Inside a House in 7th settlement..
Dan woke up. It is morning already. Nina was still asleep, So he didn't disturb her and quitely left the house. He Directly walked towards the Tavern.
Basar was as always attending the customers. Dan started helping him. Basar seems to know where Dan was yesterday, so he didn't ask anything.
Around noon most people will try their luck in the Marus forest, so the Tavern is mostly empty these times. Dan quickly took a bath . Dressed up and was about to leave Basar asked,
"Basar: Where are you going at this Hour?" Basar asked stopping him.
"Dan: I left a trap Inside the cave yesterday. Just going to retrieve it. Don't worry I am not going to do something Dangerous." Dan lied and made up an excuse.
"Basar: Fine. Be careful on your way." Basar advised.
Dan left the Tavern and sprinted towards the Huge wall. Across the wall his figure Vanished Inside the woods. Dan ran and ran.. after sometimes he didn't see anyone in the vicinity. Dan stopped and climbed a near by Black tree.
"Dan: Scan the perimeter for life Signatures." Dan ordered in his mind.
"Legacy: 14 life Signatures are found in a 600m radius. No Humanoid life Signatures are Identified in the perimeter." Legacy reported back.
"Dan: I am Very excited for this. Legacy Activate Ability [SHAPE SHIFTING]"
"Legacy: Affirmative. Activating Ability [SHAPE SHIFTING]." As soon as Legacy said those words, Dan felt a crawling itchy feeling all over his body. Dan's whole Body started changing. He grew tall, Muscular and Most importantly His face Become exactly like.. that of Hesta.
After the Transformation, "Dan: You are right. I look exactly like Hesta. Even my voice is Exactly like him. This Ability is Insane." Dan couldn't hide his excitement and laughed.
"Legacy: You are one crazy bad Guy. Who uses a dead Man's Face to rob another man." Legacy spoke in a mocking tone.
"Dan: That's False Accusation. I am pure.. Pure Evil that is. Now Let's get that Fat Excuse of a human." Dan expressed with a Evil smile.
After Transformation, Dan imposing as Hesta returned to the 7th settlement. He Walked directly towards the Location pointed in Legacy's map. The location was none other than "The Red light district".
Dan Entered a specific House. Although Dan don't want to admit it, Hesta has a very Masculine Built and a Overbearing presence. A lot of women in Marus Forest will desire such a Guy. Meaning.. Dan got a lot of passes and winks from all kind of women.
Dan reached a room and knocked on the Door. A completely Naked woman came out and asked for Dan's purpose here.
"Dan: I want to meet Orban. Tell him Hesta came for a deal. I know he is inside. Relay him this message." Dan spoke in Hesta's voice and accent.
The woman didn't say anything and went inside to relay the message. Few Moments later she came back and said, "Our Host would be happy to have you. Please come Inside Mr. Hesta."
Hesta entered the Brightly lit room. The room had the Naseous smell of cheap Perfume and Alcohols. Orban was sitting on a couch with two women snuggling on him. Dan sat opposite to Orban. Another Woman Brought him a Glass of Alcohol and sat beside him.
Dan didn't like this feeling. Although he is a Lover of women.. He Don't like Places like these. Dan want to get out this place as soon as possible, so he got Directly to the point.
"Dan: Orban, You know why I am here right?" Dan spoke in Hesta's voice.
"Orban: Hesta, my Friend. I have told you already what you are asking for is Impossible. I can't give you that. You need More than just money to buy it." Orban answered While playing with the woman beside him.
"Dan: Oi. I didn't came here to listen to your Fake friendly words. I have something More than Money.. something You can't refuse." Dan spoke in a Mysterious tone.
Orban as a crafty businessman understood Hesta's point. He quickly signalled the women to leave this room. Soon, Only Hesta and Orban are, Now present in this room.
Orban gestured Dan to show him his 'Score'. Dan put his Hand inside his Leather Bag. Out of nowhere A small Glass jar appeared in Dan's Hand. Dan used the leather Bag to mask the presence of Inventory. When Dan took out his hand from Bag, Orban's jaw dropped to the ground.
"Orban: that the.. Arut Fruit?" Orban asked Hesitantly.
"Dan: That's right. It is the legendary Arut Fruit. Now should we Discuss the the deal one more time?" Dan Asked with a smile. He is completely satisfied with Orban's expression.
Extreme Greed could be seen in Orban's eyes as he stared at the Arut Fruit in Hesta's hand. He grumbled and emptied a glass of Alcohol. Then he asked,
"Orban: Name your price. Coins, land and even a House in the 1st settlement.. whatever you want." Orban proposed his deal.
"Dan: Scripts." Dan spoke disregarding Orban's proposal Completely.
Orban sighed and spoke in a defeated tone,
"Orban: Haahsh.. As I thought, You chose strength after all. My Friend this time my words are not Fake. Definitely submit to a Noble House before you upgrade your strength. Those othersiders don't like anyone out of their Control. They will either have you Alive or Leave you.. Dead."
Although Dan heard rumours about it, But the fact that Othersiders Do not let anyone out of their Control get strong, is actually true. It seems that's the reason why Orban didn't sell scripts to Hesta.
"Dan: I understand. I will do that." Dan complied and assured Orban.
"Orban: Thank You. Please don't do anything crazy that will cost us Both.. our lives. As a compliment How about I throw in a Good Martial art for you."
Dan was surprised for a moment but he quickly hid it. Both Orban and Dan left the Red light district and headed towards Orban's House. Reaching the House, Orban led Dan to a room. Orban took out a small metalic plate and placed it on the ground.
The ground started shaking and small stairs appeared on the floor. Dan descended using the stairs. It is a huge Underground room. The room was illuminated by a large Light crystal.
Orban led him to a Box and took out two yellowish Scrolls. He gave those Scrolls to Dan and led Dan to another Box. He opened the Box. Dan saw Dozens of books with Different characteristics were present in it.
"Orban: Go ahead. Take your time. There are about 50 of them. Choose one that will suit you. I can proudly say that, I have the best collection in the whole settlement." Orban Bragged showing the Martial arts.
Dan Randomly picked one and started studying it. He asked Legacy in his mind,
"Dan: This is an unexpected windfall. I could have never guessed he would have such treasures. What do you say?"
"Legacy: it's an obvious answer. These are wonderful refrence Material. We already came this far. It doesn't matter if you steal 5 or 55.. at the end of the day, Your title is still going to be a Thief." Legacy responded sarcastically.
Dan was also thinking along the lines with Legacy. So Nothing is going to change.
"Dan: I like it." Dan Said as he Put the Book down. He faced Orban and that Fat guy asked with expectations in his eyes,
"Orban: So.. about that Arut Fruit?"
"Dan: No.No. My friend. You don't Understand the situation here. I changed my mind. I am going to take all of these Martial arts and those scripts.. for free." Dan spoke as his Hands turned into curved Blades.
"Orban: You.. What are you doing? Don't tell me.. you are going to rob me?" Orban asked Stuttering a bit.
"Dan: You finally got that. What took you so long, Idiot." Dan said sarcastically and and approached Orban.
Dan Finally took his first step towards strength. The most Hilarious thing is the 1st thing Dan did with his new found power was deception and stealing.
As they say.. Lying and stealing are next door Neighbours.