Chereads / The Forgotten lands of Eladore / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

As the new day dawns for Theo and Lea as the days plans ahead will lead them to the market center where the newly graduated Knights will have there knighthood precented

{Theo~Lea come we should head to the market center I'd want to see this and perhaps get the princesses attention as well}

Making there way down and out of the tavern they walk through the busy streets as shop owners are selling and citizens are buying as the center of the market has a platform raised where the knights will stand

{Theo~This seems like a good spot to stand and watch Lea stay close to me if somthing should go wrong we should be prepared to move}

{Lea~As you wish my lord}

Nodding her head in acknowledgement towards Theo.

As the time passes by as more people gathered and the crowed grew larger when the knights finnaly arrived coming forward as the all were mounted getting off once they were close walking to the platform as Theo observed there levels and what magic they had

{Theo~kinda disappointing to say the least I would have though they were stronger but I guess this is the new Knights so they still need to have actual fights to get stronger}

{Lea~I agree but that one over there and the one next to him are quit strong}

Taking a look to where Lea was pointing as Theo saw two Knights in different armors one with a more layed back style wearing light armor and another in armor that was way to shine to be battle armor

As he observed noticing the one that's flashy has a faint halo above him and the one next to him seems to be using magic to scan the area of any danger

When Theo focused on the man he opened he's eyes looking towards Theo but stayed in place and only observing

(Theo~Seems not all of them are brutes that just wants to charge somoen some are smart enough to know the difference)

As he thought this the sound of trumpets could be heard as the carriage came forth with the King and Queen as well as Talia.

{Theo~Seems like she has had a hard time coming back considering those guys}

As he points out for Lea the Knights that seems like a walking giant standing close to Talia and the King and Queen as well as the head Mage that Theo saw coming to the kingdome

(Theo~He seems to see me but is not acting out kinda strange considering if he nows what power I have he would be more protective over the royal family)

As they looked at one another the family went up on the platform as the knights kneeled down in order one by one the King called there name and Knighted them when the last Knight was done the king walked forward

{King~Today we welcome the new Knights of this kingdome and it's new strength may they protect this kingdome from those who would harm it and show the light to the new generation}

As the king finished on those last words when I voice called out as the sky darkens with a loud thunder clap

{Unknown ~You seem to always think those walls will protect you and keep you save I will destroy this kingdome and wipe out that light of yours from the history books no one will know you even existed}

{Mage~You may be powerful but these wall have been standing when I came here and they will keep standing even after I'm gone}

{Layed back knight~All troops deploy immediately close off the gates and get ready for a siege war}

As the order was given all Knights and troops got ready to move out as Theo stood still not moving as he looked at the Mage and the Mage was looking at him

{Theo~It would seem your in need of some help gramps let's have a chat shall we}

As Talia heard he's voice turning back looking at Theo in surprise as she dashed towards him jumping off the platform diving into he's arms as he fell back

{Theo~Talia you do know we're in a war right now you can't just simply jump on somoen and I don't think your dad the king likes what your doing}

Holding he's hands up as not to touch the princess when the king comes forward looking at Theo

{King~Who might you be and be carful with your words}

As Theo stands back up he gets back up and stands formally greeting a King to another King

{Theo~My name is Theo and I'm a lord in the God's compitition of ruler and it would seem we bothe can help one another}

{Mage~I see now so I take it this is the lord that saved you and sent those unites with you to bring you back}

{Talia~That is correct unkel he's the one that saved us all}

As she gestured to the maids that was with Talia as the bowed respectfully

{Theo~That is correct and it seems our goals are the same I want to smack down a giant dragon and you want to protect your kingdome}

As they spoke Lea turned into her dragon form to counter the Great Red that was making it's move towards the Kingdom

{Theo~Lea signal to Lilly to gather the troops and make her way here for now I'll be able to place down a barrier to keep he's troops out but once he's here it won't hold long}

As he turned leaving the guards and Royal family shocked at what he's doing

{Guard~wait you can't do this that is a the great red dragon he will wipe us out}

Pointing towards Lea as Theo smiles a smirk

{Theo~See that one over there, there is another dragon girl on her way with my army and those two are on the same level as the big red so if you don't want to get killed by the power they will be dishing out I suggest you stay inside the barrier}

As Theo jumps up using the wind skill to fly hovering in the air as he casts Lillys spell around the kingdome as the wind start to form around the kingdom like a bubble as the barrier was placed down watching as the army's started there assault on the walls firing spells and trebuchays launching stones hurdling towards the barrier seeming like fire works exploding in the sky as it slammed against the barrier

{Theo~Now everyone let's move out Lea let's get going and take out those spell caster they're our first priority oh and gramps I need your help as well to give us fire support it's only us for the time now but the help will be much appreciated keeping those flying wyvern off our back}

{Mage~fine and stop calling me gramps you little brat}

Taking off with Lea as they fly out of the barrier watching as the Lands below seems like hell itself came forward as all in sight is on fire or burned down farmers homes and fields are gone as the enemy army marches forward

{Theo~Alright Lea it's all on you now I'll use the wind magic to keep anything from hitting us}