Chereads / Shirou Emiya The Weakening Sword / Chapter 9 - Part-8 Technology and no Circuits ?

Chapter 9 - Part-8 Technology and no Circuits ?

*The next day *

We see Shirou finishing the thaumaturgy circle. He got the materials from Kirei after cooking for her again, with her praying for the food. She also told him to not return for the rest of the day since she will be busy.... although she said it like she wanted him to come... but that may be because he could get hurt and she did say she enjoys inflicting pain on others...


Maybe he should go to her today since he did promise to Kiritsugu that he will become a villain...

No, he quickly shakes his head... He really hope's he won't start enjoying pain... That would mean that he might enjoy the pain of everyone who....

He shakes those thoughts off not wanting to continue and finished the circle shortly after. Which he double-checked as the instructions in the book told him.

Shirou picks up a knife and slices the tip of his finger to draw out some blood and lets a few drops fall on the circle. When nothing happened for a couple of moments Shirou became worried that he did something wrong but sighs in relief when he saw its outer edges glowing a bit.

And so he continues to sit there for somewhere like 10 minutes.... before realizing that he has nothing to do now but wait...

'....I need a hobby ' Shirou thinks now realizing that he has nothing left to do, Taiga is learning English from a personal instructor, Sakura told him earlier today that she has something to do, and Kiritsugu is...."I will save you" Shirou tells himself resolutely while walking to the front door while putting on a jacket seeing as he doesn't have anything to do, then he will walk around outside...

*Somewhere in Fuyuki City*

Walking around the city Shirou found something interesting.... well, more confusing to him.... a phone store...more specifically the phone's inside of it. 'Why are the phones so small and where are the buttons ?' Shirou thinks, Shirou Emiya only saw old phones in his home like the Trimline Phone or the Old big Nokias that even an asteroid cant destroy.... So, walking into the phone store, Shirou sees many other confusing electronics to him like chargers, earbuds, earphones, and so on...

"Can I help you, young men ?" A polite older lady asked him with what he guessed is a worker's uniform, Shirou nodded his head " Yes how do these work since I don't see any buttons on it... and why are they so small shouldn't they be this big?" asked confused Shirou with a tilt of his head while making the size of the phone with his hands, to which the lady would scream KAWAII if she wasn't so shocked by the fact that a boy in 2020 doesn't know anything about a smartphone. I mean even old people know what an iPhone or an android is!

So, getting over her shock she smiles politely again although it is strained a bit by confusion " There is a button on the side and to unlock them you have to touch the screen..." She tells him but sighs when Shirou tilts his head more in confusion. So, getting up she picks up her smartphone and walks to Shirou.

"You see here... " She turns the phone on the side showing small buttons "You have to press the small one to turn on the phone..." She says pressing the button, Shirou sees the phone turning on and showing the same woman in a dress posing shocking Shirou." And then you have to swipe or tap on the screen to open you to home page..." Shirou looks confusingly at her " Um the main part of the phone you can say, where you can access different apps....Jesus Christ " the woman says quietly at the end seeing Shirou didn't understand anything she said.

"Apps are programs on the phone that allow you do things, like find out a new word on google or read the news on it, use a maps app to find a location or where you are. To take or create photos in the phone and gallery app, watch videos on Youtube, and so on..." Shirou was shocked about hearing this find out any word he wants any time, create photos without paint, and so on. "I think I understand...." Shirou says and the woman sighs in relief before realizing something.

"Ah, right I forgot to tell you that a phone has a set amount of charge... I mean how long it can work and to recharge it you need a phone charger" She says pointing at the phone chargers, but they were next to earbuds and earphones so Shirou asked "How can earmuffs charge a phone ?" the woman just chuckles a bit " No those are earphones, You plug them in... eah Connect them to the phone so you can only hear something from the phone when wearing them." She explains and Shirou nods his head.

"Can I try them out?" Shirou asked curious about all of this new -to him- technology. The woman just smiles at him and picks up a pair of headphones. She shows him the headphone jack and plugs it into her phone and goes into Spotify a music app for him to test out the headphones and picks one of her favorite songs AJR -WEAK...

