"Who is she?"both Xeris and Alicia asked at the same time.

"Alicia this is Xeris Xeris this is Alicia my childhood friend."Damian said.

Xeris walked a little closer to her and noticed a unique feature she only heard from stories.

"Emerald green eyes?You have the power to heal anyone you wish right?"Xeris asked which startled her and Damian a little.

"Yeah how did you know?"Alicia asked looking at Xeris coldly.

"I'm sorry if i startled you.Your eyes just say that about you at least from what i know."

"What do you know to be exact?"Damian asked a little curios.

"Emerald green eyes means healing ability,ocean green eyes means power to communicate to the remembered spirits,black eyes means you have the power to talk to lost and dark souls hazel brown means you are normal....actually any type of brown means normal...and i could go on but there are too many colors to say."Xeris said realizing the shocked looks on every ones faces.

"How on earth do you know that?"Damian asked still staring at Xeris.

"Hold up.Raven black hair,Ocean blue eyes,scarlet red lips,has the knowledge of the masters..."

"What are you suggesting Alicia?"

"Nothing Tilda just listing to see if anything pops up in my mind"Alicia said sitting down.

"Hold on a minute do you any one by the name De Silva Black?"Alicia asked out of the blue.

"Yeah i do. In fact he was my father.He was the best before the accident."Xeris said in a sad tone.

"You need to let it go.They have been gone for more than a year so move on!"Axel said.

"Axel watch your tongue!You dont know that!"Damian said almost punching him in the face.Xeris when she heard this she started crying and run out of the house into the woods.Every time she run memories of her father and family flooded in her mind making her to tear up more.

"Great you made her cry."Geoffrey said.

"Why do you care all of a sudden i say good ridden to her."Axel said.

"'You are so cold Axel i cant believe i used to have feeling for you."Nana said before leaving and running towards Xeris's direction.Tilda only gave a sad look at Axel before following Nana.

"You guys go ill stay in case she comes back."Alicia said looking at the rest of the pack that gave Axel a cold stare.

"Thanks Ali come on lets go look for her.She is new around this parts so when you spot her keep her away from civilization Tilda and Nana know this so there is no need to inform them.Axel what you did was not cool she might be a hand full but we made a deal with her and from what we've seen shes been loyal to her words so we should also be loyal to our word."Damian said before leaving.

"If any thing happens to her you will be sorry."Daniel said before leaving.Geoffrey just looked at him disappointedly and left the place.Axel just looked at Alicia who was just glaring at him.

"You to?You don't know her and you are behaving like them."

"The way you said it was not cool of you.You don't know what she has gone through because of the loss and you make such an insensitive comment.Don't forget that there is a killer lose plus i heard that shes being hunted down by a wolf."Alicia said pouring a cup of tea for herself.When he heard this he realized his mistake and regretted saying it.He looked outside and just kept quite for a while without saying a word.After a while he turned into his wolf form and run to the woods.

The pack searched around and they could not find her.They all regrouped at the house when the sun went down and they all were uneasy.

"Where is Axel?He is the cause of all this problems."Damian asked firious.

"Hey im right here.I know what i did was not right and i was insensitive about the matter and i deserve to be blamed for everything that is happening and also the punishment."

"All of make mistakes and we cant punish you for that we need to find Xeris before something bad happens or she does something insane."Damian said trying to calm himself down.