Chereads / pokemon: who needs strength when you have a brain / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 : The arts of manipulation

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 : The arts of manipulation

During the week and a half of travel, we found a bunch of rattatas and a couple of raticates so it was probably a family and i entered their territory... i dont wanna talk about it.

Beside that it was a pretty chill journey, although i did not find a lot of trainers since i like to travel at night and train during the afternoon and sleep when the sun goes up so i only made 120$ in two battles .

When i got to vermillion it was night and about 1 am, so we went back to the river that i saw about 30 minutes ago to go fishing and if slowpoke wanted to swim, i would not recommend to take a shower in the night, the water is cold, really cold, hypotermic levels of cold

' slowpoke is a psycho, and since most of his body is numb and he is a water type he can handle that cold water'

but while the moonlight was at his best slowpoke decided to fish for a while and i decided to pet the hoothoot inside my jacket and started thinking about what i would do during the next week and a half

'im not near strong enough to beat Surge with a flying and water type that would be just asking for a beatdown and i dont feel like takeing a gamble with almost 0% chance of winning, next its the fact that a ticket for the s.s anne costs 5000$ and its a week of travel with a battle arena and food included that would take us to fuchsia city where i would try for my third badge so priority number 1 is to start makeing money and i only have 2220$ so i would need around 3000$ if i wanna have a little bit for food, surge is known for his strength and most of his challengers usually use an earth type being the most common Diglett since they exist in masive numbers to the point they have a cave in their name so i can assume if i ask for a battle to any trainer here Diglett would be a common choice so its for the best that slowpoke stays in his pokeball when asking and only have hoothoot out'

we stayed in silence with the ocasional sound of a fish bitting slowpoke's tail, that would make hoothoot jump out of my jacket and start eating with slowpoke

'thank arceus that they both like fish'

and like that, a few hours went by and by 4 Am i cleaned the blood from hoohoot an slowpoke's mouth and walked back to the city and asked for a room and went to sleep.

I woke up at 11 am and started grinding, this was gonna be a long week.

By the time the week ended i maneged to get 4000$ that when you take food and room bills left me with 3250$ worth of profits and i had a total of 5470$ so the next thing to do was to train for my next battle

'i know that abra and pidgeotto are almost 100% in his team so i can prepare for that and deal with the rest with what i currently have'.

The next 2 days where spend training a move that started developing during our week of battles and only needed a little more.

Then during one of my walks i found him.

'i thought i was the only one that liked to walk during night'

it was 12pm when i saw him, he was sitting on a coffee shop that was starting to close and a wartortle at his feet that was eating a piece of cake
so when he got up and payed i decided to go near him

" hey! you are oak's grandson right? "

that got a sour reaction out of him

"What do you want?"

'don't mencion oak, got it'

" i saw you on an article a few weeks ago about how you beaten the cerulean gym so i decided to ask you if you wanna have a battle?"

'that seemed to be the correct answer since he started looking at slowpoke and hoothoot that seemed have woken up and got out of my jacket at the mention of battle

"How many badges do you have?"

"i have 2 badges right now"

to that he snickered

"come back when you have at least 3 badges, you aren't worth my time and i doubt you could beat surge with a water and flying type so clearly you aren't the smartest that there is if you decided to come to vermillion"

'thats where you are wrong, i didnt came for surge, i came for you... but how the hell does he get his badges so fast, its not fair'

i just smiled

"well if your time is so worth it then i guess i can up the stakes a little"

so i pulled the disc from my bag

" This, is the TM psychic i got it from sabrina and its around 30000$ think you can match the bet?"

that did get his attencion and then he looked back at slowpoke and then at the tm and i just simply smiled which made him take a more serious look and then smiled

"ok you got my interest lets go to the poke center"

and with that we went back to the poke center asking nurse joy for an arena to battle so she guide us but before blue asked for a revision of the tm to make sure that it was psychic

'smart cookie you are'

and then we proceded to make it to the arena

"you have 2 pokemon right? then i guess its fair that i do the same"

i nodded and then the battle started.

I had just ended a tasty capuchino with chocolate when this guy appeared, he asked if i was the oldmans grandson and i didn't answered, most of the times was someone trying to be friendly to try to get to my grampa and i was getting tired it, so i decided to start being a nocturnal owl, when there was less people and it worked with high success but there was always someone that would bother even at night but then he started talking about my victory in cerulean and asked for a pokemon battle

'so its one of those'

i looked at what seemed to be his team, a slowpoke and a hoothoot

'they are fairly common and arent nearly as difficult to get so he doesnt seemed so strong'

so i asked how many badges did he have and answered 2

'with a team like that im suprised you maneged to get any'

the number of badges indicated that he probably was really weak and broke, and when you are born in a family like mine the 100$ or 200$ of bets are used as napkins so i told him i wasn't interested and poked fun at him because who goes to the city with an electric gym with a water and flying type? this guy clearly had those badges because of a fluke but then, he showed me a tm that he said was psychic

'wait he has the psychic tm? from sabrina? then why didn't he made his slowpoke learn the move? he is either lying or'

i looked back at his slowpoke

'it cant be right? learning psychic takes a while to learn and he says he only has 2 badges'

suddenly this became more interesting, kadabra would benfit from that tm and this battle all of the sudden promised not to be as boring like the rest and if he was lying there was a quick way to know, so we went to the pokecenter and i asked nurse joy if she could confirm that the tm was indeed psychic and when it resulted that it was, we went to the arena

'just who is this guy?'

