Chereads / Shirou Emiya The Weakening Sword / Chapter 6 - Part-5 Why... Why always....

Chapter 6 - Part-5 Why... Why always....

*2 years later Shirou is 12 years old*

We see Kiritsugu sitting in a yard watching the beautiful night sky. Hearing a shoji door sliding open behind her she doesn't even need to look behind her to know who it is, so she just bluntly asks "Where is Sakura ?" not wanting to have a magus, especially one as renowned as a Matou alone in her house but maybe it's good thing since if she does something Shirou won't be anywhere near her to be hurt.

'Although maybe she won't do anything since she comes here from four to five times a week for the last 2 years' Kiritsugu thinks but she crushes that taught mercilessly, letting it be known that Kiritsugu and Sakura don't really like each other but neither of them can tell why mostly because one of them feels like she will die and the other thinks that she will put a bullet in her head if she hears the reason...

But aside from that, trusting a magus is suicide because most of the time you will either be backstabbed for your research, equipment, money.... or just used as an experiment wanting to see what this does to a magus instead of a normal human... Let it also be known that Kiritsugu doesn't trust any magus at all.... actually, she doesn't trust anyone except Shirou which is sad to think about, but you can't fault her for it, her experience with trusting people left a lot of scars on her back, many of them never fading. Thankfully Shirou didn't ask about them while they showered together which makes her gain a small blush since she doesn't know if it's THAT things doing but Shirou is well endowed under there even at that age. ( No... Shirou won't be having sex as a child.... well... for now at least)

But she burns those thoughts seeing Shirou sit beside her looking at her ... with worry? ah, she is breathing a bit hard again. ''She had to go home..... Are you okay? Your Sickness been seems to be acting up again. Your face is a bit pale" Shirou asked, worried about her *Sickness* which came from the fire as a curse from all the world's evil, eating at her Magic circuits and body until she dies.

Sadly Shirou doesn't know this or he would demand her to teach him mage craft and she can't allow that since it will let him find out about THAT thing that is inside of him which is keeping him safe from the curse affecting him.

Kiritsugu seeing Shirou nervous puts him at peace "Nah, I'm fine" and so they stay quiet for a while until "When I was little, I wanted to be a champion of Justice ... A hero" Kiritsugu says abruptly not knowing why "Wanted? Did you give up ?" She questions "Yes being a hero only brings regret and destruction to yourself" Surprised Shirou asks another question " Do you really regret it so much ?" To that question, Kiritsugu thinks about it for a while and answers truthfully with a small scowl "...Yes it only brought me regret... I know that I don't talk about my past or the Moonlit World but trying to be a hero only brought me pain and regret even now...."

After saying that they stay quiet Kiritsugu enjoys the sight while Shirou is thinking about what Kiritsugu just told him so he says the one thing no one expected "Then I will become a villain" This surprised Kiritsugu so much she just abruptly says " what ? " to that question Shirou explains " If being a Hero brought you pain then someone as weak as me will become a Villain that will take your pain away !!" She was so shocked that she didn't know what to say until she started to chuckle that quickly developed into a laugh with tears coming out of her eyes "Haha You hahaha will become a villain to make me hah feel better? ha..." She says while laughing "What does that make you ? A villainous hero ?" she finishes after calming down but she still has a giant smile on her face mirrored by Shirou "No I will be a villain who will steal all of your regret and pain! That's a promise !! he says with conviction and determination shining brightly in his eyes which Kiritsugu sees and looks at the full moon and just replies " Promise huh? You do realize that when you make a promise you have to complete it.... no matter what right ? especially if it's a dying request or a final wish from a close person...." Kiritsugu didn't know why she said this.....

Maybe..... Maybe she though that her wish would be accomplished by Shirou.... She has so much to regret after all.....

Shirou didn't know why she said this.... But..... seeing the look in her eyes Shirou tries to change it....

"I.... I promise then to never break my promises then ! I promise to become a villain and that I will never break a promise ! " Shirou finishes with determination behind his eyes..... Eyes that for some reason.... make Kiritsugu make her believe him....

She turns her head and...

" Then I guess I don't have to worry about dying with regrets... " Kiritsugu finishes with a smile...

her face illuminated by the moon showing.... How beautiful it was.... Like the day she saved him....

They stayed like that for hours just watching the stars and the moon until....

Kiritsugu starts coughing a little until it develops into hard coughs with a little blood coming out of her nose and mouth which sends Shirou into the house looking for a phone to call the hospital while more blood comes out of Kiritsugu's mouth and nose feeling great pain until she blacks out

*At the hospital *

We see Kiritsugu Emiya connected to different medical equipment while the doctors try to explain to Shirou what's wrong which he fails at since no one knows nor understands what's infecting her, causing her to be in a comatose state and killing her but what they do know is that her own body is trying to kill itself and that she has less than five years yet to live if they are correct with they're analysis but they also say that they might be wrong since this is a newer heard of before virus.

Shirou hearing this just sits in a chair next to her seeing all the different equipment connected to her with a blank smile on his face which makes every doctor nervous but thinking that it's his way to cope with the news just let him be... "Shirou !!!" Shirou turns his head to the side a bit seeing Taiga with her grandfather behind her "Are you okay? We heard the news, How is she ???!!!" Taiga screams "Shhhh" Raiga shushes her "There are other people here Taiga who are working or sleeping don't disturb them " making Taiga blush "Sorry I'm just worried about them" Shirou not reacting to them just bluntly says " She's dying" this shocked Taiga "What ?" Shirou continues " She will be in a comatose state until she dies in 5 years " without any emotion this leaves Taiga stunned "Oh.."

No one says anything just watching Kiritsugus's chest rise and fall until Raiga says "Kiritsugu left me a will, that if something happens to her that you will be under my protection" Taiga doesn't know what to say so she stays quiet, Raiga continues "let's go home Shirou" Shirou just stays still for a while until he nods getting up.

*When they arrive at the Emiyas Household*

"I'm so sorry Shirou, Kiritsugu was an amazing person" Taiga replies crying about the person who she sees as an older sister... "It's not you're fault Taiga there's no need to cry," Shirou says with a small smile which confuses her but she ignores it since it seems to never fade so she just asks " Do. Do you need some time alone?" To that Shirou just replies in a small voice " I... I don't know... Yes? Maybe?". After saying that Shirou stays quiet while Taiga just hugs him and with Raiga goes home leaving Shirou alone at his home who goes to goes to Kiritsugus room and closes the door...

"AAAAAAAAAAA" Shirou screams while dropping on his "Why?WHy?WHY?WHY!?" Shirou repeats while starting to punch the wood which is starting to bruise his knuckles until he screams "WHY !!!???" not noticing his hands gain some words magically and punches the wood again breaking it while the words disappear "why" he repeats one last time with a strained smile "Why ..... Why did it have to be you....." he stays like that for a while.... until he sees some bags bellow the wood he smashed.... along with a book ... with.....