Chereads / CODE : EXISTENCE / Chapter 6 - CHAPTER-06. Humans Can't Understand.

Chapter 6 - CHAPTER-06. Humans Can't Understand.

According to Legacy.. The Very reason for his Existence Started from this day..

Year 4096 ("BLUE-EL03")

This year, material science has made a huge breakthrough. During an expedition on planet "GIANT-RED-ELO5" they found something Unexpected. On a moon of that Planet they found a strange blueish purple crystal.

What was strange about this crystal was that it could Bend Reality. The word "Logical" didn't apply to it. Scientists were able to make things like Teleportation Devices, Space Capsules, and Fate computers that were only a fantasy. They were even able to search for Life Signatures in a different galaxy.

This Crystal made a lot of impossible things possible. Unachievable wishes of science became true, Thanks to it. That's why scientists named this crystal "Navaratna" after the "sacred crystal of wishes" in the Ancient Hindu mythology. It was also called Nava-Crystal or Nav-Crystal in short.

Humanity turned the whole solar system upside down in search of Nava-Crystals. Even after all that searching, they only found 580 grammes of it. Looking at how scarce it was, they widened their scope beyond their solar system.

Year 4108, "BLUE-EL03"

After 12 years of research, scientists finally succeeded in making a FATE COMPUTER. Humanity should be celebrating this day, but fate had something else in mind.

While Analyzing through the past and future of their planet, they saw that, in the year 4144, a cosmic explosion reaches their solar system, wiping out every single thing in its path. Meaning, The Whole EL solar system will get wiped out 32 years later.

Even if this possible event turns out to be False, Humanity has decided to believe in it.

A meeting between all the important figures on the planet was held. The name CODE of this assembly was "EXISTENCE".

The motive was to find a solution for the upcoming Doom. According to the FATE COMPUTER, humanity will face its doom 32 years later. There is so little time to create a barrier on the scale of a solar system.

Leaving the planet is a Risky option. not everyone wants to leave their planet and wander into space for an uncertain amount of time.

One of the most popular solutions was to teleport the whole planet into a different, suitable solar system that is out of the range of the cosmic explosion.

Fortunately, they have already found a solar system that meets all the criteria perfectly. But the unfortunate thing is that for a teleportation of this scale, a huge amount of Nav-crystals are required.

Dan is going through all this in his mind. He watched these sceneries unfold as if he was a person who attended this assembly. This is a bizzare experience for him.

"VIP 01: How much Nava-Crystals are needed?" A VIP of the assembly asked.

"Scientist 01: According to our calculations, a whole crystal weighing 7 kg is required, and 460 gm more to stabilise the planet in the other solar system. So far, we have only collected about 3.5 kg." answered one of the scientists.

"Scientist 02: We found signatures of a whole crystal weighing 12 kg in one of the Galaxies a few billion light years away. We have pin pointed the location of that Crystal. It is on a planet Twelve times bigger than ours and is in a habitable zone. That planet also has intelligent humanoid beings. We named that planet" GIANT-BLUE-LQ04" answered another scientist.

"VIP 02: Why something that far away? Can't we gather that amount if we dispatch every spaceship in our arsenal?" Questioned another VIP.

A lot of people had that same question as well.

As if expecting that question the scientist spoke, "Scientist 02: We can, But what we need a whole intact crystal not pieces of that same amount."

"VIP 03: A few Billion light years away, How are you going to get something that far here?" asked another VIP Attendant.

A scientist who looked like the person in charge said, "Chief Scientist: We have a solution for that as well, but we need everyones opinion about this solution."

"Present your solution first" stated a bald man sitting on the highest seat.

"Chief Scientist: Thank you, Mr. President. Dr. Danates, if you please." Spoke the chief and welcomed a person on stage.

A person walked on stage and gave a brief greeting to everyone. Jay Danates cleared his throat and started explaining.

"Jay: The solution we come up with is that we will teleport a single person to that planet. That person will find the crystal and return with it."

This time the bald president asked, " President: What if that person was not able to find it? What if that person dies on that planet?"

Expecting this question, Jay answered, "Jay: We have been researching a kind of Superfluid for the past few years..." He snapped his fingers, and a hologram of an image appeared. It was an image of a tube filled with a silver substance with a hint of blue.

Jay elaborated, pointing at the image: "Jay: That super fluid is made of Nanites with the Latest model of Al as their command. It will help the explorer find the crystal with 100% accuracy. If the explorer dies for some reason, the superfluid will take emergency countermeasures and implant itself in another intelligent creature. Then the search will continue. Nothing can stop it from completing it's CODE."

"President: How many years is it going to take? We Need a time frame to devise a strategy." Asked The president.

"Jay: That planet have a lot of Pocket Dimensions. It Means Intelligent beings live there and they may even know How to use Nav-crystals. So, We will take things Slowly. We will try completing the CODE in 10 yrs atmost."

"President: Good. Prepare to send someone." Answered the president in a satisfied tone.

But Jay was not Done talking yet. "Jay: We can't. We need Dozens of those tubes to Balance a perfect Sync between a Human and the AI. Those Nanites are made of Nav-crystals so, a project like that will empty most of our crystal Reserves."

"President: So that's why You wanted our opinion. If that can see change our Fate, Then it is worth investing in. Humans Fared well before Nav-crystals and they can still do it. Those Crystals are Luxury not a Necessity. Gentlemen let's vote." Answered the President.

The President wrote something on a Hologram and forwarded it to the person in his left. That Person Read the Contents and Nodded. He Came Forward and Spoke.

"Left Commandment: The Code Suggested by Dr. Jay Danates is Reliable and should be approved. Everyone present Here please Vote your opinions. If you are 'in Favour' or 'Against' this statement. Do not worry as everyones Identities will be kept Anonymous."

An Anonymous Voting was held. Few moments later a Hologram appeared in the middle of the stage showing the results. Majority of the votes was in Favour of the statement.

Jay Danates sighed in relief. As he was about to leave the stage a VIP asked, "VIP 04: What is the name of that Superfluid?"

Jay was started a bit. He Spoke awkwardly, "Jay: That.. We haven't decided on that yet.

The President chimed in and said,

"President: If that's the case, then let me do this good work." The President took a deep breath and spoke with mixed emotions in his voice.

"President: This thing is burdened with the hope of all humanity. Even if we were to disappear someday, this thing will exist, proving our existence. It is the proof we existed in this Cosmos. It is the proof we lived and tried to understand this Cosmos. It will carry all our hope and venture into uncharted space to save us with the power vested in me as the President of "BLUE-EL03" I hear by name this superfluid LEGACY." Declared the Bald president.

Dan Now Understood why A person from Different world came here. And He Also understood that who this Voice is in his head is.

As they say, Human will Never truly Understand something Until it happens to Him.