As Theo was exhausted from the fight and forcefully using he's Dragon form laying in the Kingdome private chambers to rest and recover he's body, he's body is adjusting to the new scales and a crown like shap on he's head almost as it looks to be growing but vaulted for the time, dragon like scales running down he's side and he's arms dotted allover he's body
{Lea~I can't believe he survived that and these scales are fulled with magic and so much strength it's simply amazing}
As she runs her nails across the sales hearing the sound of some kind of humming sound a melody of sort as a light partical comes off from it flowing around then disappearing
{Lilly~I never though it could be true but here he is a human able to brake he's evolution path and forge he's own quit literally braking the balance all over}
As the two girls laugh at Lillys words when a soft knock was heard from the dore as they answered watching who it could be as it's the Princess bringing them some Tea as she sits on the edge of the bed looking at Theo
{Talia~Must be nice to have somoen as powerful as him protecting you and looking after all of you}
Looking at him as her thought gets interapted when Theo lifted he's hand pointing to Talia motioning for her to come closer
As she proceeds to lean in closet thinking he wants to say somthing as he wraps he's arm around her pulling her closer holding onto her as the scales on he's body begin to shine brighter taking Lilly and Leas arm pulling then closer to him as there minds get shifted into a space of Light but this light is warm and cozy to the feeling leaving them questioning
{Theo~Do you lady's like it here it's my own sub space in a sense a mini world if you will}
Shifting back as Theo takes them out of the view of the light into another space as the gaze apone a galaxy fulled with planets brimming with light
(Previously on the day Theo fell unconscious in the battle field)
As he is woken up by the system as the system now speaks in a more younger person voice greeting him
{System~Welcome master and I'm so glad I finnally get to talk to you normally from now on but for starters this is your galaxy because of your powers and ability's your able to create your own worlds you were suppose to start out with one planets but that's 10x system triggered and we'll now we have this mess to deal with}
As the system turns showing Theo the galazy full of stars and planets fulled with light
{Theo~Wow this is amazing but why are all the planets so bright and wasn't it suppose to have it's own life forms on it}
As Theo asked this the System formed a body of a person but can't quit see the details as the system explains
{System~Not quit you have to full it in with your own being you have changed into your believers this is a crucial point for the God system you have the more believers the more powerful you are and the stronger the believers are the greater the benefits for exsample you have a few already in this city your currently in my lord}
(Back to the precent after Theo introduced everyone to the system they made it back as they were still laying onto of Theo)
Smiling as he opens he's eyes feeling three pairs of heavenly pillows pressed against him as he looks at them kissing Lea and Lilly on there lips
{Theo~You lady's did so well and I'm so proud of you, you bothe have gotten so much stronger and I am just amazed by you bothe}
As there tails wag slowly enjoy the complements and head pats as Talia gets a little jealous when Theo pulls her closer kissing her forehead
{Theo~Your a princess of this Kingdome so behave but just for now you can be a girl for once}
As she hears he's words jumping back into he's arms snaggeling closer ontop of him as Lea and Lilly giggle lightly
After some time, Theo catches up with them on what happened after the battle
As the girls explain how Theo has gotten the Great Red Dragon Orial to acknowledge him as he's master he changed he's form and ascended to God hood and once that happened he commanded all he's army's to stop the advances and so did Lilly and Lea the army's stopped and waited for there orders Lea ordered the Adny troops back into the city to help where they can and have repairs underway Orial ordered he's troops to head back to there home base and be on stand by for the time Arobars offered to help the farmers regrow some of the fields so the people won't starve this coming winter and Jane kept on helping at the medical and churches as much as she could but was later approached by some of her kin and asked to follow them Lilly gave the go ahead and that was most of what happened
{Theo~Hmmm I see but you girls did good without me but as for what's next I gotta go see the King and Queen and ask about somthing first}
As he got out of the bed standing up as a dragon tail slammed against the ground making a cracking sound and a pair of wings stretching out as if on its own, Theo looks at he's body that has grown taller and more masculine to compinsate the new form and running he's claw like hands over the patches of scales as it reacts with a faint glow to it
{Theo~Seems I've changed quit a bit myself during my sleep but we have things to attend to}
Making he's way out of the room and down the hall as Lilly and Lea with Talia follows behind closely when Talia runs up forward offering to lead the way as Theo nods and they move forward
As Theo kept walking passing by the maids and Knights as he's fait number keeps popping up counting up coming to the main hall where countless commotions could be heard as he pushes the doors open almost slamming the guards out of the way with the force
{Theo~Alright you all are making a noice and need to sit down and talk calmly about this}
As some of the nobles wanted to object as Theo was not part of there Kingdome a loud boom could be heard behind him as Lillys rage was about to burst out from her force
Watching they will have to follow he's order they sit down and continue there discussion
{Noble~We can't leave the people with no answer and you know because of this attach the others will think we will be an easy target because of the recourses we own in these lands}
{Noble~He is correct and because of recent events the people wish to leave and move else where}
As the all take a glance towards Theo as he knows what's happened as the number of believers kept rising steadily slowly building
{Theo~So your people wish to move into my domain and reside under my protection is that right}
As the Nobles look at one another shaking there heads in conformation
{Theo~Well let's leave it up to the people to do so if they wish to leave and they will be of benefit to my growth I'll accept them this will mean that they will be in constant conflict with other factions of the same race because of this if they still wish to come along then I have no objection to this but what say you King}
Turning he's attention to the King who has been in silence this hole time sins he walked in
{King~I only wish what's best for my people and this kingdome my family has rules for ages but my peoples faith has changed after your selfless deeds and courage protecting them so for that my dear friend I ask of you will you take us under your banner as a fassel kingdome under your rule}
As the Nobles stand in shocked to what the King spoke and offered the system came back up
{System~There not a very strong race but there evolution path is quit uniek because what they believe in will shape that path and we do have a galaxy to full up}
{Theo~I will my friend I shall take your kingdome under my command but you have to be a believer in me because that's the only way to enter my domain and be protected gathered your people in one weeks time we will stay here let the people gathered what they need and for those who wish to come to my domain will have to gather at the norther gate I will open a gate there for them to go through but we warned for those who don't belive in me shall not be able to enter}
Turning back as Theo heads back to he's room as the King orders for he's men to send out the message and let the Kingdome know of this as Theo walks when he noticed a light coming towards him outside the windows onto the garden but not just a simple light hundreds of lights coming down