The pack sat down in the dinning room as Xeris served them some food."I never want to go hunting ever again!"Xeris said stuffing her face with meat.

"Thanks for saving us by the way."Nana said playing with her food.

"Yeah thanks.I couldn't have imagined that we could have been kidnapped by omegas.That just shows we are weak."Tilda said.

"Shes right."Damian said lowering his head in shame.Xeris went to where he was and placed her hand on his shoulder and he looked at her in the eye.

"Don't put yourself down.You guys were ambushed and when someone is ambushed it means that they are strong and that;s why they resulted to that method.And you guys are strong especially you Damian if i were to choose a pack that deserves to be praised i would have chosen you guys and you still have to help me defeat the grey wolf and also control my abilities cause i can read almost every ones mind when my adrenaline is high and i cant stand hearing other peoples thoughts and..."

"We get it Xeris but how are we going to get you through the village without them seeing you normally we couldn't care but you have this blessing..."

"Actually Tilda its a curse cause i can see my death coming to me from the reality when i was used to seeing it in my nightmares."Xeris said holding her head.

"I have an idea but you wont like it."Axel said with a grin on his face.

"I don't know the plan and i already dislike it."Xeris said shaking her head.

"And?Hello?Xeris are you alright?What are you staring at?"Daniel asked.Daniel looked towards the direction she was staring at and saw the wolf staring at Xeris."Wholly sheet!The wolf is back!"Daniel said almost falling off his chair.

"I thought we had seen the last of these thing.What do we do Alpha?"Axel asked.

"We should attack that way we can end it once and for all."Tilda said.

"I agree lets end this once and for all"Geoffrey said transforming into his werewolf form.Damian looked at Xeris who was hiding behind him.

"Don't attack the time isn't right if you do you will all die and i will be left hopeless and he will end me and mother will be all alone."Xeris said to Damian in a low voice.

"Don't attack.He hasn't attacked us yet when he does then we can attack,until then hold your ground."Damian said.Everyone looked at Damian for a while before turning back to look at the wolf.When they turned they saw it was gone.

"Where did it go?"Daniel asked looking around

"Even bigger question where is Xeris?"Axel asked noticing Xeris was not around.They looked around and after a while they heard her screams coming from her room.They all went to her room and found her cornered by the wolf.

"How did they get here so fast?"

"Doesn't matter we can now attack him."Damian said.

"NO!!"Xeris shouted when the wolf scratched her on the hand before disappearing.

"Are you alright?"Axel asked.Xeris looked at him with yes that could kill.

"We cant stay here any longer.We have to take you back to the village and train you there.The chances of it attacking you are really low when we are there.Xeris we have to go."Damian said looking at Xeris.

"But wont we be executed for taking an outcast back to the village?"Tilda said cleaning her wound.

"Don't worry about that i already talked to the prince and he said by the time we go back he would have sorted everything out."Damian said.

"If it will reduce the times of me being attacked i have no problem but how will i be able to go in your village?"

"I have a plan and you wont like it."Axel said with a smile.

"I havent heard the plan and i already dislike it."Xeris said shaking her head.

Xeris and the pack arrived at the village and they stopped at a stall that seemed to be busy.A woman came from the stall and she looked stressed and she even shouted at the customers repeatedly.

"You havent had this many customers for a long time yet you are calling them names.Dont you think its unprofessional Alicia?"Damian said loooking at the woman.

"Damian!You are back.I missed you so much and i see the pack is still whole.Hey Geoffrey ive been here for more than fifteen seconds and you havent made a compliment or done anything cheeky whats wrong?Finally found a maiden that slapped some sense into you or are you sick?"

"Cant a man stay quite for a while without being questioned?"

"They can but not you Geoffrey."Nana said with a giggle.

"I think the P told you that we need a place to be staying before his arrival back here."Axel said.

"Thats right follow me to your new house that took me hours to clean and it will take you boys two seconds to destroy it."Alicia said with clenched teeth.

"The guys have changed believe us Ali."Nana said patting her back(Alicia's back)

"Yeah we of all the people are shocked in fact you will join the shock train soon."Tilda said.

"If you say so.So i hear you found a really unique treasure in the woods can i see it?"

"No you cant cause its only ours."Daniel said standing in front of the basket that he had set down.

"Oh come on i know its a human i really wanna see it."

"Human?What makes you think its a human.Its definetly not a human.So stop looking at the basket."Axel said sitting on the basket with Daniel and Geoffrey.

"The prince told her everything so its alright.Shes fine with the secret."Damian said.

"You three might want to hide before she gets hold of you for sitting on her."Nana said folding her hands.

"SHE?"Alicia asked a little confused.

"Wait for it...."Damian said before Xeris tore the basket and fell to the ground.

"....there we go."Damian finished his sentence.

"Try not to kill them they are helping you with your nightmares deep breathes calm thoughts,happy thoughts.'Xeris said while still on the ground.Damian went to where she was and helped her stand up.Xeris cleaned herself up before seeing Alicia.