no condicion to catch another pokemon with my current money problems so it is slowpoke and i against the world at the moment'

the sound of slowpokes tail pulling another fish out of the water was so familiar that i didnt bother looking and instead stared at the slight space from where slowpokes tail had pulled the fish and saw how the water soon replaced the empty space in which the fish was a few seconds ago and that lead to a chain of thoughts that started with a whirlpool and ending in one of the steps of makeing the rasengan

'if i could make the water spin i could create more damage than if i just use pressured water!'

And with a new found inspiration i decided that we had to test it as soon as posible but seeing slowpoke enjoying himself while eating made me decide that it could wait for towmorrow so instead i just decided to just lay down and take a nap and who knows? perhaps slowpoke was onto something with how much he loved to sleep so i closed my eyes and set an alarm so i didnt end up sleeping for the whole day and closed my eyes and let sleep take over