Inside a underground room of Orban's House in the 7th settlement, two people stood facing each other. A tense atmosphere lingered between them. Dan, in Hesta's Identity approached Orban. Curved Blades coming out of his hands looked especially menacing.

Realization dawned upon Orban and he finally understood Hesta is Not here to Buy things.. He is here to Rob him.

"Orban: Are you out of your Damn mind? Do you think you will be safe after stealing these? Do you have any idea whose stuff these are? That person will end us in the most gruesome, miserable way possible." Orban cursed loudly.

"Dan: I don't know. Don't care either. I am pretty sure I would be safe even after all this." Dan said sarcastically.

"Orban: You have really gone Insane. Ok listen.. Let's forget about it. You give me the Fruit. I will give you whatever you want and we can pretend this conversation never happened. Deal?" Orban tried to Negotiate with Hesta.

But What he got in return was a Hard smack on his face. Dan appeared in front of Orban in the blink of an eye and slammed him on the ground.

"Dan: You talk too much. Stop Blabbering. Can't you see I am thinking what to do with you? Silence."

Dan Completely disregarded Orban's proposal and kicked the fat guy in the stomach. Orban flew and crashed into one of the walls. Despite being a 2nd Transformation warrior this guy is even weaker than previous Dan.

Orban puked a mouth full of Blood. Orban Finally lost his cool. An Enraged Orban came out of the destroyed wall and cursed loudly. He took out a small grey cylindrical thing and screamed in it.

"Orban: Help. Help. Hesta has gone rouge. He stole all of the.." Before Orban could complete his sentence Dan punched Orban in the face and his curved Blades impaled his Brain.

Although Dan cared about very few people in his life and even killed a human before.. Still this situation made him feel somehow.. stifled. Suppressing those feelings, Dan took the Grey cylinder from Orban's hand. He asked Legacy in bewilderment, "Dan: Hey, What Do you think this is?"

"Legacy: Wow. A thing that can transmit frequency. I am pretty sure this thing is some kind of messaging Device. More importantly this Device has a Nav-crystal as it's Core. So this is how they use Nav-crystals in this planet." Legacy Explained studying the Cylinder.

"Dan: A messaging Device. Oh sh*t! That pig just sent a distress signal to someone. Let's put those Boxes in Inventory and get out of here. Quick." Dan cursed.

Dan put the two Boxes in Inventory. As he was leaving Legacy reported something in a hurry.

"Legacy: Dan someone is approaching this House in an Abnormal speed. That person will be here in less than 10 seconds. Please take Emergency Measures." Legacy's voiced in Dan's mind.

Dan understood the gravity of the matter and acted quickly. He cursed and ordered in his mind,

"Dan: Damn. Legacy Activate the [CAMOUFLAGE] Ability."

As soon as he said those words, Like magic Dan saw his hand fading. His Body, smell and even his presence started disappearing, as if Dan vanished in thin air.

The moment Dan Completely vanished, A person walked inside the house. Dan recognized that man. That person was the scar faced man named "sir Alex" Dan saw in front of Peacekeepers Headquarters yesterday.

"Dan: Legacy can you sense How strong he is?" Dan asked in his mind.

"Legacy: I can't give you a clear Answer, as I don't have much Data on this planets power system. But, this guys speed alone is 15 times faster than Hesta. Another very Important thing.. This guy have 4 Crystals on him." Legacy reported.

"Dan: Are you serious? Come to think of It, I never saw him in the settlement. And the way he is dressed, He is most likely a Othersider. Let's stay and see how the situation unfolds." Dan remained motionless and observed the situation.

Sir Alex studied the house and soon found the underground room. Inside which he also found Orban's dead body. He studied the body for a bit.

Dan didn't make any kind of noise, Afraid it will Draw that man's attention.

"Legacy: Hey Dan, I think we might have Underestimated the Othersiders. You see that Bracelet around that man's wrist. I think it is Sub-dimension Device. A storage device like my Inventory but a Far inferior one." Legacy expressed.

After inspecting the body Sir Alex stroked his Bracelet and Out of nowhere a Grey cylinder appeared in his hand and He spoke in it,

"Alex: Lady Elena, The man who most likely sent the message, I found him Dead. He seems to be one of our dealers. Everything is stolen including his messenger kit." Sir Alex reported the whole situation through the Grey cylinder. Moments later an answer came from the other end.

"Elena: I don't care. Sir Alex, I didn't came here to solve petty crimes. I have an Important Mission to Accomplish. I am sending a Inspection team there, They will take care of it." Elena spoke with Annoyance.

"Alex: Lady Elena. I don't think this is a simple Robbery. The culprit escaped from my hands. Although I sensed a presence before I got here, at the last moment that presence disappeared Completely. This could mean only one thing. A Unknown enemy is in this place." Sir Alex reported truthfully.

"Elena: Oh! That's Unusual. A person that could fool the senses of an "Evoker". It seems an Interesting person has appeared. What kind of Ability do you think he could have awakened?" Elena asked in an intrigued tone.

"Alex: I didn't sense any spatial disruption when I got here, so It couldn't be a space related Ability. I believe It is a Ability that Completely masks it's users presence. I am afraid it is an Unregistered Ability, My lady. A very powerful one Infact." Sir Alex Analyzed.

"Elena: Is that so. A Ability that have not appeared before and an enemy that couldn't be seen or sensed. I think.. I have found something interesting to play with." Elena smirked a little.

"Alex: My lady, this is no laughing matter. It could be a Assassin sent by another Noble House. We should be prepared for any kind of Situation." Sir Alex presented his concern.

"Elena: Sir Alex, killing me isn't that easy. For Now, freeze the body and return. We have a lead and most likely the culprit. I will send Clome for further report." Elena ended the call after giving her orders.

After the call ended, Sir Alex kept the Device back in his Bracelet. Sir Alex stood infront of Orban's body. The whole building started vibrating and an unnatural Powerful Aura seeped out from sir Alex.

Dan watched in amazement as sir Alex froze Orban's whole corpse with a wave of his hand. After freezing the body Sir Alex left as he appeared. Dan didn't linger there anymore and soon left the scene.

Few minutes later..

Inside underground cave in the Marus Forest, Dan with Hesta's face reappeared. This little heist of his turned out to be more fruitful than he thought.

"Legacy: This Heist answered a lot of my questions. I am surprised how peculiar these events are." Legacy reported in Dan's mind.

"Dan: I am more surprised by that person. That man named Sir Alex is a full fledged "Evoker". What is a Evoker doing in the settlement? I have a bad premonition about all this." Dan stated his confusion.

"Legacy: That's not the only thing. Those othersiders are using Nav-crystals to make these trinkets that have various purposes. Be it that messenger Device or that Storage Bracelet, each of them have a Nava-Crystal as their core. I think now we have a clear Idea why they need Nava-Crystals." Legacy Explained.

"Dan: It seems this situation is more complicated than it looks. Good thing I decided to use Hesta's Identity. For the time being nobody could connect the dots to me. we should Focus on getting Stronger." Dan expressed his thoughts.

Now comes the most important thing. it is time to share the loot..

Today Dan took his 1st step towards his Dream. He is going to get strong and leave this place. After all..

As they say.. The first step towards getting SOMEWHERE, is to decide that you are not going to stay WHERE YOU ARE NOW.

This first step.. To Some it is HEROIC.. to More it is DEMONIC.. For all it is DESTINY.