I don't think I'll see the sun today.

Usually, I have nowhere else to turn and am left in the dark.

As far as I can tell, darkness predominates over light.

Therefore, it makes sense why the sun has chosen not to shine on me today.

They claim that loneliness and misery are best friends.

So I suppose I am the one that causes suffering most of the time.

Watching others laugh on TikTok or YouTube used to make me feel a little better.

But these days, all I ever experience is an emptiness that makes me blind.

I used to be excellent at acting happy,

But right now, it would be impossible to even try.

It's difficult to wake up and resist the urge to return to bed.

My head is constantly replaying suicidal ideas.

All at once, I feel both dead and numb.

It makes sense why my mood is unpredictable most of the time.

We are both frozen in time: the darkness and I.

Nobody can deliver me from my suffering.

I've been pals with the darkness my entire life.

Whether it's 3 a.m. or midnight,

Up until the very end, the darkness was always there for me.

I am so used to feeling depressed.

I've lost the ability to smile or be sincerely joyful.

When I cry uncontrollably to the point that I start yelling,

The night urges me to harm myself.

Since it occurs frequently, I no longer even bother to wonder why.

Darkness envelops me in safety.

Therefore, nobody could harm me.

I'm accustomed to it,

They must be accustomed to me as well, I'm sure.