( the song lyrics - -)

After Listening to it Shirou decided to buy a phone, charger, and headphones.... Well after he ran home to get the money....

And so, we see Shirou walking back home -sweating a bit from the running- with a bag in his hand that holds his new phone, charger and headphones. The lady told him to look up on Youtube or Google how to use a phone after showing him how to open the apps and use the keyboard.

Getting home Shirou immediately started to change clothes and opened the box that held his phone immediately holding the power button as the lady thought him and he sees the phone turning on....

* A Day later night time *

Shirou spent the last day watching and learning how to use the phone not even realizing how late it had gotten before looking out the window and seeing the moon in the sky, so he went to bed after learning as much as he could about the phone. When he woke up he immediately started to cook Sakura helped him not long after when she came to his house and with speed, no normal person has Taiga ran in demanding food....

It's now night and we see Shirou near the thaumaturgy circle without any clothes as was advised in the book so that he can see how many circuits he has - well if he can stay up trough the pain -. Walking into the circle - with nervousness churning within him - Shirou sits down already preparing to imagine something as an activa-!


Before he knew it the absorbed mana from the thaumaturgy circle merged with his being, his body convulsed with the sensation of lightning coursing through his veins, each pulse of energy more agonizing than the last.

' AAAAAAAAHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' Shirou's mouth falling open from the pain... but he pushes through he has too... he has too... ' How is pain enjoyable !!!!! ' Shirou screams in his mind...

The pain was teribble.... absolutely teribbe as the mana circle was trying to find his circuits by the cicuils design...


It was no where near the pain of the fire...

And so as he was about to pass out from the strain of uncontroled mana moving trough his body trying to find his magic circuits...

He imagines...


An anvil....

An anvil getting hit by a forging hammer....




On top of a hill?


...not seeing someone behind him...

After a minute -but for Shirou, it felt like hours- the thaumaturgy circle stopped working its mana exhausted. " HUF! HUF! HUFF !" Shirou breath heavily pain still lingering on and in his body, but he ignores it and looks down to count how many glowing circuits he has.....

But he found... none.... absolutely none.... "he.... he...hehe....HEHE....HEHHAHAHAHA" Shirou laughs..... Seeing that...


He went through that pain.... to find out he has no circuits... ' why would someone weak as me have circuits ' Shirou thinks still laughing a bit realizing.... he can't save her... he can't save Kiritisugu.... he can't even keep a promise to her......





'I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS THERE HAS TO BE A WAY THERE HAS TO BE...' Shirou screams in his mind before remembering...

there's a way to create circuits.... 'I ... I need to create them' Shirou thought to himself not caring about the consequences of creating one.... he was already in hell once.... what's sacrificing a couple of nerves to use magic?.... the only problem is... how to do it... Norikata Emiya didn't write anything about that....

So, trying something that many would is insane Shirou went to his clothes and picked up his phone and started to google anything he could about nerves after that he sat in the circle and... Imagined the anvil again... imagined it getting hit by the hammer.... imagines placing something... something.... like a nerve on the anvil...


' AHHH! ' the pain returned... The lightnin-

No, the pain is hoter not the level of the fires.... but like lava was poured into his body and into hs nerves.... But he felt it... HE FELT IT.... HE FELT SOMETHING!!!

As he endured, as he pushed beyond his limits, the pain slowly abated. He gazed down, seeing his nerves aglow with an ethereal light—a self-forged connection, an imperfect creation that defied the conventional norms of a magus. Despite the agony, he had succeeded, even if in a different way.

now how to turn it off... 'Shirou thinks wondering how to turn off the self-created circuit before remembering that the image he created could be used to both turn on and off the nerve so imagining the trigger again he hits the nerve with the hammer turning off his nerve-circuit? Shirou thinks naming his self-created circuits.

Exhausted, Shirou retreated to his bed, the day's trials having left an indelible mark on his body... and soul. Sleep claimed him, and within the depths of his dreams, where... he once again went to the flames.... And as always, he fell.... and looking up where he knows Kirtusug always was and saved him.... he sees another black-haired woman before the world turned white.