So we went to our positions and he sended his slowpoke to the field

'if you are gonna send a psychic im not gonna be less'

"TIME FOR BATTLE go kadabra"

and with that the battle started.

the slowpoke stood still and just yawned and then stood still

'is this guy serious?'

so kadabra disappeared but then i saw how his cheeks grew bigger and i wouldn't be the grandson of a regional proffesor and ex champion without knowing something like that

'kadabra go back'

and a second later there was a water gun where kadabra was,

'kadabra always attack behind his back he is a reactive pokemon he wont attack unless you do'

and with that mental order he nodded and dissapeared from sight

'12 left'

when he appeared behind his back ready to launch a shadow ball he dissapeared too and appeared behind his back launching another water gun but this time it was stronger

'teleport and charged water guns nothing i havent done myself, i can deal with this'


this time kadabra maneged to hit his shadow ball while he was chargeing his move and then fell sleep

'crap, that yawn was the move not just slowpoke being lazy, but i can tank a water gun even if charged'

i didnt expect the 6 water pulse that came his way all hitting on kadabras face makeing him go down so i returned him

'change of plans'

" Time to go all out, go wartortle"

he then returned his slowpoke that seemed pretty hurt even if he only took one hit

'that's kadabra for you'

and sended his hoothoot and the battle continued.

The hoohoot took flight and that was his first mistake since wartortle started launching ice beams at him and while he dodged his trainer talked.

"hoothoot time to go all out"

'all out? what does that mean? its a hoothoot what he could possibly have that cou- is he putting on ear plugs?'

and then the uproar started and i covered my ears and wartartle kept launching ice beams till it finaly hitted makeing hoothoot go down in one hit

'Finally ! my ears where starting to hurt pretty bad'

wartortle seemed a out of breath but good over all and all he had left was a pretty hurt slowpoke victory was at my finger tips, when slowpoke got out of his pokeball he only seemed slightly out of breath

'so he has regenerator, thats why he changed, but it dosent matter i know that he can put me to sleep so'

" wartortle shoot a water gun every time he opens his mouth"

victory was still possible even if his slowpoke could still teleport he shouldn't have many left all i gotta do is resist and the battle would be mine and then the trainer smiled

'i dont like that'


it was unfortuned that hoothoot couldn't do more, i expected him to use hypnosis but he started useing ice beam and i didnt have the time so with a sigh i took the ear plugs from my back and asked hoohoot to go all out which maneged to disrupt the ice beam for a second before he kept going makeing hoothoot go down but the wartortle seemed hurt so i still had a chance so i sended slowpoke to the field and looked blues expresion that was of surprise for only a second before it went back to the composed one he had during all the battle so we continued.

slowpoke started chargeing and when he opened his mouth he found an opposicion of equal strenght made by a bubble beam stopped the water gun dead in his track and i smiled

"slowpoke use last resort"

a look of comprension later and slowpoke started chareging again and then dissapeared


slowpoke appeared behind wartortle and hitted him with a charged water gun while the wartortle used withdraw sending him a couple of meters in the air


he appeared where the wartortle was gonna fall and launched another water gun that launched him upwards


slowpoke appeared in front of him and hiited him with his tail but a diference with other times its that now the tail was shining with steel energy which sended him farther than other times


slowpoke appeared behind him and this time launched another water gun followed by a iron tail downwards sending him to the ground letting a crater and then slowpoke falled in his stomach forceing wartortle to go out with a pained face that was recived with another water gun


slowpoke backed down and was at a 5 meter distance, looking how wartortle came out of the crater slowly while chargeing and when he oppened his mouth and wartortle launched a bubble beam it meant it was over.


he appeared behind him and launch a barrage of water pulse to him and put wartortle on the ground for good.

When the battle ended slowpoke used one of his last teleports to come near me and i started scratching him behind his ears that resulted to be where he liked it the most.

I returned him and started looking at blue that had returned his wartortle as well and he was looking at the cracked floor that was left after the battle, then he looked back and started walking towards me and whistled.

"thats quite a monster of slowpoke you have there you know? now i know how you maneged to win those gym battles"

" thanks, he is my pride and joy, your wartortle wasn't half bad himself"

" i hope so, he was my starter so i don't know what i would do if he was, but im curious, how do you plan to beat surge with a water and flying type? perhaps you plan to catch a dugtrio in the diglett cave?"

"nothing like that, im actually takeing the S.S Anne that would leave me in fuchsia city and take my third badge there"

" you are going to the S.S Anne? me too wanna have a remach in there? i heared they have a battle arena there i cant let my 100% winrate go down"

"100%? i just beat you"

"i didnt use my full team so it doesn't count, unless you wanna battle the other 2 in my team?"

"i think im fine for now, besides i remember something about a bet where you put 30000$ to match my psychic tm, sounds familliar?"

he laugh and gave me the money without any kind if remorse

'just how much money does he have?'

so we went to heal our pokemon and talked till our pokemon healed and then we said good bye.

When i looked at my phone it was 1: 26 Am so i decided to celebrate going to the river where we started fishing and hoothoot did a thing almost never seen

'he is so cute when he is sleep, i wish he did it more'

i limited myself to pet slowpoke while hoothoot sleept on my jacket and went to bed at 5 Am.

When i woke up and realized that yesterday wasn't a dream i decided to spend a little bit in a meal more complete with a plate of pasta with Octillery ink and salmon

'huh, so not all food is made of pokemon '

and bought another 2 plates to hoothoot and slowpoke since they like fish and ended up costing 100$

'100 for all that seems a little expensive but i gotta celebrate with better food than magikarps and goldeens, they deserve it'

After that we ended with a tea for hoothoot a cold coffee for me and chocolate ice cream for slowpoke and decided that today would be a relaxing day since tomorrow we would go to the S.S Anne, so we spended the rest of the day swiming in the river , correction, i was swiming while slowpoke just floated, and hoothoot fished with his mouth the magikarps and goldeen that he decided where too near to us and then eat them.
It was a good day to be alive and i couldn't wait for tomorrow