Inside the 7th settlement Dan is enjoying his well deserved bath. Legacy spoke telepathically,
"Legacy: First, What Hesta told you about your Father.. was actually true. According to Hesta's Memories, Those people you call Othersiders are Just Humans from the Main planet. They belongs to these organizations called "Noble Houses". They are the true Monarchs, who control everything There. They are also the ones who control this Marus Forest."
"Dan: You said they Control the whole Marus Forest. Why.. they want to control such a miserable place?" Dan asked.
"Legacy: You don't Understand how Valuable a sealed zone actually is. The Marus Forest is controlled by three Major Noble Houses. House Elbar, House Ragnar and House Morgini. A Sealed zone like Marus Forest is a Limitless source of Darkness Elemental Products. That's why those othersiders fight like dogs to be it's rightful owner."
"Dan: At the end of the day, Everything revolves around Humans Greed. Did you find a way to leave this place in his Memories?" Dan is curious about this answer his whole life.
"Legacy: No. The only way to leave this place is through those othersiders. That was all in his Memories. Don't worry, I can do that whenever you want. But First, We should wait for my energy to recharge." Legacy assured Dan.
"Dan: I Don't think we are leaving this place anytime soon. We should focus on gathering Information. I need to know more about those othersiders. What I need Now even more is strength." Dan expressed in a grave tone. What happened today was enough to show him true nature of this world.
"Legacy: About the power system of this world, I have a Interesting Theory. Wanna hear it?"
"Dan: You mean Evoker power system? Let's hear it." Dan replied in a curious tone.
"Legacy: As you know Hesta completed 4 Transformations. And all the Transformations are interlinked with each other. I figured out the true connection between them. If you can get me those scripts, I can give you a proper Result."
"Dan: If you want a second Transformation script then it's easy. I have some savings. But scripts for further levels are going to be Hard if I don't want to sell the Arut Fruit." Dan Suggested.
"Legacy: No. From Hesta's Memories Othersiders will not hesitate to kill you, if they can get their hands on these Fruits. A Fruit they are so Interested in is not something insignificant. We should hold on to it. Legacy Advised.
"Dan: Then the answer is clear. Those scripts.. If we can't buy it.. Why don't we steal it. Hesta should know a place or two about 'where they happen to be laying around' right?" Dan replied.
"Legacy: Now that you put it that way, I happens to know about a place like that and it is in 7th settlement."
"Dan: That Settles then. We are going to steal..ahem.ahem. We are going to pick some scripts today night. Now Show me that INTERFACE, I have been saving the best for the last."
"Legacy: I thought you forgot. Now, Try saying INTERFACE."
Dan said "interface" in his mind, and a dark blue panel appeared in front of his eyes. Dan hastily tried to hide the panel. But Legacy assured him,
"Legacy: There is no need to panic. Nobody can see it other than you. Focus on the interface."
Dan is really amazed. He focused on the panel. On the Panel, There are five options
"Legacy: I created this Interface while keeping this world's power system in mind. The Values are adjusted to your level. Concentrate on one of the options." Legacy explained.
Dan concentrated on the "stats" option and another panel appeared above the previous panel.
[] STATS []
HEALTH 39/43 I STAMINA: 19/21
"Stat are converting your body's different aspects into numerical value. And I have to say you are pathetically weak now."
Strength is your pure power. Your muscles and bones together determine this value.
Endurance is your physical defence. It is determined by your vitality and constitution.
Intelligence is a stat that represents your mind. Your wisdom and willpower determine it. Meditate and read books to sharpen it.
Perception is a stat that shows how much you are aware of your surroundings. It also helps.
you sense danger. Your six senses determine this stat.
Agility is how fast you are. Your reflexes, dexterity, and speed determine this stat.
Though he knew his stats are going to be low. Dan is still a little disappointed in his stats.
Dan never practised any martial arts or fought against any strong opponents. His father taught him some hunting skills. But that's it.
After his father's death, he became a thief. Then he started working as a chef. Most people in the settlement choose hunting-related jobs, but Dan chose to become a chef. So yeah, he is pathetically weak.
Legacy: Don't worry, with my aid, you will become strong in no time. Now open the next option.
Dan concentrated, and the stat panel disappeared. He then concentrated on the skills option, and another panel appeared.
On this panel, only four skills are present.
[] SKILLS []
Legacy: All the skills you learn will be listed here. Your skills will be on different levels as per their proficiency. Your proficiency is in "%". When it reaches 100%, your skill will level up as well.
Skill levels are BEGINNER >> NOVICE >> ADEPT >> EXPERT >> MASTER and so on.
Dan understood the Basis of this panel. There is not much to learn from this one.
Dan left that panel and checked the ABILITIES next. This panel was divided into two sections. One listed as passive abilities, the other listed active abilities.
Dan was totally speechless looking at all these Abilities.
"Dan: You can use all these powers. All of them?" Dan asked excitedly.
"Legacy: Now you understand how amazing I am huh? Haha hahah. Praise me. Praise me more You Mortal." Legacy laughed like a devil. Literally.
"Dan: Woah. What is the difference between Passive Ability and Active Ability?" Dan asked.
"Legacy: Passive Abilities are Always in effect. Even now. You just haven't realized it yet. Remember How your hands Completely healed fighting Hesta. That's happened because of my EXTERNAL REGENERATION Passive Ability. Active Abilities are Different. I need to use my energy to use them. Just focus on a specific Ability and you will learn everything about it." Legacy Explained.
Dan started studying all the Abilities be it Passive and Active. Every single one of them. Unbelievable. He never thought he could use such Abilities himself. Suddenly Dan got an Idea.
"Dan: I was going to proceed with my plan at night, but now I have a even better Idea." Dan smirked Mysteriously.
"Legacy: Hold your horses. If you are thinking about using my abilities. Then rethink again. As I said, I need energy to use them. So use them wisely and only when necessary." Legacy warned.
"Dan: Oh. You said something about energy even before. What kind of energy do you use?" Dan asked in a curious tone.
"Legacy: The energy from the Nav-crystals, of course. With out it I can't use my abilities. It was scarce on my planet, but here it is even in the atmosphere as tiny particles. I can feel my energy reserves recharging. It is slow but definitely happening. If you can find me some real Nav-crystals I can recharge even faster." Legacy said pleasantly.
"Dan: So, you need these Nav-crystals to fully recharge yourself. So, How much energy you have now and where can I find those Crystals?" Dan asked.
"Legacy: I have around 45% of my energy left. Synchronisation Costs a lot of energy. As for Nav-crystals I am getting 113 Signatures of different sizes in the whole Marus Forest. 12 of them are in this settlement alone."
"Dan: What? I lived my whole life here, But never saw a Nav-crystal. Can you pinpoint their location?" Dan asked expectantly.
"Legacy: of course, I can. I have their location locked on. Awaiting your orders Host." Legacy replied.
"Dan: Then what are we waiting for. First we will find those crystals. Then, we will steal those scripts using your Abilities. After we get those scripts we will proceed with your Theory." Dan Explained and got out of Bath. The Exhausting day haven't ended yet.
Dan learned a hard reality. Those othersiders Control the Marus Forest and the inlands are nothing but livestocks in their eyes. After all, powerful people comes from powerful places. But the good thing is Dan have that one thing nobody else does. And you know what Power is not something, that is bound to just one person.
As they say.. Powerful People comes from Powerful Places.. But that is WRONG. POWERFUL PEOPLE. . . Makes Places... POWERFUL.